Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Janro on August 03, 2010, 01:10:00 pm
Hello guys, I've been meaning to show you guys what I have been able to make so far in anim8or. I love the darn program so much I find whatever reason to plug it into my school projects :D
Here are some of my latest projects.
First one is the Sea Duck from the Disney Afternoon Cartoon "Talespin". This model is currently being remodelled and textured so that I may accommodate a seamless interior. The second and third is one of my characters which I modelled, rigged in Anim8or but textured in Sculptris. Too bad I can't get the normal maps to be as pretty in anim8or as it was in Sculptris. I might repaint the diffuse map to include the folds. The last image is the base image I'm using as a submission for my school's art publication. That is actually why I made a 3D model of my character.
Feedback and comments are appreciated. ;D
Will post more soon.
wow!! Janro!! :o
congratulations!! amazing work!
i agree with you, Anim8or is a excellent software 3D,
what need are the users get the best out of him!
like you do!
And I really like the way you modeled that catlike character!
Can't wait to see more!
wow dude just wow...
great stuff.
the only thing that bothered me was in your tailspin plane (great cartoon btw) is how sharp the tip of it is. it might be true to your references and im pretty sure its a boat plane thing, but it just doesnt look right 2 me.
great stuff man. keep posting more renders.
oh another thing i think you should change on your cat. instead of having drawn lines for the hair, actually model that. i think it will look alot better
Amazing work buddy. Are you planning to animate your characters?
In the last render, I can see some grass. How did you do that?
Thanks for the comments guys :)
@rellik: Yes, now that you mention it, it does seem a bit off. As for the cat though, I've been getting that comment a lot. Originally though he's not supposed to have hair and that should just be the markings on his head. Perhaps I should make it blend a little more some how rather than have solid lines?
@Indian8or: They're actually just layers of polygons with a diffuse and alpha texture of grass. I just copied it and changed the angles a bit to show some depth and make it look like there's a lot more grass than just one picture. And yes I am planning to animate them. (Almost spelled that with an 8 in it XD )
Edit: I just remembered I made a walk cycle of the model I used for the Simple Machines challenge. This walk cycle was done for a presentation in my class called "Introduction to Animation". My group was to report on the silent era and animation toys. So I went ahead and built a Praxinoscope in Anim8or and used the walk cycle for the animation reflected in the mirrors. quite fun and I like how it turned out too. Although when I uploaded it to photobucket the video gets choppy for some reason. One of these days I'm getting a youtube/Vimeo account. ._.
Anyway here it is:
( (¤t=WalkCycleKline2.mp4)
Hello again. I've started out some new projects. Actually it stemmed off from a project in school. I'll upload the sketch of the character once my scanner feels like scanning it. :-\
Anywho the character is a child from some tribal community in a medieval-ish sort of world. I'm redoing the model I made from my project to try and add more detail.
The first two images are renders from the original model. I wasn't quite happy with the topology in that one and the hair could definitely use some working (He's balding in some spots lol). This was his original design.
Eventually I changed his design to look a little more tribal like. So I got rid of the T-shirt, hence why I know need to put detail to his upper torso.The last image are screens from the project file. The render looks exactly the same so I didn't bother rendering it XD
Is he subdivided? ( Sounds strange :D )
Yes he is. (Now that you mention it, to a degree it does sound strange.)
Pretty model!!
you model in 3D very well!
A subdiveded naked boy!
I love your work, they allways come out soo well.
ok.... lol, anyway, that's cool! how did you do the hair? that is awesome
LOL I'm currently working on his new hair and outfit so he will be clothed soon.
Thanks. The hair was a bunch of polygons with a alpha map on it. Then copy pasted multiple times. This method is limited since some parts wound up looking like hair was missing. This works better if you just have a segment to put hair on. I actually borrowed the polygons from a previous model to save time. I guess I might as well show it although I'm not fixing it up anymore.
Here's a link to my first attempt at using that kind of hair. Although there's not much hair to see in the first place:
Update: I just reworked the hair and texture. I like the way it came out this time although it could still use some work. It's basically a copy of the mesh of the top of the head with an alpha map painted using Sculptris.
Update: I finished the scene I was making for that character. Attached below is him playing a local game.
Ok I think I'm gotta stop triple posting unless I finish an animation or something. Feels weird.
I'll help you out on that. See now you dont have to quad post,
Any really good work, at least you get things finished. LOL
I see he finaly has cloths now.
