Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Kyle on June 07, 2010, 03:51:03 pm

Title: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 07, 2010, 03:51:03 pm
So I originally posted this on .an8 about 3 years back. migrated to CG-nation, and now I'm back here. I might have even started back here before Steve took the wip forum  down originally. So this thing has been all over the place, but its time to move it again, got to follow the community right? more feedback is always nice.

I'm not going to post everything up to this point, just some select recent renders, but please check this thread on CG-nation ( for plenty more on this 2+ year project of mine. its been a long road, even in its unfinished state I've been plagiarized by Lego with this,  lost a lot of my more recent advancements in a hard drive failure on my lap top,  (not all) but its been fun, so lets continue shall we?

For a quick visual summary of how far this project has come, here's a Youtube video I did documenting quite a bit of it.
Apology in advance if this is blocked in your country, I had no say in it.

Here are the some of the most recent renders of the project. keep in mind a lot of things you see here are gone, but I should be able to get it back again not looking too much different.


This is, er, was the hallway. It was lost in the hardrive failure. I'll see if I can redo it later.

This was the new and improved rug. again, I'll be remaking it later.

The Beveled desktop, you guesed it, I'll have to redo.

I'll also be using this thread for any Toy Story characters I'll be doing, otherwise I'd end up clogging up the forums.

Buzz WIP

Woody Wip
( (

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 07, 2010, 04:16:09 pm
Awesome Awesome Awesome, I remember seeing this a while ago in early stages and being amazed then too!

love it, can't wait to see you finish it! toy story is one of my own personal favourite childhood films and I can definitely say you are doing it justice :)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: dwsel on June 07, 2010, 04:48:28 pm
Impressive accuracy :)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: $imon on June 08, 2010, 05:17:26 am
Very nice work! The room is of course very accurate, but I really like how the characters came out, they look identical to the movie ;) Great job!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Josmic8or on June 08, 2010, 05:28:01 am
Are you sure you didn't make toy story the movie?  :D :D
This stuff should really be animated!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: spicy on June 08, 2010, 12:25:29 pm
Awesome work, this is some real nice quality models!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 08, 2010, 03:54:19 pm
This stuff should really be animated!

 I'd love to, but Anim8or's renderer just isn't practical enough for it.

Edit: AHHHRRGGHHAHH!! I just finished modeling Woody's ear, was about to close up the last few holes when Anim8or crashed. lost the whole ear.  I hate everything.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: daniel99 on June 08, 2010, 04:21:08 pm
Kyle, I have to make at least a short animation. What you say? :)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: rellik420 on June 08, 2010, 04:24:06 pm
wow man great job
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 08, 2010, 05:38:39 pm
Kyle, I have to make at least a short animation. What you say? :)

a single frame of animation with decent sampling and using the ART tracer can take up to 30 hours. I don't see any animation happening outside of some character tests.
But thanks all for the kind words.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 08, 2010, 07:21:22 pm
Or... there is a possibility that if anybody has a small personal render farm of some sort... lol that's VERY likely :P

I actually would really love to see it animated too! and if it was possible and I had a decent enough computer I would help. but unfortunately... no dice.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 08, 2010, 11:59:10 pm
Body work. This collar is really annoying, it keeps intersecting everything...but I think I about got it.

Edit: added this detail to the back.

Edit:Hope Im not updating too often, Im just surpried by how fast this guy is coming along.  I guess it helps that he's just made of basic shapes.

Working on the vest, punched the first arm hole.

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: rellik420 on June 09, 2010, 03:21:45 am
can you post some wire frames?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 09, 2010, 03:30:06 am
Anything specific you want to see?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 11, 2010, 01:11:41 am
Working on Buzz a bit. The torso is still a mess, I'm thinking of deleting the entire upper part, leaving only the points and faces near the very bottom of it.

