Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: anim8orblenderman on December 26, 2007, 07:25:51 pm
I think one of us should have posted this earlier but How bout' an anim8or book? ::) ;DMaybe one of know......I can see it now:
Learning Anim8or
Written by:__________(whoever's gonna/Me ;D)
So any ideas?What do you think?Maybe........
Well, I don't think steve would want to make a profit off of anim8or nor would he want someone making money by taking about his program.
There's already a manual and tons of tutorials out there.
Really the whole point of anim8or is that it's a free program with a good online community so if you were to make a book costing money than it would be more a commercial-free program like blender.
It's free but the manual costs money.
Really the whole point of anim8or is that it's a free program with a good online community so if you were to make a book costing money than it would be more a commercial-free program like blender.
It's free but the manual costs money.
Yeah, you could try learning it without a manual by using the
blender wiki page. But I always find the books like that better.
Well because the aouthor of the book is getting paid so he'll put extra effort into writing the book well.
But what if ur on the road need help?I mean Blender has like 4/5 books!Blender was used in Spider-Man 2!Anim8or needs some publicity!!!I hope no one is angry or hurt.Please send feedback.Right here
blender was really used in spider man 2 wow
but really why does anim8or need publicity
okay if people want to use okay but really compared to profesianal programs why is it worthit to publisize.
But what if ur on the road need help?I mean Blender has like 4/5 books!Blender was used in Spider-Man 2!Anim8or needs some publicity!!!I hope no one is angry or hurt.Please send feedback.Right here
blender was really used in spider man 2 wow
but really why does anim8or need publicity
okay if people want to use okay but really compared to profesianal programs why is it worthit to publisize.
I agree with this...
I think it would be helpful for the beginners if someone (who?) wrote the book, but this book would have to be available online and for free. It would just be something like manual + plenty of tutorials + examples + much more all organised in one system, searchable and transparent, easy to use...
But who would do something like this for free? Collect and revise all the tutorials, rewrite the manual and update the "book" everytime something new appears... I think one person can't do that all. It would have to be something like wiki system, but then I think it would be all messed up and unorganized.
What we have now is a plenty of tutorials and hints scattered on many sites, but in the end everyone finds what he needs...
Of course if someone starts something like "Anim8or knowledge wiki project", I'd love to participate...
The problem with posting it on the internet is if ur on the road having the tutorial on one window and anim8or in another on the same desktop, sometimes gets annoying.Luckily, i'm running Mac so Mac has Spaces.;D
The problem with posting it on the internet is if ur on the road having the tutorial on one window and anim8or in another on the same desktop, sometimes gets annoying.Luckily, i'm running Mac so Mac has Spaces.;D
You're right... but the problem with the book is it costs money, someone has to publish it etc - what is easier? In the end there is only one realizable way...
How about you just print out the manual?
In fact someone could make a more printerfriendly version of the manual and distribute that via the website.
I'm only being truthful but... Anim8or isn't a highly developed system compared to other 3D programs... There arent that many functions and they are easy to use. There is no need for a book as there isnt enough to cover.
Besides, we have manuals, tutorials and a friendly forum- who needs a book?
Well I think at least one thing needs to happen. The manual needs to be updated.
ill help writing a book, but only if the books will be given away freely. if we all put a little money together, i think we can manage to pull a ubuntu-like service off. (ubuntu sends cd's with software content for free to wherever you live, no send costs, nothing. just type in your adress.)
It would be great if this could be done. maybe a book print company would sponsor us if we put their logo on the top-left of the cover.
I agree an anim8or book would be nice. Cause sometimes im in the car for hours and that would be a great thing to do to pass the time. Since anim8or is free so should the book, but beyond that I would not know how to make it free without losing money.
You know, you could always just print out the PDF version of the Manual (half-way down this page: ). That way, you could access it anywhere you like.
Yea I know that I could print off the PDF version but I want something with alot of examples that show you when you will actually need this control and it needs more tutorials.
"since anim8or is free so should the book".
French is a free language, but there are thousands of books out there that teach you how to read it and how to speak it.
HTML is a free programming language, requires nothing more than a computer, and there are extensive tutorials online, yet, every year hundreds of new books on the subject come out.
Blender is also a free program, yet has books.
If you want to write a book, and teach people how to use anim8or, and someone wants to buy it, what's the problem?
As a matter of fact, I first heard about anim8or in a book about game programming, and it had an extensive explination of how to use anim8or to create your objects.
If someone goes through the trouble of writing a book (A good book mind you), on using anim8or, why should they not get paid for their work?
I used the online tutorials, and the manual to learn Anim8or they where very direct, and easy to read. but i would pay for a small, well formated book with quality pictures just to have on my desk. i agree, its much easyer to have an actual book in your hands, then haveing to swich between the program, and manual. plus you can mark in a book, and you can remeber exactly where things are. it would not be a very big book, maybe like a "pocket size". but eather way. i don't think we need to have one, but if there was one, i would get it just becouse.
