Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: thomasmendozajr on July 13, 2010, 02:13:24 pm
I made this completely in Anim8or and did not use any third party software. I think it looks good What do you think? This particular Model only has 1024 Vertices and 968 points Using Version 0.95 Scanline Render AA Filter at 3x3 Support.
Looks good overall. Couple of quick crits. The clouds look great, but seem a bit far from the surface. Only other thing is there are some weird blocked off black voids in the background.
I like your work, keep it up.
Another earth modeler, ;) Keep up the good work.
May I add, fix some of the colouring, the coulds and land seem a bit blue.
Really good job. i would suggest making it a little wider because in actuality the world is an oblate spheroid and not a perfect sphere. otherwise excellent work!
How exactly did you get the atmosphere? I've already done atmospheres, I'm just wondering how you did yours.
I think I see how he did it. Its several layers of spheres, inner one is the world texture, the next is the clouds with a transparent background. Then I guess the outer is a simple transparent sphere. Nicely done.
I do mine with several spheres too. One for the surface, one for the clouds, and then several with complex materials for the atmosphere. It is awesome for distance shots, but horrible for closeups as the soft edge is made of several steps.
The land looks blue and the clouds look flat.
but this looks amazing !
4/5 :)