Did the upper arm today, Im debating if I should make the resessed part a separate object or not. I want it to all be one piece, but getting that shape might be really hard for me...
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: davdud101 on June 11, 2010, 04:56:07 pm
WOW!!!! Very good! I remeber watching this vid a few years back. SPOT ON!!!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 11, 2010, 05:14:39 pm
Years? That video isnt even 6 months old, haha.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: floyd86 on June 12, 2010, 06:58:03 am
Your toy story scene is getting better and better every time. I believe you have been posting renders for about 1,5-2 years right now and still I'm amazed by the quality of you work. keep it going!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 13, 2010, 02:43:02 am
Going back to the room itself its nearly the way it was before my hard drive failed (not counting the hallway), Ive re cut the windows, remade the beveled desktop and some other minor things. Small  non AA render for now.

Going to redo the rug here soon.

Edit: new rug.

If I can just redo the clamp for the hotwheels race track, and parts of the siding, the room will be exactly as I left off with.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: davdud101 on June 14, 2010, 07:32:05 pm
Years? That video isnt even 6 months old, haha.
Oh. it just seem a while ago.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 20, 2010, 07:29:41 pm
In honor of Toy Story 3 (which was amazing by the way), I've started on Andy's new room. haha  


My A.d.d doesnt let me finish anything.

Edit: first AA shot in a while.

Edit: New texture I added to the rug. it doesn't quite line up, but hopefully its still an improvement.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: PinkGypsy on June 24, 2010, 05:47:31 pm
Wow, this is awsome! Keep it up!  :)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: dwsel on June 25, 2010, 11:23:09 am
Texture looks great! You should keep it :D
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 25, 2010, 07:49:57 pm
Woody progress.

I'm horrible with texture mapping, so this is going to be hard for me to do right. there's a lot of stretching going on here.
The hands I'll redo. these are temporary ones I made for another project. they don't really look like Woody's hands, for one thing he has finger nails, heh. I hope to model more accurate ones later.

recent room shot.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: hihosilver on June 26, 2010, 08:51:34 pm
This is looking phenomenal mate.  It really is.  The texturing you've been adding is definitely adding a lot to the scene.  I would say that the stretching that occurs isn't too noticeable.  What program are you using to unwrap your models?  The characters are looking great though.  Keep it up!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 26, 2010, 09:13:08 pm
I haven't done any unwrapping actually. I never really learned how. Even in my experiments with it I cant tell what Im painting on when actually painting the textures in photoshop.
all the textureing is just scaling the textures the best I can with the default anim8or UV tool.  
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 26, 2010, 09:21:42 pm
Glad to see i'm not the only one who still does it the old way then! never have gotten the hang of the unwrapping programs... Awesome work, you're better at it than I am :P
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 29, 2010, 12:45:20 am
Working on new doors (one still needs a new knob, obviously).  Also been making other adjustments, most will probably go un noticed, but I noticed the desk was unusually large before, so it has been shrunk down quite a bit.


This guy took 19 hours to render, haha.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: hihosilver on June 29, 2010, 12:48:56 am
Haha wow those are some crazy render times!
The only issue I see right now is the bed sheet intersecting with the bed frame.
Otherwise you're still doing amazing work.  The thing that I think will really bring it to its full potential is clutter that's added.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on June 29, 2010, 12:53:45 am
Yeah, I had made new sheets before, as seen in the original post, but that got lost when my hard drive died. I haven't remade them just yet.  even my old "new" sheets didn't look that great though. it didn't intersect, but I still struggle at making cloth. both in terms of modeling and texturing. its hard to do without some kind of sim.

By the way, if/when I can find adequate reference, I'd like to tackle Andy himself. Seems silly to make two of his rooms without Andy himself, no? Im not sure which age I want to do yet. but I think I'll have a hard time finding good reference. I  was able to do Woody and Buzz's head pretty well, but that's probably because I have physical toys (from the Toy Story collection line, produced from the movie model data) as reference.  Theres no toy of Andy, with the exception of a rare one that used to be sold in Japan.  if I had a toy of Andy it'd be a lot easier.  so yeah, hopefully I'll find model sheets of him in an Art of book or something.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on August 29, 2010, 03:56:19 am
Been a long while, I'm finally able to work on the project again on my laptop.