I just created a new topic called 'tutorial requests' in this forum. For a book to take place, first, you need content for the book. If enough tutorials are created on a broad enough range of topics I'm sure some kinda of book, though it may start small, could be created. I'd be willing to help a good deal with the book as well. So please request things, make lists of things you think should be in such a book.
Okay so let's pretend we got someone type of printing company to sponsor us or we all chipped in a little. imagine if we had a free book. hundreds of people would want it and maybe even more. I think we should maybe get a website first to host updates on the book and maybe even a donation button. believe me people don't really think that it does anything but After a while the money accumulates
if we can't get any sponsors or stuff like that. I think maybe we would have to put a small cost to it. so also if we were to do this we would put a free PDF Right?
If you were to write this than one thing to start with would be the table of contents of what your doing it on. and really I would think that in the end everything would have to be black and white. Printing color is expensive.
One last thing, If we were to right this and some how complete it in the next year or so. than we should release it after 0.96
or maybe even better only release it to the public at 1
we're not that far a away only about maybe two years to four years. (Half- to a full year per version.)
Tell me what you think :)
I am not much on writing and I dont know alot about making websites and PDF format and all of that vitial stuff, but I think that this book should be a community project like Anim8or the Movie. Certian people should be in charge of different things like website,writing and certian tutorials. The book should be free and has a good printable version. Also once the book is completed we should build on it. New materials come up we should add it to the book. Also we need to take tutorial request. Like if someone made a tutorial and wants it on the website we should add it no matter how basic or advance the topic is about. (as long as it dosent get to out of hand) A donation buttion would be nice, but can someone clarify to me when we will use the money. And if this book turns out to be pretty good maybe Steve will make the website a link under his resource page. ;D
I'm brand new to Anim8or and 3D design. I've found that the online manual in conjunction with the tutorials on this site and others have been WAY MORE than adequate. In 3 days I've created a 3D toon and animated him in a scene where he walks across the screen then stops and waves at you. For a completely free program and having had no experience in this I think that's freakin amazing!!
The point of all that was, I really don't see a need for a published book. If I can do all that in such a short time with the resources already available, I don't see why anybody would buy a book and I think it would cheapen what the authors of this app have achieved.
For those that would really like a "printed" (yuck, paper) version of the manual, I think a printer friendly version of the online manual would suffice (it would for me anyway).
I really couldn't be happier with this program and the community help I've gotten. Great work and thanks to everyone.
Alright!Calm down!Sorry!I think we're all going nuts over the idea!I think like this:
1.Printed Paper:This is problem cuz' pages take up lot of paper, mney lost on paper.
2.PDF:Ok this is "OK" but having anim8or and the tutorial in the same desktop was A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G.But still....
3.Book: Okay anybody know company friend?i sound crazy but.....
By the way, im getting Ubuntu.So i'm coming back to ANIM8OR!
Posted on: December 29, 2007, 09:39:09 AMPosted by: machineman9
I'm only being truthful but... Anim8or isn't a highly developed system compared to other 3D programs... There arent that many functions and they are easy to use. There is no need for a book as there isnt enough to cover.
Well there is an entire scripting language, a lighting system, a custom material system, and a LOT of things most people dont understand.Not to mention the ocaisonal ambisios 10 yr old who wants a 3D animation job.
Yeah i think a pdf manual downloaded with the program would be nice to have.
well how about DotAn8? it's one of the newest things at, you'll have to post in athread there to recieve it, but it's a short PDF format magazing on some parts of anim8or, mabye not for the absolute newbs though
Do you think this will work? A book would be great to read in your spare time but it will cost money!
3D Joe I must correct you on your post re DotAn8 It is available at all The Anim8or Sites, here, at also AnimAnon (http://Http:// and (
AnimAnon is its parent Website any correspondance, or subscription requests should be made at AnimAnon (http://Http://
oh right, my mistake, i agree that the book would be helpful, but it would cost money, mabye if there were some sort of subscription thing, instead of making hundreds of copies and only selling 50, but then you need somewhere to sell them from, it's good but it has a few problems, is there anyone on the forums with any experience in prooducing books and selling them?
We don't need books, we already have tutorials, 3 forums, and DOTAN8
If you want something for free, we could all try and put all the tutorials into a huge (well edited) PDF file
Actaully I agree, a anim8or book would be handy to read in your spare time. With lots of dtailed help, tips tutorials etc... Though it can't be free as we it would lose money (Yeah, unless there was a donate button). Plus it would be good if some members in the forum could contribute towards an anim8or book project (Tutorials etc..). But that's my say on this topic, it just depends what the majority say...
I feel the DotAn8 magazine should be a fine substitute. It's the same as a book, but it's updated much more often. So, when new features come out, perhaps it will have tutorials and things on the features. Remember as well, if people want a book, people have to be willing to write one as well.
I`ll Just Post This as a reminder I have now set up a temporary website at Http:// you are welcome to download both the "old versions" there and the new one.
Issue 2 will be available 5th MAY 2008 .