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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: siragin on June 22, 2010, 12:27:11 pm

Title: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: siragin on June 22, 2010, 12:27:11 pm
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to model pockets on a jacket and pants. The problem i'm having is that in anim8or each vertex can only have two faces so if I extrude some faces to make a pocket there is a hole inside the pocket from where i extruded and i can't fill that hole because all of the vertex's have two faces at this point.

 I also thought about modeling the pockets seperadly and attaching the pockets onto the model but i know when i sub divide the model there will be holes in the model where there are vertex's with more than two faces. The only solution that i have found so far is to use the shell tool on the model to add deep to the entire thing and add the pockets where they are needed. This will work but I don't want to deal with all of the unnessary polies threw the entire model when all i need is extra polies around the pockets.

does any one konw what else i can do?
Title: Re: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: rellik420 on June 26, 2010, 08:28:54 am
you can still model it seperately. when ur done with ur pocket copy and past it to where ur pants model is, put it in place, delete the paces where ur pocket goes, then merge selects both objects and join solids. once ur done with that merge the points so when u subdivide it it will all be one model.

that probably sounds like a lot but its really not.

only thing i recommend is making the pocket shape on ur jacket or pants instead of theying to wing it once u get ur pocket in place.

i really dont use the tools all that much so i think i work around alot of things.
Title: Re: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: davdud101 on July 07, 2010, 04:03:30 pm
If your not alreay trying this, you could just model the pocket seperately.
Title: Re: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: TheRetroZombie on July 08, 2010, 12:50:37 am
Just make a thick plate of some shape like a pocket. Then place it on where you want it on a jacket or pants or whatever.
Title: Re: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: MeepII on July 08, 2010, 01:17:21 pm
Extrude it then poke the top in. Like extrude but the other way. Maybe intrude?
Title: Re: tips on modeling a pocket?
Post by: davdud101 on July 08, 2010, 01:21:10 pm
But isn't extruding off of a face harder than just maybe rmoving the faces, poking them out, then re attaching them to the object?