I tried to recreate this Urban Tour poster from TS3. its not an exact replica, but a decent approximation I'd say. I can't be spending too much time on every single poster, theres a lot of them afterall.

Edit: working on some clutter for the corkboard. trying to see if I can get results I want from simply adding it to the texture. I may opt to do polygonal stuff instead later. or maybe a mix of both would work? I need to avoid overdoing it with the polycount, the render times are bad enough as it is. I'm just not sure how much detail Im willing to sacrifice for it.


Also, I found someone who has a rare japanese toy of young Andy, and he has prvided me with a lot of great reference photos to use. So I expect to start modeling him at some point.

Edit 2: Woody misses Steve. He wants an update to Anim8or.  ;)

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on August 29, 2010, 03:16:41 pm
Hey, I remember this! :D

Nice job, I don't know if I ever commented on this thread, but good work! It all looks just like it.
Hope to see more. :)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Arik_the_Red on August 30, 2010, 11:45:00 am
I was wondering if Woody was ogling the girlie pic or staring at Steve... :P Fine looking works, Kyle!

Would be cool to see if you could work this into some sort of little run around game.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: CoriDavis on August 30, 2010, 12:23:50 pm
Ooh is that what Steve looks like? cool!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on August 30, 2010, 03:34:23 pm
I was wondering if Woody was ogling the girlie pic or staring at Steve... :P Fine looking works, Kyle!

Would be cool to see if you could work this into some sort of little run around game.

Cool points for anyone who can guess who that girl actually is. I made sure to run a few filters on her so it wouldnt be so obvious, but she's a celeberty.

and I really wouldnt know how to make a a game or even demo out of this. plus, I think it would need a lot of optimizing to run properly in real time with any decent frame rate.

Ooh is that what Steve looks like? cool!
His pic has only been on the site since 1999, heh.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: floyd86 on August 31, 2010, 11:36:38 am
Cool points for anyone who can guess who that girl actually is. I made sure to run a few filters on her so it wouldnt be so obvious, but she's a celeberty.

Angolina jolie? Cool points for me! :p

Nice room kyle, what are you going to do enventually with the room? Make an animation?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on August 31, 2010, 02:54:12 pm
Its not Angolina.  She's not A list (even though she should be).

And I don't really have any plans for what I'll eventually do.  I probably won't be doing any animation unless ART gets optimized. its just prohibitively slow right now to work with. One frame can take 20 hours, it'd be years before I saw any animation come out of it.

Edit: working on Andy's guitar.

Little league trophy.


Recreated another poster.


More wall clutter+stickers



Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: onespirit5777 on August 31, 2010, 08:53:39 pm
Hands down, you are good!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 03, 2010, 04:14:08 pm
Trying to finally address the lousy looking blankets...


This is of course the version seen in Toy Story 3, but with a texture swap and a few other tweaks I should be able to use it in my other version of the room too.

what Im still having trouble with is getting the exposed mattress at the bottom properly coverd and still looking natural.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 04, 2010, 01:00:38 am
Wow, that looks great, Kyle! :) I see a few things that need a bit of attention, but I'm sure that's just the WIPness of it. ;)

Glad to see i'm not the only one who still does it the old way then! never have gotten the hang of the unwrapping programs... Awesome work, you're better at it than I am :P

Old post, but to add my input: I've never learned how to use Anim8or's UV-tool. :P It's very confusing. I find LithUnwrap much easier.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on September 05, 2010, 12:23:11 am
I love anim8ors UV tool, I found it the easiest UV tool yet!
If I need seamless textures for faces I just use sculptris though, it can blend textures soo nicely.
Nice room, and on the topic of that celebrity...
if its a celebrity, I probably will not know who it is (I care *&^^$%$%^$$#%^ for celebritys, that arnt Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, David Suzuki, or kiyohiko Azuma
that Angolina jolie you speak of, I have no clue who that is

Once again Love the room, and I hope anim8or gets an update soon too
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 05, 2010, 02:31:16 am
the anim8or UV tool doesnt seem capable of a lot of control, Im constantly just scaling textures around and hopefully get something that will work from most angles, but theres always a side that will look horrible no matter what I try, at least on the higher poly stuff.  I wish I could figure out how to properly texture something other than a box.  Whats the easiest to follow tutorial and program if I were give it another go and try to learn? Lithunwrap?

