Anim8or Community

General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: BOB_I_Ts on June 06, 2010, 02:56:04 pm

Title: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on June 06, 2010, 02:56:04 pm
f8ce is a plugin attempt at creating quick easy lowpoly humanoid characters with as many variation options as possible

Version 0.9 update

decreased poly count of model to
point 1964
edge 3918
face 1956

~shape changes again but this time based on real life reference
~removed all body attributes
~re edit of uv wrap giving the head more pixel space
~new addition of parameters for real time edit from -100 to 100 limit:
gender : no change but real edit with z non uni scale
torso : effects size of rib cage grouped with normal scale
muscle : make character look more buff x non uni scale
weight : increase gut mass y non uni scale
spine : effect length of torso grouped with normal scale
also include upper lower arm and leg grouped with normal scale

Following Attribute tags below will effect f8ce v0.9 models appearance

How to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of blue name tags above remember all are lower case fonts
C2)you donot need to add all tags but click new each time to add an attribute to the active object
D)Important in the TYPE tab enable "point", 3 value box's should enable from left to right are equal to x,y and z coordinate of each tagged region
E) The plugin attributes go by percentages from -100 to 100 percent . how ever there is no restriction limit for attributes
F) At present there is a refresh issue with attributes but you can .
Fa)double click the f8ce model and click ok button to refresh
Fb)select f8ce model and enable non-unform tool then adjust one of the parameters with mouse
Fc) delete and recreate f8ce model

~attribute change donnot refresh unless plugin parameter is changed
~you cannot undo attributes but even if you delete the f8ce model saving file ensured attributes will be stored as well :D

how to install plugin : put f8ce.a8s in the script folder you assigned in anim8or>configure menu and wella plugin tool button will appear on side menu of object mode contains plugin , 1024xbmp uv template and f8ce9tester project file ,if you have older version than v0.9 i recommend overwriting or you wish to keep old plugin move it to different directory ,old saved projects i recommend deleting old reference to f8ce and recreating reference as v0.9  use different polycount
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Bugtrooper on June 07, 2010, 09:18:50 am
Looks nice! :D
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on June 08, 2010, 09:35:46 am
thanks Bugtrooper

i missed texture template so ill re-uploaded plugin has no changes other then
uv template bmp and tester an8 project has couple more variations in

youtube video showing exactly whats in the re-uploaded files
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Josmic8or on June 09, 2010, 04:11:22 am
WOW man! :o  :o This is AWESOME!!!Definitely my most favourite plugin!!You're always making cool stuff that could help us anim8or users. THANKS!!
You're also a great modeler,animator and script writer!
3d is definitely your thing!Stick to it! :)

Below is a female I created with f8ce9
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Tiula on June 09, 2010, 03:02:09 pm
For me, the plugin tool button isn't appearing... help!

(sorry for being such a n00b! :/ )
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on June 09, 2010, 05:13:40 pm
great that you like it Josmic8or but other than rigging im not much of an animator

Tiula no need to apologies we were all new once
1st make sure you are using anim8or v0.97d the script use ASL functions which only in this version
2:goto top menu file > confugure ....
3:set up and and assign a folders most important for plugins is the scripts: directories
4:make sure you enable preload scripts click ok then close anim8or
5: put all the a8s plugins scripts you have DL'ed into the script folder that match the script directory you set up in configure menu
6 :restart anim8or and now all plugins scripts should appear
note : parametric shape plugins appear only on object mode tool bar and command scripts appear in the top menu scripts>"insert command name here" and export scripts become optional save type from object > export... dialogue menu
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Tiula on June 11, 2010, 07:00:04 am
Thanks :)
Got it now
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: captaindrewi on June 16, 2010, 08:21:58 pm
the work you have done is truly wonderful.
can you make something to generate garments for the figures?[a basic cage]
many amongst us must have tried enlarging a duplicate figure to try and
get a version we could then cut away at and remodel as a quick way of creating a piece of clothing.
only to find it doesn't work at all well.especially the under arm and gussett areas
so was thinking you could stick in a magic formula, lines of code and few esoteric squiggles etc to data for a f8ce figure and bazaam there it is. :)........errm ???
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on September 17, 2010, 06:56:18 pm
oops didnt spot post sorry for delay

cloth should be quite easy to model using quad ring and connect edge commands or knife tool
because of the way it was created the a8s file would be double file size when switching geometry :/ plus im to lazy to go deep into coordinate data ,modelling sleeves is more practical

how ever before i forget ill upload the ASL developer script for v9 that has the uv crash bug fix

these files are used for producing the plugin so if you donot know how to use Anim8or Script Language dont download them

