Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rellik420 on June 09, 2010, 06:52:14 pm

Title: sculptris
Post by: rellik420 on June 09, 2010, 06:52:14 pm
im going to try and use sculptris with anim8or. if you dont have it you probably pick it up. its pretty much like zbrush but its free. you need to triangulate your mesh b4 you try and import it into scupltris. this is basically a test. it has a lil over 180000 faces and 1 is subdivided and 1 isnt. when i subdivide it i can hardly move around my 3d enviroment in anim8or. im going to be doing tests on real models to see how i can pull this off with rigging and posing and whatnot. but heres an example.
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: Indian8or on June 10, 2010, 04:25:50 am
what is minimum system requirements?
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: Gyperboloid on June 10, 2010, 12:36:42 pm
Wow, very cool program! And the best... its free ;D
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: kreator on June 10, 2010, 01:35:30 pm
This was featured some time ago on animanon as is meshmixer and meshlab these are also freebies.
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: Gyperboloid on June 10, 2010, 02:16:43 pm
Oh, thank you! Cheked it up and it's good too. I don't know what's the problem, but i like free stuff !!! There's nothing i can do ;D
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: rellik420 on June 10, 2010, 06:31:05 pm
well i think sculpting is alot harder than it looks. i was kind of just tinkering and it looks like it would take alot of work to make anything look good. but theres no way that u can morph there is way to many verts. so im trying to rig the face. what i might do is just rig the morphs seperatly. but it will get extremely complicated.

can you make a figure into an object? that would actually work if u can do that. i can just attacked the seperate heads to my body poses. anyway here is what i rigged up (sloppily).

Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: hihosilver on June 10, 2010, 07:15:50 pm
Often times sculpting programs like zbrush or mudbox are used to create normal maps or bump maps for lower poly objects (this is even true with higher poly models, because the details are so small.)  Do you know if the program is capable of exporting a normal map or bumpmap?
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: MP3D on June 10, 2010, 07:34:44 pm have to use mesh lab to reduce the poly count...and sculptris has a poly reducing tool in the program and does a great job as well. use the reducing tool in the program first then export it in to mesh lab to clean it up....I have been using this program for awhile now and once you get use to it ( IMOP) there's no turning back to a poly modeler for organic models..I love the software and the best thing is no more un wrapping a model for UVS...WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I have tested the models exported in some programs i have to make sure they will work in my game/ movie. This includes
poly count, texture quality, rigging/ weighting and animation. And all came out perfect.

With any new software you try there is a learning curve.

also this software is best for organic can make non organic models but with more work. It is best to model non-organic models using anim8or ( thats my opinion )

Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 11, 2010, 11:51:17 am
Oh wow! Well, I just watched the trailer on the software's site.... and I gotta try this! I have several things that I have wanted to model in the organic theme, but just can't quite get going with anim8or... this might be great for that... 
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: neodelito on June 13, 2010, 01:52:46 am
nice gui, but only problem i have is the polycount.. is so big..
but is free and have a nice future..
(waiting for develop)
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: MP3D on June 13, 2010, 08:43:39 pm
poly count is not an issue neodelito, If you find your computer slowing down while sculpting then use the poly reduction tool.and keep going, once you have your finished model then export it and use meshlab to reduce the poly count that you can use...

Its that easy..I am tempted to post a few models I have done but this is not the board for that. (or is it?).....

I have sculpted a model and the poly count was well over 800k....I then used the poly reduction tool in Sculptris..and brang it down to 30k polies () which didnt take long to do)..I then moved it to the texturing side of Sculptris and textured it...then I exported it as .obj..then ran it thru mesh lab.. I reduced the poly count from 30k to 8k with very little geometry loss.....I intend to use the high poly model for normal maps in Xnormal..(which is free program as well). then port them over to my game engine with the low poly model......

If there is a will......there is a way...................

Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: neodelito on June 14, 2010, 01:02:57 am
hi mp3D i use "the poly reduction tool" and don`t like results, but is a Goooood software.. i try to use more time and post..
i try to import one model (made in anim8or and export to obj) and no god news.. meshlab is a very god option i try...
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 14, 2010, 12:35:55 pm
I love this program! It's literally just like taking a ball of clay and shaping, stretching, and reworking it into what ever you want. As for poly-count, yes, it does put a lot of demand on that, but there are options for setting it to limit the poly-creation, plus the use of the "poly-reduction tool" is very nice. I wish we had such a tool in anim8or.... Then one could more easily rework subdivided things selectively.

I haven't worked with Sculptris heavily yet, but my only "downer" so far is that it won't work on my mini-machine... but it looks like it is demanding of memory anyway, so no surprises there. Anim8or is likewise a "small in size but big in demands" program as far as memory usage and all goes.

There are some really cool results shown on their forum, with their various competitions, challenges, etc.

I think that using both Anim8or and Sculptris could prove very useful. Of course, Sculptris is based wholly on triangles, and I know how critical folks are of that...