Anyway, some stuff Ive been tweaking/adding lately.

Made the lamp taller and bend a bit more.

Added a tv+stand in the corner.

Made bed darker, to look more aged as it does in the third movie. made a a new texture for it to use as its bump and spec map too.  lowered the clovers to be closer to the mattress.

Cut out the window hole on the right.  also decided to move it closer to the wall furthest away. for reference this is the shot Im using to try and match proportion of the room. (see second attatchment)  things just weren't lining up before, its really frustrating. Ive been trying to get both the wall and part of the map, and the window sill on the right in the frame at the same time, also paying attention to how much celing and top of the dresser is in the shot. its like I need to go further back, but I can't without going through the wall.  Something just isn't right on my end, and Im trying to figure how where the correction needs to be made. Though I have considered they could have cheated somehow. Either in compositing of the forground or removing/hiding the 4th wall.

the change I did made though did seem to help in getting more of the desk in the frame though. that's a start I guess.

This shot, by the way has changed since the trailer this was taken from. the final shot has the camera closer to woody. I only have bootleg, copy, but I'll attach that too.  (note: the top and bottom have been cropped out to cut off subtitles, unfortunately)

You'll probably notice Andy's guitar changes from black to red in the final shot.

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on September 05, 2010, 02:37:02 am
either way it still looks nice
and I doubt that they cheated and removed the 4th wall,

I dont know what you mean, I find the UV  mapper in anim8or very nice, even though I do wish there was a brush mode for it,
but I still like selecting the faces and UV mapping them
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 05, 2010, 02:43:22 am
Im saying the UV tool gets the job done, but is not seamless. I only feel like I have control with the projection method, which only works for the front and back faces. the sides will stretch, leaving you to select those faces.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 05, 2010, 03:25:40 pm
That last render is superb, Kyle. :o

I love all of them, of course. :)
How many polys/faces are in the room right now?

Also, the UV mapper in Anim8or, as I said, I have no idea how to use it, and I imagine it isn't seamless, so...
I didn't use any tutorials for Lithunwrap, just learned it. Really easy after about a week of using it.
I'll make a simple video of me UV mapping something in there, and then post it here.
That sound good?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 05, 2010, 07:52:32 pm
How do you check the poly count again? I haven't done it in so long.

And yeah, a Lithunwrap video might help.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Arik_the_Red on September 05, 2010, 09:52:21 pm
For poly count and such...

Options -> Info

And I see a few differences between the middle and bottom pic... such as the car poster above the bed.

But it all looks great!

I'm confused... is the middle pic the Disney shot?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 06, 2010, 12:46:43 am
Both of the bottom 2 are official. the second one is from the trailer, the third one is from the final movie, albeit a bootleg copy (will have to do until it hits blu ray in Nov).  and yeah, there are differences, which is why I posted both versions. if you guys spot anything else different, speak up so I can make sure I don't use the work in progress version of the film to base mine off of.  I have a lot of posters to replicate so I don't want to waste time recreating ones that are no longer there. some of the stuff will probably have to be original, since I simply can't make out a lot of the smaller ones. but I can at least use the colors for inspiration.  and once I can get a clearer shot of the room in HD I can rework some things.

Options doesn't have an "info" in scene mode, so I'd have to do some math, as some additional models are in separate objects, but the main room is 72,114 faces.  This doesn't include Woody, the guitar, a pencil, and trophy.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 06, 2010, 08:54:09 pm
Why so many bots here these days?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 06, 2010, 09:16:25 pm
Why so many bots here these days?

We need to upgrade to SMF 2.0.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 08, 2010, 05:47:21 pm
Made a dart board, texture from scratch. I just now noticed I made it too large, will scale it down soon.

Made a ton more proportional changes to the overall room, still trying to get things to match more to the ref images.  also softened the shadows, their all at 500 softness now. trying to make it look like ambient occlusion without actually doing it.  reworked and completed the headboard. I've hid certain flaws before with the pillow, the spokes (for lack of a better term) didn't go all the way down, now they do, so I was able to lower the mattress.

