Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: neirao on July 27, 2010, 08:10:40 pm

Title: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on July 27, 2010, 08:10:40 pm
Hi Guys,

I know the Steve are disappeared of Forum and busy too.
but i go posting news ideas/request(for i dont forget), for Anim8or future. :)
14-Load multiples textures
15-Drag textures
16-Donīt change names of objects when converted;
17-Organize group objects in "Item List" by tree;
17a-Able selected objects inside groups;






please comments, i dont know then someone send before this requests..
PS: I'm finishing other ideas, i go post soon.

Thanks Steve and all!! :)

again, Sorry my english :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: jdonzae on July 28, 2010, 12:34:51 pm
Yeah these seem like pretty feasible suggestions. The multiple texture thing is a great idea. I never really pay much attention to the organization of things in object mode but those functions would come in very handy.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on July 28, 2010, 11:46:41 pm
Awesome ideas neirao as usual! some of these problems i've just learnt to live with but it would be great to see them improved in the next version :)

ps. Love the way you show your suggestions neirao, makes it so much easier to unerstand lol
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: johnar on July 29, 2010, 05:49:47 am
 Hi neirao.
 Good ideas. :)
 I also love the way you show your suggestions, but trouble is for me that my internet is mobile-phone connection, and pics are too large to load. :(
 I wonder if theres any way u could also upload a zip file?.
 But only if you can and is no trouble.
 Sorry. I'm probly the only one here that has this problem. (roll eyes)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on July 29, 2010, 12:32:37 pm
hi johnar!  :)
follows my suggestions jpegs zippeds:

total 500kbytes

Title: PART2 :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on July 29, 2010, 05:50:43 pm
Hi Guys and Steve, :)

i finisher the others features request..

18- Morphs activation in simple click (Scene mode);
(follow a EXAMPLE IN .SWF FLASH TO TRY, please download below).

19- Able "Expression Scripts" for multiples objectcs using LOOP/ARRAY;
    (i think then this is a very good solution, for maker particles directly in Anim8or)
20- Able open menus TOO with double click in "ITEM LIST";




1 - where we read "for ($i=0;" is --> for ($i=1;
2 - where we read "(box10 to box99)" is --> "(box10  to box99999999..N), INFINITE :)


PS: follow this jpegs zippeds too, for someone not can see in browser.. ;)

Thanks Steve and all!!

Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: johnar on July 30, 2010, 10:09:07 am
 Thanks for posting those downloads neirao. :)
 All of your requests/suggestions seem to make perfect sense, and look like they should be natural progressions in the evoloution of anim8or. ;)
14/15: drag selecting to load multiple textures.
 Cool. Time saving.

16: Names keep changing in item list. Very true, and can be annoying.
I'm like 3D Joe whiltshire, and just find ways of working with what i hav. But it sure would be a good thing if names would 'stay saved' as you have described. Excellent point. :)

17: Showing groups in tree fashion.  Another good one

18: Simple click morphs.
 gr8 idea. Would speed up setting basic morph values, and having shades of black to white would mean you could see at a glance the approximate value of any key.

19: scripts. I dont know about scripts yet.

20: doubleClick in item list.
 Yes. Seems like a natural option to have, and would be usefull on many occasions. (time saving).

 Well done neirao. Gr8 list. !!  :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: floyd86 on July 30, 2010, 10:15:06 am
Some really good suggestions neirao! I have been using maya since a year now and almost all those things you suggest are in maya in some sort of way and there very usefull. It are minor changes but they can help alot in speeding things up.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 30, 2010, 11:51:47 am
I really love those suggestions! :D
Hope they can be implemented. :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on July 31, 2010, 11:26:35 am
@johnar- thanks!you are wellcome! :)
@floyd86-thanks :)  i try send suggestions ONLY using Anim8or, i know about other softwares, but for mys suggestions im based ONLY in Anim8or. I dont use other softwares how reference, this is good for keep Anim8or property, beacause Anim8or qualiltys is one!!
@3Dgeek11-thanks! :)
guys sorry my english ok! ;)

PS: I miss Steve even if he does not throw new version of the program:)
because i undstand is hard work in someone alone..but this help in understand
why the users need.. :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on August 16, 2010, 04:18:02 pm
PS: other mode/way more speed in "18- Morphs activation in simple click" is:

one click-->  morph key value =0;
one click+Ctrl --> morph key value =1;

for make key value=null, we use my previus suggestion or

one click+shift--> morph key value =null;
same as the value is 0 or 1, no matter the value;

for othes values we open the menu with double click..:)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: blazecon0 on August 27, 2010, 05:39:48 pm
i would love to have an option to set sounds to objects and key them in :) that way we could mix 3D sounds IN anim8or
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: CoriDavis on August 27, 2010, 06:17:05 pm
how do you make a 3D sound...? (jk)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: blazecon0 on August 28, 2010, 01:07:49 am
*pokes cori* lol, nice ^^
but seriously, it would take out quite a bit of post production and add a bunch of awesomeness all at once :D
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on September 16, 2010, 07:19:13 pm
I think it's difficult (and labor) and not so necessary at this time, the option to insert sound in animation ..  :(
better to use an outside software ...  :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on January 18, 2011, 10:43:35 am
Hi guys and Steve :)

i dont know then someone send this request before
but i send in "image explanation"  :)

to implements the request 14.
21- add Folders for texture organization



is usefull to organize multiples textures!!