Subdivided NON-naked boy
WOAH, Janro! Awesome everything!!!!
Nice menki.
What's a menki?
Perhaps "minkey?":
What's a menki?
It looks like an enkidukai from the game Planeshift.
I love human-cat (at least, I'm pretty sure that's a cat) hybrids.
Ah ok. Thanks. Yeah. He's supposed to be a cat.
I thought so...
Ok so now I'm trying to make this tuft of hair for my character. Without a hair generator it's a bit tough pulling this off. I've thought of trying to put rows and rows of polygons to make the hair stick out but that would be a bit time consuming. And if enough polygons line up it's going to get weird shadows. At the moment I used a set of shapes to block out the hair then I wrapped a UV around with a flat alpha map. Come to think of it, I've yet to try and paint on some custom alpha maps with sculptris though.
Any ideas?
Here are some drawings I've done of the character just to show what kind of tuft of hair I'm trying to achieve. Is it possible in Anim8or?
( (¤t=scan0021.jpg)
( (¤t=scan0036.jpg)
(Guy on the left most.)
Awww it's so CUTE! but yeah, it looks great, maybe have it stick up a bit more on the tip, like maybe not even touching the head
This is a thread that neirao linked to on - a discussion of fur and hair techniques or somesuch. The technique that neirao suggested would probably not work in this context, but soem of the other stuff in that thread...
[edit]Oops... forgot link
I'll try and find it again
hello again. I thought I'd share my latest project. I seem to have a lot of these piled up on each other. Does anyone else hate it when there are so many ideas you want to do, but have so little time?
So this project, I tweaked my previous model to be a cat character. I haven't had the chance to change the clothing yet so he's decked out in the exact same clothes. This particular project is an animation which I will set to music. Kind of like a montage/ music video sort of thing. linked here is a test render of a 2 second sequence.
It's a bugger to animate without IK, I must say. Just getting the feet to align on the floor with this one is quite annoying. I'll be updating soon and would appreciate feedback regarding animation especially. Although I've been asking feedback from my animation teacher(only for the jump though, the following part not yet) more feedback would be nice.
p.s. since this is just a test anyway, the video is going to be unlisted. Also, anyway to turn on shadows in Scanline or is that a glitch in .97D? Rendering in Art well takes some time even with AA off. XD
Pardon my double posting. I just wanted to separate this from the previous post.
Here's what I've animated so far with this current project of mine. Deadline of around this Sunday. Not so sure if I can make it but I'll give it a shot.
A bit of info in the description.
Song had to be trimmed so that it's an easier project for me to handle due to the time constraint.
Awesome work dude! that flying bit right at the start is really well done! keeps speed the whole time but the camera angles are always focused on the plane, Nice work, mustve taken a lot of keyframes :)
Thanks. Although that flying bit is just a placeholder. I might just use it in the final. Perhaps just swap the model into something more fitting for the speed at which it goes. I shall also take a look into the camera work.
Plane didn't need much keyframes, just a bit physics formulas worked in. XD Ok seriously it's just start and end and perhaps one or two in the middle.
The characters have a load of keyframes. A lot of the headache also comes when animating the feet that are supposed to be attached to the ground.
The animation of the character was excellent!
Just a bit of advice from a amateur pilot though; few aircraft could perform those aerobatics, especially as quickly as you had it portrayed. That plane in the real world is a sluggish transport, and would not be designed for any kinds of advanced manuevering. Also when planes do a simple roll, it takes a masterfull pilot in an overpowered aircraft in order to keep the plane going straight and level. When planes are upside-down, especially big transports like that, their noses tends to fall towards the ground due to the wing's aerodynamic lift pushing downwards. If you get the chance, try watching some videos of similar planes in Microsoft Flight Simulator. It'll show you about what those planes are capable of. I would slow down the animation to a more realistic level. Look for statistics about the turn rates and radii of different aircraft. I know an F-15, a powerful fighter plane, cannot get into a tailspin(where the plane rotates around it's nose and falls like a brick) without the pilot getting very nervous as to whether he can get out of it. A cargo plane has even more to worry about since it will not have the thrust to push out of a tailspin.
Here is a link to a site that shows the basics of flight. It might help you alot with the manuevers and timing.
I know it is alot to learn, but all of it will make your flying animation much better.
what is the name of the song?