Does anyone have any tips for modeling dirty laundry? I tried googing for tutorials but got mostly "dirty images" if you catch my drift. haha
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 08, 2010, 07:36:51 pm
It's coming along great, Kyle.

I like the dartboard. :D 
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: BMattster on September 18, 2010, 12:55:35 pm
Wow! :o This is in anim8or?!
How do you do face expressions? Do you use morphs?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 18, 2010, 03:32:10 pm
Yes, its all Anim8or.  For expressions I have to modify the models. Sometimes it's as a morph, other times as a copied object to save the original. Either way, I still have to move points around manually to get the various expressions.  Ive only actually animated Buzz's though.

Edit: So I was looking at some of my behind the scenes stuff that I haven't seen in a while, and I realized that they do in fact remove walls and such to put the camera in places it normally couldn't, so I don't feel as bad that I can't match the angle. I might be able to get it to if I remove the fourth wall.  They seemed to hide/remove anything they don't need in the camera's view, as if it were a movie set.  I bet I could speed up my render times if I did that too.  I mean, I do this to an extent, but I don't like to remove whole walls and too much furniture, it can throw off the lighting.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Janro on September 18, 2010, 11:07:36 pm
Wow this is amazing. Good job Kyle. This shows what this little program can do(despite the fact it takes a 'while' to render.)

I'd like to quote John Lassater if I may. "The art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." XD I see that spirit here.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: BMattster on October 01, 2010, 04:48:37 pm
Hey, Kyle, can I borrow some of these images for an anim8or gallery youtube video I'm trying to set up on Youtube?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 01, 2010, 06:41:11 pm
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: BMattster on October 01, 2010, 06:57:36 pm
Thanks! ;D
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 22, 2010, 03:09:33 am
Early work on young Andy. I'm having a hard time getting the refs to line up. the top of the head never matches at the same time as the nose and chin. very frustrating.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on October 22, 2010, 08:48:32 am
Looking good. More like excellent.

Anyways for that dirty laundery, you want lots of rinkles and some dirt patches. I wouldnt look up tutorials for dirty laundery, I would look up a pitcure (or use your own) and observe the picture very closly.

Mainly you would want to put alot into the texture, and shape of the object.
A bump map might work for the wrinkles.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: $imon on October 22, 2010, 11:23:19 am
Kyle, don't worry too much about lining up the references, it is impossible to get them perfect since they are photographs with perspective in them. Rather use them to get the main shape down and tweek yourself to get al the details as you want them.
I think your model is looking good so far! Maybe you can give him a little bit more 'body' under the eyes though.

Good progress still & keep it up!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 24, 2010, 07:18:10 pm
Added two posters and a box.  I know, I jump around a lot, but Andy just isn't going so well yet...

The Toy Story 3 Blu ray comes out next week, looking forward to that. I'm sure there'll be a butt load of new reference material to work from.

Edit: added another poster.


Edit: And another.

Edit: working on Andy's new desk chair. I still need to add arms but its coming together.  Also of note is the new modified trashcan. Older Andy doesn't have the teepee one anymore, so I changed the material and made it look like it has a bag in it.  This render was done with a high high AA value, so it took all night. its needed to get that desktop looking grain free. its pretty bad when I use the lower values.


Anyone know whats up with that crease in the background? its a curved surface outside the window (since anim8or cant render the proper backgrounds with ART) but I'm not sure what that crease is there. its not there in object or scene mode.

Edit: more box detailing, fresh bed sticker.  (see attached)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: floyd86 on November 01, 2010, 09:34:11 am
Nice work kyle. It's looks really great.
The crease on the background might be there because the curved surface hasn't got any thickness or we're looking at the back of the faces. ART has some trouble with single faces (like a plane) and the back of the faces.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: davdud101 on November 01, 2010, 03:31:05 pm
This is fantastic!!! Still great! I saw Toy Story 3 yesterday, great movie. You're doing awesome, Kyle, keep it up.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on November 03, 2010, 05:24:13 pm
Ok, so I want to finally try using ambient occlusion, but Im still having trouble getting good results. I still get corners that are bright instead of dark. this is even after I shelled the room (I heard that's supposed to help sidestep a bug) but its still not rendering properly. any idea what I could do do to fix it?

