Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: phantom king on March 12, 2008, 02:22:15 pm

Title: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: phantom king on March 12, 2008, 02:22:15 pm
Hey guys, i have another question :P, is it posiible to make like hair(like from the DMC game), or clothes, and give them a wind like blowing effect? Im not sure if its possible in Anim8or yet, so best to ask  ;D

Thanks in advance  :)
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: Kubajzz on March 12, 2008, 05:16:25 pm
Ok, I don't know what do DMC game hair look like, but generally it's not really possible to make a good hare in Anim8or.

There is a hair plugin (you'll find it in the "scripts" section), but I don't know how it looks, I've never tried it... And the wind blowing effect would be quite difficult, you would have to use morph targets and make the movement step by step...
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: hihosilver on March 12, 2008, 07:45:17 pm
In anim8or it's completely possible to create hair and clothing, but it takes much more work than in other programs.  There's no particle generator in anim8or, so for hair you have to use transparency maps.
For clothing animation you'd have to use morph targets as anim8or doesn't have physics simulations of any sort.
So it's entirely possible, it just takes more work and imagination.
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: phantom king on March 13, 2008, 01:48:30 am
i see, alright, thanks guys :)
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: spicy on March 28, 2008, 12:25:08 pm
phantom king, I agree with hihosilver it is possible to create hair. I tried to put a tutorial on here but the file was too large. Whats your emial? I will send it off to you

EDIT: The tutorila does not focus on mapping textures but contructing the hair piece by piece using objects etc... It loooks very realistic though, the tutorial is a bit hard to follow (It's a video) and it goes very fast and isn't very clear so you will have to pay attention :)
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: B3dman on May 30, 2008, 05:44:43 pm
i would like that tutorial if you still have it please. if you do then PM me and i will reply and tell you my email.
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: RnDr FOX on May 30, 2008, 09:30:51 pm
I too would also love to see the tutorial. Like B3d just pm me and ill give you my email
Title: Re: Making Hair and clothes
Post by: Dosser on May 30, 2008, 10:12:41 pm
yeah, I'd like that tutorial too.

Could you upload it on some web space or something?