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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Josmic8or on July 23, 2010, 07:08:16 am

Title: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: Josmic8or on July 23, 2010, 07:08:16 am
Hi everyone!As u may know I always model cartoony characters.But I always seem to have trouble modeling a realistic human head.Since I'm terrible at edge modeling does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on box modeling a realistic human head ??? ???
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: neirao on July 23, 2010, 08:30:54 am
hi Josmic,

there a tutor then is very good..

see this full tutor in:

use basically ( and (

Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: Bugtrooper on July 23, 2010, 04:27:55 pm

Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: rellik420 on July 26, 2010, 08:28:03 pm
it takes alot of practice. ive mostly modeled heads and im still not all that good at it. everytime i do it i still learn stuff. your best bet is to get the basic flow of how the head should be done. then model a bunch of different heads.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: TheRetroZombie on August 06, 2010, 07:14:46 pm
Is there a way that I can take a side and front view picture of myself and have it perfect? Its hard trying to get it perfect.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: ADSohr on August 06, 2010, 08:42:37 pm
In a word... no. Perfection is impossible to get with with a camera. You'll just have to work around the minor perspective issues.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: cosmic_monkey on August 07, 2010, 02:06:16 am
...I've tried box-modeling a head myself: however, the best way is to use 'edge loops', as box modeling actually makes MORE work for you, and ultimately edge-loops mimic real face-muscles. Think about the key elements of a face (nose, eyes, mouth, ears) as self-contained masses, then you could model these separately, and 'weave' them together. Begin the edge loops with the minimal amount of edges per loop (usually about 4 to 6 will give you enough to work with) rather than jumping right into 8 or 12, then apply one level of subdivision, remove any 'excess' polys, and refine your face from there. Since the most difficult area will be the eyes, that would be the best place to begin. The key to realistic organic modeling is that there's actually very little vertical symmetry going on, so avoid perfect 'olive' or 'oval' shapes, and make sure you aren't looking at a 'checker-board' in the wire-view.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: TheRetroZombie on August 11, 2010, 01:21:42 am
In a word... no. Perfection is impossible to get with with a camera. You'll just have to work around the minor perspective issues.
The picture up there seems good. I don't see why I'm able to do it with myself.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: ADSohr on August 11, 2010, 08:23:10 am
We are getting a bit off topic here, but unless you are willing to paint an entire room a strange color like green and pay a ton of money for a fancy rig that gives you an exact 90 degree angle with two cameras, It's going to be difficult to do it by hand, or even with a tripod.

Best I have come up with for taking reference pictures is a tripod and a chair with the floor marked off with tape so that you can have a helper move the camera around you and take the pictures while you sit as absolutely still as possible. But even with this there will still be imperfections like lighting, position, you moved, etc.  This will get it fairly close, but don't expect too much.

I've tried many times myself, taking a couple hundred reference pictures, and none of them are perfect. I had to manually edit almost every single one in GIMP. And that isn't counting the ones I've pulled off the internet that I had to edit, even blueprints, medical references, and technical drawings.

Even the pictures you are refering to that neodelito put up have minor issues: look at the lips, in the picture on the right the point #6 is lined up with the top of the lip, and #8 to the bottom of the lip, but in the front view they do not line up with thier respective parts, the picture is out of perspective slightly. Things like that are inevitable, eventually you just have say that it is good enough, not perfect, but usable.
Title: Re: Any tutorial on box modeling a reallistic head?
Post by: CoriDavis on August 11, 2010, 10:32:34 am
I used this method on my horse skull using two completely different pictures off the internet.  it wasn't perfect in the top or front view, but all I had to do was edit and scale a few things.

My advice is to try your best to model your face, then look in a mirror or another picture and use it to fix the imperfections.