Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: CoriDavis on July 28, 2010, 11:15:04 am
I had some rather complicated plans for a short animation involving a running horse skeleton. I know how a horse runs, I have frames on that, it's the different parts on the art and the scenery i'll need some help with. I couldn't find a front view of the skull, so that might have some problems.
Found a front view!
I know from my experience making a cat skeleton that you will usually not find very good reference pictures of animal's skeletons and individual bones, you may have to go on major medical college or veterinary websites to find anything close. Good luck on the pelvis, looks like you may need all 6 views to get it accurate. Something you can do to make the reference images eisier to find is to take ones that are close to what you need and edit them to make them more easily visible by adjusting sharpness and contrast, changing background color, and fixing perspective errors. You can do stuff like that in GIMP.
If you know someone that is a cowboy or horse fanatic you can ask them if they have a skull that you can borrow.
lol, ok. I was trying to do the skull using the 3D head modeling way, only I can't seem to get the "add edge" tool to work, I can't get a point in. is there a detailed tutorial on how to set this up?
ok! here's how it's going so far, I've got most of the nose, and the front teeth. I still need to do the Molar teeth and the rest of the head and lower jaw
More Progress, nearly done with top half
and here's the full top jaw!
And i've done it! finished, complete horse skull.
it looks pretty good. u do know it doesnt have 2 be perfect to the referemce images though. usually the ref images wont add up anyway.
for better crits upload a wireframe. we can then add comments about your loops and topology and stuff.
keep picking at it ur well on your way.
ok, sure, i'll put in a wireframe, i'll try to make it a smaller pic too.
I chose the side view because the other views were impossible to see anything
that actually looks pretty good.
for wireframes. u can have a solid view and it will show the wireframe. when i 1st started using anim8or i didnt know about this either. now its like the only view i look at.
go to the flat shaded view.
go to file> configure gui
check the boxes saying flat outline and flat points.
it will make your anim8or life alot easier.
good job on ur model.
I'm no expert at edge looping and topology, but I've sort of marked up your picture showing some places I think could be fixed fairly easily. red is where I put a new edge, green is where I removed the current edge, and the yellow area is where I believe it may need quite a bit of work but I can't really give much help because of the view. I only did a few, but it should be easy enough to find other areas similer and fix them in the same way. Also heres a link that shows many ways to fix topology and everything. it is originally for Blender, but the concepts are universal. (
ok, it's still coming along quite well. the only problem is that Figure mode is still extremely slow when i'm trying to move the objects around, and when I try to rotate with the right-click, it goes backwards (drag left, moves right) what's up with that?
anyway, here's what i've added
I added the rib cage and the front legs! (Rib cage was a PAIN)
good work.. i like see finish (and animated)
I dun no what to say.............. aw man you make me blush!!! >.<
lol, thanks for the compliments, and thank you neodelito VERY much for the walking gait chart, that will be VERY helpful! I already have a gallop one that I kind of made myself copying from a World Book. I used it to make my GIF avatar. by the way, where did you get that? I could use some others in the future, trot, canter, maybe an improved gallop.
Here's mine
I also used it in a Windows Movie Maker stop-motion animation I made a few months ago
It's kind of my little logo. "Ar an Scáth" just means "Of the Shadow" in Gaeilge (no, i'm not Irish, I just love them that much) You'd have to know me a bit better to get it all. lol
If you want to see more of my stop-motion BMP-image work, search Wildwhiskers184 on Youtube and check out the Wild Whiskers show! (it's not the best out there, but it's something, and the Bolt stuff is not mine, that was from when my friend "babysat" my account for me)
And it is DONE!!! I finished the Skeleton!! but... I need to add one last touch
You can probably guess where it's going from here...
Very nicely done! This is definitely a solid model at the moment. I'm wondering if you plan to keep this as it is, or smooth it, or even make it a subdivision object?
I'd also be very interested in seeing different views (as the pelvis looked to be tricky and I'd love to see what you did with it!)
Some great stuff though, especially for just beginning. Keep up the good work!
yes, I do plan to keep it the way it is. and sure! once I get my internet fixed, I will gladly show you pictures of the pelvis, maybe even by itself and a wireframe.
Well, I have my walk and run cycles finished, but they're really slow. is there any way I can speed them up in scene mode? the walk cycle doesn't need much, but the Gallop looks even slower than the walk. can I speed just that part up without redoing the whole sequence?
what u got so far is looking pretty nice