Got the blu ray yesterday by the way. some really great new reference to work with (although not as much as I was hoping for). now if I can just find a way to get proper screen caps. the good stuff is only on the blu ray, not the dvd, and I don't have a blu ray drive on my pc.  if anyone by any chance can take some caps of the movie in ciniexplore mode for me let me know, we'll talk. I have some very specific shots I want. they show head on views of the room in modeling modes that would really help me in getting the right proportions worked into mine. as well as good shots of the decals/posters for me work from.

Oh, and Floyd, I figured out the bg crease, somehow there were just some faces that needed flipping, I thought I checked for those too, but oh well. its fixed now. thanks.  

Edit: anyone have any advice on modeling a basket weave like this?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: dwsel on November 05, 2010, 08:51:31 am
Edit: anyone have any advice on modeling a basket weave like this?

For horizontal parts I'd create spline of star shape with chamfered edges and extrude just a bit, or cylinder without caps with every 2nd edge scaled toward the centre then chamfered and smoothed, then copy as many times as needed with vertical offset. For verticals I'd create spline of wavy shape that would fit between horizontal parts then extrude and rotate by constant angle of 360 degrees/number of verticals.

I hope the idea is helpful somehow.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on November 15, 2010, 02:40:50 am
Not having much luck with the basket thing...

Painted a new poster and remade the lamp, this time with key details missing before.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: $imon on November 15, 2010, 02:55:51 am
Nice and steady going still Kyle, great job!

The corner being lighter than the walls around it is actually normal, since it gets light from the whole 90 degrees, whereas the walls face one direction. it probably has to do with the placement of the lights in your room. Did you try rendering it with just the AO on and no lights? Either way, in a corner like that AO won't actually make it visibly darker, since it is out in the open, it will be more evident under the bed, behind desks, etc.

The basket is a harder shape to model indeed, dwsel I think pointed out the basic way that is easiest to model it (maybe I would make a ring with more divisions and move them around instead of beveling, since I dont like the bevel in anim8or, but thats personal haha) To get the subtle distortions in the basket you will have to do them by hand.. it will just be a bit time-consuming. Yet I think the clothes in it will be harder to look natural than modeling the basket IMO.

Good going and great youre still giving updates on this!

PS. the corner-board between the wall and the ceiling (sorry I dont know the English name) seems a bit offset?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on November 15, 2010, 03:24:23 am
Ahh, yeah those corner things (I don't know what their called myself) need to be fixed. In fact they need to be redone completely, as these were based on the first movie's version of the room, not the new house. they need to be steeper, and I'll need to raise the ceiling to do so. Definitely something I'll address later.

With the new blu ray that just released I now have a wealth of new reference material to work from. I just wish I could take screen caps properly. I don't have a blu ray player for my pc, so Ive resorted to taking pics with my camera of my tv screen.  If there's anyone reading this that has a copy of TS3 on blu ray and can take full 1080p screen shots of the movie in cinexplore mode, pm me, we'll talk.

About AO, no I havnt tried just the AO yet. its kind of a pain to render AO at all, since shelling the room brings up other problems near the windows. Fixable problems but its enough to make me work on other things instead at the moment.  I'll try just the AO next time I give it a shot though.  am I supposed to render it with no textures as well, to properly merge the two renders in post?

Edit: another poster. admittedly this is a sloppy one. I might redo it later. the cog shape is especially bad.  and before anyone mentions it, I know the guitar still needs a lot of work.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on January 25, 2011, 03:02:35 am
A video update. Most of it consists of images already posted here, but there's some extra stuff as well.

