Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: NeonFalcon on August 13, 2010, 04:15:53 am

Title: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 13, 2010, 04:15:53 am
Hi guys ive been working on another project named "agent_c14" now ill say i reallllyy need help on this one.the guns textures wont apply well they do just cant see in a hurry so no images but download link.:) ( the .an8
hhhhhmmmmmm i don no why media fire wont upload the texture or let me copy the link? i think it included in the .an8.

im using another way of rigging on this one.the multiple object one. but i need help on the body and pistol.they don fit in with the head.and for non-commercial use only.
Title: Re: another project
Post by: CoriDavis on August 13, 2010, 10:07:25 am
if you wanted that link to be an image, you had to put (http://link) for it to show the pictures.  that's how I get my pictures from Tinypic up
Title: Re: another project
Post by: hihosilver on August 13, 2010, 01:01:32 pm
If you want a model with its texture files, I would recommend packing them all into a .zip file and uploading that.  That way when we extract it all the files are already together!
Title: Re: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 14, 2010, 01:21:02 am
Thanks for the tips like i said "i was in a hurry".
any way i downloaded some new gun models that c14 can use.but can someone fit an acog eotech scope in the pistol? i already fit in a silencer so hes more like splinter cell lol :D alright ill give the file right now.rifle not yet ready.still texturing it ;). All textures are made by me on photofiltre.
Download: (
Title: Re: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 15, 2010, 12:42:43 am
Yay Guys he is finished!!!!!!!!!! AND RIGGED NOT CORRECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!thanks to kreator i found my problem in the rigging.I WOULDNT CREATE THE SCISSORS!!!!!!man thank you sooooo mmmuuuuccchhhhh!!!!!! :D.So did any body do the acog eotech scope or not? the error in rigging is that when i move the torso his head,arms and label thing move with the bone but not his body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!
and just so you would know.......textures wont apply on extruded faces!!!!!!
Title: Re: another project
Post by: Arik_the_Red on August 17, 2010, 12:56:30 am
awww c'mon! Share some renders or screenshots or sumthin'.....please?
Title: Re: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 17, 2010, 02:35:48 am
HI arik, AND EVERYBODY BIG NEWS!!!!HES DONE!!!!!!!!!!This time i rigged him by using him as a single object and worked.but having problems with his upper left or right view they wont rotate using x cordinates??????and if in a user made view theyll rotate in y cords instead of x but i use left click??
help on that and download and renders will come in a moment.wate brush isnt done that correctly so when you move his arm or somthing,itll get all dashed up!so some can fix and blah in next post which will be today.made a sequnce of a walk cycle but i reallllyyyy reaked on it.its nuts the way he moves.
Title: Re: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 18, 2010, 02:21:29 am
alright renders:



Download link: (
Hope you like it!!!!
Title: Re: another project
Post by: kreator on August 18, 2010, 02:55:41 am
Why have you stuck spheres at all his joints? The spheres are giving the problem as they are not weight painted correctly in that they are confused as to which bone is assigned, it most probably would have been better to use seperate objects in this instance.

I would get rid of them and connect the elbow joints and the knee joints .
Title: Re: another project
Post by: cooldude234 on August 18, 2010, 04:46:27 am
I love those guns...
they'd be awesome in a first person shooter!
Title: Re: another project
Post by: NeonFalcon on November 08, 2010, 11:12:05 pm
hi guys............................................bad news...............................i might be quiting 3d modeling:'(.
i guess another dream down the shredder................THANK YOU ALL FOR LOVE AND SUPPORT.ah i cant believe that was a tear down my eyes!.who knows.....i might show up again.if you think or want to ask why im quiting,so heres the only 13 people! so i don under stand most of morphs and scripts and i might come back after high school or somthin..........So by :'l
Title: Re: another project
Post by: dwsel on November 09, 2010, 06:02:46 am
hi guys............................................bad news...............................i might be quiting 3d modeling:'(.
i guess another dream down the shredder................THANK YOU ALL FOR LOVE AND SUPPORT.ah i cant believe that was a tear down my eyes!.who knows.....i might show up again.if you think or want to ask why im quiting,so heres the only 13 people! so i don under stand most of morphs and scripts and i might come back after high school or somthin..........So by :'l

Sorry to hear that... I guess you're unnecessarily forcing yourself to do stuff that's a bit more advanced. Age does not really matter here, just take your time, do simplier things, read and experiment a lot, learn slowly. Mastering software, animating, modeling may take months/years depending how much time you spend on learning and experimenting. Don't give up ;)