Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: davygravy123 on July 02, 2010, 08:47:20 pm

Title: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 02, 2010, 08:47:20 pm
ehlo, i wana make graphics where its toony (like where the characters have an outline),but i'm not sure how to do it. I even looked at the tutorial on it in the tut section, it didnt help me at all. please help, thanks :-\
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: floyd86 on July 03, 2010, 07:08:52 am
The tutorial should explain everything:

Simply make two materials: one with the toon shader --> ambient 0.1, diffuse 0.5..etc
and one with the shader for the outline --> the two sided material.

Now take you object you want to be toony. Copy it and make the copy a little bit bigger, by selecting all the faces and extruding them.
Give the original object the toon shader and the copy the outline shader. Now make sure the original model is inside the copy and you can start rendering. I believe you can only use this method using the scanline renderer, it will not work perfectly with ART.
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 09:04:14 am
I tried everything, and once i got to the part where you apply the toon outline to the copy model, the object still stays the same color! help pls
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: RudySchneider on July 03, 2010, 09:39:15 am
Did you try to render an image?  Some material settings and textures won't show up in the modeling screen, only when rendering an actual image.
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 10:35:42 am
it either turns out all the way black or normal color when i render it
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 10:43:20 am
can u just send me an  anim8or file w/ the toony graphics? so i can see how u did it
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: neirao on July 03, 2010, 10:54:45 am
Hi davygravy,

i attach a file for you!
note: render in SCALINE mode ok

here a old tutor mine:
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 11:00:04 am
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 11:01:25 am
one thing, do you need all those colors?
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 03, 2010, 11:15:34 am
and i dont quite get the "Extrude Faces Connected" part on it, like how do u use it or do anything w/ it? ???
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: rellik420 on July 03, 2010, 12:59:15 pm
i think what i did for that was just scale the whole model out. instead of extruding the faces.

what extruding the faces does is makes the model (outlined one) bigger than the original model so u can see it. if you really messed with it you could make it look perfect, but it would take alot of tweaking. usually the mouth and nose area doesnt look on par. you should upload a render so we have a better perseption of what your doing and we can help out a bit more.

edit: i was wrong i did extrude faces. but the outcome is the same. it just makes it bigger. this literally took a minute or less. but this is what i came up with.

edit again: if you actually take time on doing this method it can turn out great. but in art there is really no "easy button". the tools might get easier to work with but u still have to have some skill.
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: neirao on July 03, 2010, 09:01:21 pm
one thing, do you need all those colors?
no, you dont need all those colors :)
is only for show a variation of can delete other, ok
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: Water Music on July 04, 2010, 02:03:15 pm
Two-sided materials are a bit buggy with ART, so I'm not surprised you're not seeing an outline.

There is, however, a quick workaround - I'll just go over the whole process start to finish here.  Select your object; copy; paste; select one copy of the object and hide it; select all the faces of the other copy; unhide the first copy; go back to point edit mode and "extrude connected" in wirefraeme mode until you have the edge thickness you want.  Now the workaround: select the outline object, cut and paste it into a new object layer, apply a two-sided material to it (transparent front, another colour - not necessarily black to the other side), cut and paste it back to your first object.  I find that works, but it does tend to be a bit random; especially if you do weird things like put transparency and bump maps on your outline texture.

I don't check this forum everyday, but feel free to ask any follow-up questions and I'll try to help :).
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 06, 2010, 08:13:24 pm
here a old tutor mine:

That's an awesome tutorial, Neirao. :)
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: neirao on July 06, 2010, 09:29:48 pm
thanks 3DGEEK11!!  :)
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 07, 2010, 03:01:14 am
^is spam.

And you're welcome, too. :)
It somehow explains it better than the old toon tutorial.
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davygravy123 on July 07, 2010, 03:47:26 pm
will the toon rendered graphics work in cre8or?
Title: Re: Toon link graphics
Post by: davdud101 on July 07, 2010, 04:02:00 pm
Most likely not because toon rendering requires transparency, which cre8or does not support.