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: RudySchneider on January 25, 2011, 11:30:01 am
That was a great story in and of itself, Kyle!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: davdud101 on February 16, 2011, 08:40:43 pm
Absolutely fantastic work your doing here, Kyle! Not only are all the models accurate and beautifly crafted, but your presentation in that video was just astonishing! Can't wait to see more!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 05, 2011, 12:32:01 am
Haven't touched anim8or (or any 3D program) in what feels like ages... but this is what Ive been working on today.


attached is a render with a different expression.
Having trouble maintaining that perfect spherical roundness in his noggin...
Slink is deceptively difficult for such simple looking shapes.

Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: davdud101 on September 05, 2011, 12:38:13 pm
Wow, Kyle, your renders are so professional. Even without his legs, and perhaps
without completed modelling, that render of Slinky Dog is very nice, looks lke it's straight out of the movie(s).
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 25, 2012, 04:24:13 am
Getting some strange texture artifacts these days using ART. Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this?

By the way, I'm currently working on Mr spell. If I can get it completed and accurate looking enough me and another guy are going to have it produced with the help of 3D printing and it'll be available to buy. It wont have working electronics but  it should be the most accurate full scale one produced.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on October 25, 2012, 08:00:39 am
Hey Kyle.  Not sure what you mean by artifacts, the main issue with this image that I can see is there is no AA applied.  The texture on the toy chest and some on Woody look like they might not be mapping properly, possibly the UV coords have been messed up a bit.  Is that what you're referring to?
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 25, 2012, 11:03:08 am
Well yeah, but it looks properly mapped in normal working views. The lack of AA was a conscious choice to get a quick render, it shouldn't be producing the weirdness I'm getting here.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on October 25, 2012, 12:14:50 pm
1, glad to see your still working on the project, you probably hold the record for longest running project (and for having that "I'm not going to let it die" attitude)

2 Ive had some issues like this in the past where ART would render bump maps distorted, and scan-line wouldn't, but unfortunately I do not know of a solution, I just remodeled everything from scratch which for you probably isn't an answer.

3 you also seem to have some artifacts with the shadow under woody's hat
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on October 25, 2012, 03:39:15 pm
Yes, I ran into the bump mapping thing too the other day. The example couldn't have been simplier, just a ball with a diffuse and bump and it looked horrible at any bump value using ART. Shouldn't be the case here, the only bump maps I use in this project that I can recall is for the bed.

Edit: I may have found somewhat of an answer, its possible I was trying to use an older version of the beta. v0.97c rather than D.  I havent opened anim8or in a while so I might have just forgot which one was which. Ive switched back to D, but my problems aren't completely gone. This time the scanline renderer doesn't give me anything but a blank grey square pops up instantly. ART does seem to work now. It can be a bit crashy though, only getting a third way through a render.

Edit 2: Heres how Mr. Spell is looking so far.

Edit: 3: update (attatched)
There's some asymmetry going on toward the handle, but I'll mirror it later.

Edit 4: added a new Zoo poster, as well as two stickers that you can barely make out to the toy chest. (beter view on those later)
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on October 29, 2012, 08:47:15 am
lol, I like how you put 'work in progress' in the toy :P
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Arik_the_Red on November 02, 2012, 05:39:22 pm
this thread is definitely tops in the ongoing Works in Progress! Good stuff as always!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on November 03, 2012, 12:31:49 am
Dude Arik! You're still alive!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Arik_the_Red on November 03, 2012, 09:31:42 am
sshhhhh! don't tell anyone!
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 07, 2014, 04:20:16 am
New poster. And some other stuff I don't have time to show at the moment. I'll edit in more soon.

Edit: Added a second render showing the chair, its more or less complete now. Also added some trash, and started working on some more stuff to set on the desk.

Another render added. The door now opens. I did this with the old version of the room, but man, I've forgotten how annoying it is to do.
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: cooldude234 on September 09, 2014, 05:18:29 pm
I'm really amazed that you have stuck with it all the way up to now, and even more so glad that you did!  ;D
Title: Re: Andy's Room WIP
Post by: Kyle on September 10, 2014, 04:15:43 am
Added this crate full of books. Its not too accurate, I'll probably redo it later but its a decent stand in for scale.

Edit: added a white board and another poster.

Edit: added basketball.