I also saw that the program developer made some sort of texturing program to use in conjunction with Sculptris. I haven't checked it out fully to know if it is compatible with anim8or exports, but that might be something to look into soon, as well.
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: hihosilver on June 14, 2010, 12:55:49 pm
It's true triangles are often frowned upon, but in truth it depends on the situation.  Most times quads are smiled upon because of subdivision objects which require good edge loops.  This is also very important in animation and the way muscles and joints deform.  To be honest, with still objects, the topology doesn't matter at all as long as something looks good.  The end product is always what matters, it doesn't really matter how you get there (as long as you don't steal others work!)  The interesting thing is, games for example use only triangles because they're what game engines process.  3DS Max actually works with triangles, but it hides this often and often treats the two triangles as quads.
In other words, triangles are perfectly fine in particular situations.  The thing is, being an organic modeler I wish it had some kind of a retopologize tool.  Perhaps a free one can be found somewhere to add to the program.  Still, it's an awesome looking program and I'll certainly be playing with it!
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: rellik420 on June 14, 2010, 05:04:54 pm
mp3d (i think) mentioned meshlab. ive only looked at it but it has a retopology tool. i havent used it and really dotn know what it is but i think mesh lab is the key to incorportating other programs with anim8or. my main point on starting this thread wasnt to throw out a bunch of other programs. it was to figure how to use anim8or with those other programs. i still want to rig pose and render in anim8or i just wanted to expand myself in the 3d world. anim8or is still great but it just doesnt have everything that is used in making 3d animations and the like.
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: MP3D on June 14, 2010, 06:58:32 pm
rellik420,hihosilver  hit the nail on the head (IMOP)....I have to agree with both of them.

But, most people who know me I wont stop untill I can find away to use anim8or with other software. so here it goes.

neodelito said.
i try to import one model (made in anim8or and export to obj) and no god news.

This is the work around for that:
1: before you import your object into sculptris you have to subdivide it a few times in Anim8or.
2: make sure there are no UV assigned to the object.
3: make sure your object has no HOLES!!!!!...these are bad..and will crash the program most of the time.
 this should work..once the object is in sculptris use the smooth tool on it's lowest setting.( be very careful when you use this tool on Anim8or objects.)

hihosilver  said:

The thing is, being an organic modeler I wish it had some kind of a retopologize tool.

only in a perfect world my hope to get this as well......I am looking around for a free retopologize tool or something similar. I tried to see if I could do this in Anim8or at one time. Something like a reference image to model around. I think it would work if I could find a way to turn off the wire frame on the object I am modeling around..but we cant do that. I get confused on which point iam trying to move....also I group the object first so I would move the object iam was using for a  reference.. I pray Steve never takes that out. It very handy to have..

and yes this program has a built in UV mapper and painter/texture...once your finished modeling your object then use the poly reduction tool then hit the paint button....paint/texture your object then export your texture map.... I also have to metion I have used all most every 3D/paint software out there, freeware and demo and this painter is very powerful. and its FREE

My first love is Anim8or and all ways will be.

THE END..................................

ok my book is done, till next time



Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: headwax on June 15, 2010, 01:35:00 am
there's a thread at this forum about sculptris with examples  of what 'newbies' to the software can produce
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: kreator on June 15, 2010, 03:46:22 am
Thanks for the "heads up" Andrew good that "other sites" are talking about other software!
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: rellik420 on June 15, 2010, 05:13:12 am
so is the best way to go about this is get a base model in anim8or 1st then go to the sculptirs? or just model from a sphere in sculptis then import to anim8or for rigging?
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on June 15, 2010, 05:36:07 am
That is a pretty cool bit of software, though I am a bit unimpressed with the topology.  I'll certainly have a bit of a play with it when I have more time, Carrara has some reasonably effective untriangulation and poly-decimation tools that might bring the wireframe back to something more reasonable for animation.  I certainly like the interface, very intuitive, and being kinda crap at organic modelling it could be a bit of a cheats way to construct characters etc.  The more modelling/animation/UV tools in the kit the better in my opinion, particularly when they are free!
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: rellik420 on June 15, 2010, 08:07:24 am
i try to import one model (made in anim8or and export to obj) and no god news.

This is the work around for that:
1: before you import your object into sculptris you have to subdivide it a few times in Anim8or.
2: make sure there are no UV assigned to the object.
3: make sure your object has no HOLES!!!!!...these are bad..and will crash the program most of the time.
 this should work..once the object is in sculptris use the smooth tool on it's lowest setting.( be very careful when you use this tool on Anim8or objects.)

what i do to get my models from anim8or to sculptris is use the triangulate mesh script.

the thing about the triangulate mesh is it copies the object and pasts it right over top of the original. so u have to rememeber to delete the original b4 u export it to a .obj.
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: dwsel on June 15, 2010, 01:08:12 pm
I am looking around for a free retopologize tool or something similar. I tried to see if I could do this in Anim8or at one time. Something like a reference image to model around.

You might try gSculpt for that task. It has a nice snapping mode and you can "draw onto background models" as it's stated in gSculpt. It's shown in 4th video tutorial on gSculpt site.

I checked yesterday that little Sculptris and gSculpt combo and it works very well :)
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: MP3D on June 17, 2010, 04:43:08 pm

Thankyou for the link to gscultp. I will be testing it out this weekend.

I forgot to mention to triangulate  your mesh before importing it into scultptris, good catch... ;D

Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: lizeal93 on June 23, 2010, 05:47:50 pm
Sculptris is amazing! way better than the sculptor that comes in blender, probably because that one just shifts polygons around but doesn't dynamically add them.

i redid my hydralisk in Sculpris so here it is.

Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: dwsel on July 24, 2010, 07:05:44 am
Sorry for microwaving this thread, but I've found Sculptris through Anim8tor forums and I wanted to share news with you:

I feel that's a good time to grab latest (last?) free version...
Title: Re: sculptris
Post by: nikolasmantilla on July 24, 2010, 08:02:47 am
It crashes every so offten for me :-/ I Liked it since I actully do stuff on clay so its more my kind thatn anything.. but crashing..