-note copy paste data .txt had slight change as well

sorry the an8 project model is not included for one simple reason "31.2 MB (32,795,146 bytes)" in size
how ever a8s v9 parametric shape plugin is essentially identical just  convert 100% of each parameter/attribute as target shape names used in the script or must easier method just scrap the target names and use your own custom plugin (just please make your own plugin icon if you do make your own)
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Janro on September 18, 2010, 11:52:22 pm
This is an interesting script. I shall check it out later when I have time ^^
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Maximilianibus on September 21, 2010, 02:25:54 pm
my favorite script!!! but, what about this: moving body parts? i mean, x,y and z not just scale, even location
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on September 22, 2010, 03:04:02 pm
my favorite script!!! but, what about this: moving body parts? i mean, x,y and z not just scale, even location
sorry you will have to use figure mode for rotation limbs
the export script is based on point location (morphs) the way it was scripted does not allow absolute rotation :/
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Maximilianibus on September 26, 2010, 03:56:35 pm
i mean: as example moving the ear(not rotating it) up and down, because its always in the middle
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on September 27, 2010, 07:20:46 pm
sure ear offset could be put in i also missed out hand and foot scale ,i will look into finishing the plugin after i finished playing eldarscroll oblivion
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on September 28, 2010, 12:58:00 pm
Oblivion ftw :D

lol your script is fun Bob, tried it with reflections and dielectric attributes. It looked cool :P
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Maximilianibus on September 28, 2010, 01:17:30 pm
terminator :P
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Maximilianibus on September 28, 2010, 02:16:57 pm
a zombie(i think) i made for a game.
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: bjpier on September 15, 2013, 03:21:49 am
I tried this F8ce plugin and it wont load in anim8or..
Im using windows 8 wih anim8or.. I had to set it to compatible mode.. however it wont load the face and no way to set it compatible ?
This is really kewl to try out...
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on September 18, 2013, 06:00:27 pm
plugin script was made for anim8or (v0.97d)

the plugin loads as a parameteric shape meaning its only accessible from object mode (button looks like a unisex symbol)

check the first post of this topic for instruction on extra attribute settings
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: benzjie on October 01, 2013, 04:19:15 am
great script.....but whenever I try to subdivide anim8or crashes....any ideas ?
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: captaindrewi on October 01, 2013, 07:34:26 am
hi  ben, i think there is a solution but sadly i cant recall what it is.
i'm sure i asked a similar question previously but cant find the relevant thread.
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: benzjie on October 01, 2013, 07:45:42 am
thx for the reply...i'll just wait for the author..maybe he has an answer
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: kreator on October 01, 2013, 11:40:01 am

thx for the reply...i'll just wait for the author..maybe he has an answer

From what I remember, save it as a .3ds file, then close the project. Start a new project then re-import the saved 3ds file.

If you double click it you will find that its a group so you need to ungroup it, then you can subdivide.
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on January 30, 2014, 07:15:21 pm
great script.....but whenever I try to subdivide anim8or crashes....any ideas ?

sorry for delay in reply ive tried to reproduce the crash in anim8or version  0.98 but have not been able to reproduce the crash .
You could try convert to mesh before convert to sub object !
Mesh alone is 1964 points 3918 edges and 1956 faces and switching viewports to wire because the default divisions on sub object will increase that stat to 31346 points 62688 edges and 31344 faces requiring 4.88m bytes .
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: neighborlee on July 29, 2014, 06:52:49 pm
Im also using anim8tor , in windows 8  ( well n ow 8.1) pro, and using all versions of anim8tor up to 1088 build, when I try to cancel twice out of telling anim8tor where the srcript DIR is for a given script, it crashes anim8tor. I get the same behavior if I try to  say 'ok' once I've told it where the script(s) is/are.

Must be a windows 8 thing ?, but I have no idea how to fix it,,I'm not running as admin no need ( I hope) for that, but I am telling it to run as Windows XP 3rd service pack, would that be about right ?

I could try running without any of that, let's see what happens . . OK isn't this seems if I run in windows 8 AS IS , using no compat. settings or admin at all, it does the above just fine without crashing LOL

Interesting...well it works anyway, in case anyone else has tried this, thinking they need compat mode ;)

Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Steve on August 16, 2014, 01:45:49 pm
Looks like I need to get a Windows 8 computer...  I had a prerelease version but it doesn't work anymore.  I'll look into this.
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: thecolclough on August 16, 2014, 03:52:01 pm
Looks like I need to get a Windows 8 computer...

i REALLY hope you mean "as well as the existing computer", rather than "instead of" - otherwise i predict a swift and catastrophic doom for anim8or :P
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: Steve on August 16, 2014, 04:37:30 pm
Of course. I don't think I could live with only a Win8 computer ;-)
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: cooldude234 on August 17, 2014, 08:19:38 pm
Of course. I don't think I could live with only a Win8 computer ;-)
No reason to put yourself through hell ;)
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: thecolclough on August 18, 2014, 12:45:46 pm
Of course. I don't think I could live with only a Win8 computer ;-)
very glad to hear that!
Title: Re: f8ce v0.9 plugin
Post by: BlueDalek on August 13, 2017, 06:13:36 pm
Took me awhile to find the Body Button, but it's working!!
Thanks for posting!