Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: CoriDavis on July 26, 2010, 09:22:43 pm
So, I was reading the "eggplant tutorial" (I just got the program and i'm new) and I was selecting some things, but later, around when I tried to make the second bend in the stem, it wouldn't unselect, or select anything else. I tried restarting the program, but it still wouldn't select. what's going on? how do I fix it?!
is it happening with same file or if you do somethign new it happens again
modifiers r a bit weird. i really havent used them much at all but if i were u i would go to the manual and learn how to do it. 2 me it looked like u missed a step and anim8or is waiting for u 2 go to the next step so u can continue.
ive (glitched) a modifier so i could hide some points on an object. so i did what u did but the whole point was to not be able to select things. i 4get how i did it but it looks like u figured it out 2
yeah, I think what I idid was I forgot to bind the modifier before I went to bend it. so, does anyone know how to fix it? I restarted my computer too, nothing.
Can you post a picture of your scene? Will help i think.
well, it's not really a "scene" it's an object, but sure
On the picture I can see that you are in Point Edit mode. If so, you maybe didn't notice that( sometimes i do this too ;D). Just turn back to Edit mode.
yes, but that causes it to select the whole thing, then I can't bind the modifier. it's the face select drag select that I need and won't work.
Ok, then your modifier must not be bind on object. Do whatever you want to do in point edit mode and then bind the modifier in edit mode
delete the modifier
oooh that might do it! I idecided to make a new file and it worked fine, I was afraid I corrupted my old file or something. ok! i'll delete the modifier and finish the egg plant, then continue the bird
AAH! no, it didn't work. I deleted the modifiers and select still doesn't work for the file
Since the file is not broken i don't think there is a bug or something. You can't select any point or face or anything? There is no group? Chek all these out.
Ignore that about the group. Works too
nope, none of it works. now the bird is doing it too! I was about to do point select and make the bottom eyelid, and nothing is selecting! what is going on here!? it's getting really frustrating!
If you don't mind, post your file, so i'll try too.
ok, hopefully the attatchments will work. if it works for you, then it may just be my computer which in that case there may be no help for me. Could the problem be that it's on a laptop? I have a Dell Latitude with Windows XP.
Ok, everything is fine. :D About the eggplant: you have 3 modifiers, 2 on plant and 1 on sphere. The one on plant is bended and binded, others are not. You have to effect it. Click on it and you'll see that the whole plant and the modifier will be selected(all this in edit mode). Then go Build--->Modifiers--->Effect modifier. Or you can unbind the modifier if you want change something...Build--->Modifiers--->unbind modifier. Notice that doing this your model will return to start position, but the modifier will stay bended. Just remember, you can not doing anything with your object in point edit mode when you have binded a modifier on it.
oooh I see. but what about the bird? it has no modifiers on it
and the "move view" tool now refuses to work also...
Sorry man, forgot the bird ;D. You have no modifiers on this one, so the problem(not big deal ;D) is that you didn't convert it to mesh. Select the object in edit mode and go Build--->Convert to Mesh.You have to do that for every part,if you want to edit them in point edit mode. In eggplant file the sphere is not converted too. Do the same if you want to change something, but it's not necessarily if you want only to use a modifier, modifiers work with parametric shapes(called like that)
Notice, that when you select them they are yellow and after convertion they become white!!!
oooh ok, i'll try that, only... now the button that's supposed to change the size of the modifier isn't working, it's like one by one each button is breaking
the bird is fixed!
What button? Non uniform scale? What are you doing and it is not working?
I was trying to make a new modifier to make a new bend. but I pretty much gave up on the eggplant and am working on the bird. I have big plans once I get this program mastered. the only other problem is that it's being unbelievably slow. (I only have 1GB of RAM)
When you are using the Arc rotate tool, switch to flat or smooth view of your object, it will speed up a little bit and generally try to keep your models low poly (don't subdivide them many times without reason). ;)
well, so far i'm in Figure mode right now, and those features are slow. i'm trying to rotate the feathers and it's really laggy, it's moving at it's fastest... a pixel a second pretty much
You have to select the object that has the modifier bound to it (I'm assuming you selected both and went "Build>Modifiers>Bind Modifier"
This step only shows you what will happen if you effect the modifier, you haven't actually finished applying the modifier yet. That step is there so you can play with the modifier and get the shape how you want it.
Next, you have to select the object/modifier combination and go "Build>Modifier>Effect Modifier"
That will get rid of the modifier but leave the object in the form you want. You can then bind your next modifier and effect it.
ooh ok. and I found the reason for why it was slow. turns out I got virused. yesterday I tried out "Blender", I wouldn't reccomend it. I got infected with 2 Trojans even after I uninstalled it.