Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: phantom king on March 14, 2008, 09:38:36 am
Hi guys ;D, I have a question, since i want to create a human model, and animate it later, i was trying out the skinning bone thingy, and i realize that when i use the skinning on a cylinder tube (just trying it out), the outer end sort of curve in and flatten when i bend it, so i was wondering , how would i make the elbow so when it bend, it wont curve in or flatten but rather i get like a sharper corner, like a real elbow ???.
Thanks in Advance :D
It's always easier if you use a subdivision object for skinning, the mesh will look much better when it's bent...
Did you use Bone Influences or Weights? When you use the weight brush, you have very good control of each point of your mesh so it's much easier to get the desired result...
It would be helpful if you posted some images of your model so we could see what's the problem ::)
Maybe you could also try searching for a tutorial, I guess there will be a plenty of tutorials about human modeling/animating... Good luck!
The best advice I got, and it works well, is to re-enforce the bend by cutting in two lines, one just above and one just below the bend - you also have to very carefully balance the weight influences where the two bones meet. Took me ages, but it does work like a charm :)
Alright, ill try out the totutial sections see if i can find any, and i use Bone Influence, i should try weight tho
Here's a great explanation made by Jeb about anim8or weights on joints. I also agree that you should use a subdivision object if you want a smoother transition.
Oh cool! Thanks Hihosilver :D Btw, here is the picture
i kidda mess with it, but now i have nother problem :( (circle red part)
Hmmm... I would suggest using morphs to bulk up the muscle there. It might be a bit complex when it comes time to animate, to synchronise the bending bones and the morphing mesh, but if done carefully the results could be superb. Good luck with that, mate!
O.o, alrighty then, ill give it a try, thanks for the tip ;D