Thank you ADSohr for the feedback. Although that transport animation is an old animation, roughly a year old by now I think. I play a bit of flight sims myself but I have to admit I forgot to replicate some of those behaviors there while animating that "Sea Duck" long ago. I've been on the lookout for aircraft pages such as what you've linked me to so you have my gratitude. And I wouldn't mind reading all that I love aircraft that much. (I first wanted to be a pilot but somewhere along the way well a few things happen so now I'll just animate those adventures I've dreamed of.) :D
Maxmilianibus, the song is "Life of a Salesman" by Yellowcard
So here's what I've got so far. Still a few things to do but I finished it in time for its intended purpose. Wasn't able to revise the aircraft animation. I just replaced the model.
That's a coincidence, I've always wanted to be a helicopter pilot. My dad taught me to think about "how" things work, so I've got a fairly good understanding of "how" aerodynamics works, and why.
One more bit of flying info;
There are a bunch of those videos! It may not teach us the exact statistics of each aircraft, but it does show how to make effective flying scenes. They are too cool.
Superb charachter animation though! It's not every day there's any contact between charachters. Doing a hug in FK and without collisions is quite a task! I also just noticed that you used spotlamps to make what appeared to be shadows and breaks in the clouds. Nice subtle touch there.
I love "Dogfights". One of my favorite documentaries. :D I catch them on history channel every week. Good reference material to work with. I like trying to figure out how and why they chose certain camera angles and why they work so well. I'll get to work fixing up the flying sequences as soon as I get home.
Regarding the clouds: Er... thanks. But my original intention with that is actually just a quick solution to light up the plane against the blue sea. But that's a nice idea though. Instead of making shadows, use lights.
I actually didn't light up any of those scenes save for those spotlights.
That works too ;D. One thing I've learned is that if you take an area lamp and put it behind the object, it will make the object pop out of the background a bit better. I've never really played with it much, but it is common practice to use the 3-point lighting system.
So I decided to come out of hibernation. No actually just to reuse this thread as I don't like the thought of making new threads.
Aaaaanyway. Here's the latest thing I've been up to (Seperate from the Anim8or tribute thing)
Yeah tweaked my first face to get a better shaped one.Something a bit more man like lol.
Janro, that is amazing. Only things I can say are that there's a slight indent in the center of the forehead and beneath each eye wrapping back to the ears.
The one on the forehead is intentional... at least I forgot that it extends higher than I intended. As for the eye one, yes that should be next
So... I decided to post what I've been working on to practice modelling and texturing.
Yes this is KH 2 Sora. What better way to practice making game-esque models than to do a model with pre-existing models to base off from to know what the bloody heck is right and wrong xD Some parts though don't bend well due to my topology. I need to make allowances for those pockets/pouches next time.
Model is around 1.4k polys. Designed to match a certain PSP game hence the render size and quality.
I shall upload my first attempt at making Sora tomorrow. He was the second character I tried making way back in 2006. To see how far I've gone.
Excelent work!
Thanks ^^
Animation Update:
The last attack looks a tad bit awkward. Still deciding what to do with it.
EDIT: Forgot I had this as well, run cycle:
Comments and feedback are appreciated as usual :D
Also is it fine for animated gifs to be posted? Or should I put links instead?
Nice animations, I agree the end of the attack looks a little jerky.
I think GIF's are a great idea! I would do something like that, but the only program I can make GIFs with can only make up to 255x255 and 50 frames
This is only 40 frames and I think it skipped some when i tried to upload it
Use Virtual Dub. You can export a video into an entire as an animated file. (among other features.)
*mouth drops real big* WHY didn't anyone tell me this! after that thing took forever to make... WOW.
Janro, just wanted to tell you that I absolutley LOVE the Kingodm Hearts series, and you Sora model is absolutely professional! Amazing work!
Janro, just wanted to tell you that I absolutley LOVE the Kingodm Hearts series, and you Sora model is absolutely professional! Amazing work!
Wow. Thanks ^^
If I have time later this evening(early morning) I'll post the wireframe. That's where I think it's not as professional as it could be. But I guess it looks decent with a more static pose xD
Your sora model is astounding! I barely see people modeling characters with anim8or. Can I ask how many polygons is it?
Sora: 1305
Keyblade: 184
Working, or trying to, on some more animation sequences for this guy before moving to a more original character.
Either that or I should get a move on with the tribute animation... yeah I think I should do the tribute first.