PS: is cool something like IN SCRIPTS MENU organization..
(Kubajzz scripts- Folder)
(Claude scripts- Folder)

thanks all :D
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on January 18, 2011, 12:26:10 pm
EDIT: with possibility of drag/drop textures between folders
   -->  with possibility of drag/drop textures and FOLDERS between folders.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: davdud101 on January 18, 2011, 03:38:57 pm
neirao, that idea is just AMAZING!!! I need an easier and better way to organize things such as if I have multiple characters and sceneries in one file, it's just too confusing right now. Hope this one goes in!
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: xalener on January 20, 2011, 04:14:37 pm
It won't. There won't be a next Anim8or.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on January 20, 2011, 04:51:07 pm
It won't. There won't be a next Anim8or.

why no be a next anim8or??  ???
programation is hard for a team, imagine for ONLY people(Steve)
is hard work alone.. i work alone too..  :'(

the atual version is helpfull for 3d modelings!
however is taking but i think then steve go work other anim8or!

I'll wait for next version!  :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: xalener on January 29, 2011, 02:09:19 pm
You've waited for three years. That's three years of absolutely ZERO activity. Hell, I've learned both Maya AND 3ds max since then.

I've moved on. Steve moved on. You guys should probably move on too if you want a future in this.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: neirao on January 29, 2011, 04:23:50 pm
hi xalener,

i use other softwares too, ok.
but anim8or(of all) is a easy software for maker modeling,
need somethings for  be a good animator!

the anim8or atual, is usefull same there other best softwares,
many users of other know the utility of he.

i send my suggestions, because, we never know when
Steve can work in new version..however i post ok! :)


Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: davdud101 on February 20, 2011, 09:48:25 am
Ya know, neirao .... xalnener might actually be right. I've seen absolutley zero activity (Updates on Anim8or) from the very first day I'd even seen it up until now. I still don't understand these overwhelming interfaces of Blender and Maya though, so I'm sticking with Anim8or.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: scotty88hh on February 26, 2011, 06:10:06 pm
I really like Anim8or, however what I don't like is it's lack of compatibility for .PNG images. Without this your forced to make by vertex hair witch takes up a lot of memory. This is a peeve of mine being a game maker. So if possible sometime in the near future pleaseeee implement this!
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: xalener on February 27, 2011, 09:24:16 pm
I wish Steve'd at least just upload the source if he's not going to work on it.

Unless something horrible happened. I really hope not.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: floyd86 on March 10, 2011, 10:04:37 am
I wish Steve'd at least just upload the source if he's not going to work on it.

Unless something horrible happened. I really hope not.

There is nothing wrong with steve, he's just to busy to work on anim8or. He has nog stopped working on it ;)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: davdud101 on March 13, 2011, 10:28:24 am
floyd, ordinarily, I'd agree with you. But I haven't seen Steve on here since... and he hasn't updated the site since 2006! But he was last active March 7,2011. Who's paying the fees for it anymore anyway? Now that I think about it, it seems this forum wouldn't exist anymore if Steve had quit working on Anim8or. I'm  sure something is going on, tho.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: Raxx on March 13, 2011, 12:43:33 pm
Ok, Steve finally emailed me so I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that Steve is still alive. He's got good plans for Anim8or.

The bad news is that he's got a lot of things going on, and his plans for Anim8or require him to overhaul a lot of major components. Those two things make for a bad combination. An update will not be coming around any time soon. ...
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: daniel99 on March 29, 2011, 03:44:24 pm

A Material Mapping Engine will make everybody very happy and Anim8or the perfect 3D program.
That could allow us to select faces or vectors and position them on the imported texture, something like in this video:

Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: davdud101 on April 07, 2011, 08:37:31 am
Without this your forced to make by vertex hair
Why not use transmaps? (Unless you're not good at making textures)
I think Anim88or would be a dream if Steve uploaded the source.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: daniel99 on April 10, 2011, 05:37:39 pm
I believe the next release will be sometime this year, maybe this fall. I anticipate major features added to anim8or.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: davdud101 on April 22, 2011, 03:02:52 am
Watch, Steve gonna walk in int he late summer with release 2.0b of Anim8or with all these crazy ridiculously awesome updates... that would be great. That vert. mappper would be great, too.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: scotty88hh on June 07, 2011, 02:13:30 pm
Without this your forced to make by vertex hair
Why not use transmaps? (Unless you're not good at making textures)
I think Anim88or would be a dream if Steve uploaded the source.

What do you mean by transmaps? Just setting the material transparency in Anim8or?
I thought this effected the whole material though?
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: floyd86 on June 07, 2011, 04:21:39 pm
What do you mean by transmaps? Just setting the material transparency in Anim8or?
I thought this effected the whole material though?

You can also alter the transparency of some parts of you texture. You can do this with a transmap, which is a black and white map which will make parts transparent or not. Black will be transparent and the white parts not.

Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: scotty88hh on June 09, 2011, 02:22:44 pm
Ah I see, just had to enable shaders in preferences, thanks I had no idea you could do this!
Also I would love to see a UV editor in anim8or. Like the one in MS3d or 3DS.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: xalener on July 05, 2011, 06:01:31 am
I believe the next release will be sometime this year, maybe this fall. I anticipate major features added to anim8or.

You believe based on recent credible statements or you just have an unreliable human hunch?
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: daniel99 on July 10, 2011, 09:21:58 am
I hope is a super hunch, because most of us really need it ! :)
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: xalener on July 19, 2011, 11:16:02 pm
Look, man. I really REALLY hate to be "that guy" but ya'll gotta expand. Anim8or isn't the end all be all app out there. You can't stop moving just because it did.
Title: Re: :: Requests for next Anim8or release(NEWS ideas)::
Post by: Raxx on July 19, 2011, 11:24:40 pm
Alright, enough. This topic's deviating from its original purpose, so I'm going to lock it while it's still kind of relevant.

Anim8or's future has been discussed in another topic, go there if you want to speculate about it. I'm sure those who've used Anim8or for a while have already found other programs to make up for its lacks.

neirao, if you want to add more ideas to this topic in the future, just PM a moderator so it can be unlocked again.