It won't. There won't be a next Anim8or.
I wish Steve'd at least just upload the source if he's not going to work on it.
Unless something horrible happened. I really hope not.
Ok, Steve finally emailed me so I have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that Steve is still alive. He's got good plans for Anim8or.
The bad news is that he's got a lot of things going on, and his plans for Anim8or require him to overhaul a lot of major components. Those two things make for a bad combination. An update will not be coming around any time soon. ...
Without this your forced to make by vertex hairWhy not use transmaps? (Unless you're not good at making textures)
Without this your forced to make by vertex hairWhy not use transmaps? (Unless you're not good at making textures)
I think Anim88or would be a dream if Steve uploaded the source.
What do you mean by transmaps? Just setting the material transparency in Anim8or?
I thought this effected the whole material though?
I believe the next release will be sometime this year, maybe this fall. I anticipate major features added to anim8or.