Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: ADSohr on June 03, 2010, 11:26:13 am
I've been trying to use the mesh2mesh_6_wnfitt_final script, but it has not been working and I cannot find any directions on how to use it. I've got the two objects named "source" and "target".
use "edit script" instead of running or loading it then read the text , with most scripts of this type it pays to look thru the text then you can glean the info you require, ie
$xabsrot=0; /* x fixed rotation amount - degrees*/
$yabsrot=90; /* y fixed rotation amount - degrees*/
$zabsrot=0; /* z fixed rotation amount - degrees*/
$xrot=0.0; /* x rotation variation - degrees*/
$yrot=0.0; /* y rotation variation - degrees*/
$zrot=0.0; /* z rotation variation - degrees*/
$meshptfraction = 1.0; /* fraction of mesh point to use. If < 1 then
the points used are randomly distributed. >0 */
$minusemesh=1; /* min # copies per available point */
$maxusemesh=1; /* max # copies per available point */
$usemeshrand=0; /* 0=use maxusemesh, 1=random amount between
minusemesh and maxusemesh */
$minscale=1.0; /* minimum scale of mesh copy >0 */
$maxscale=0.5; /* maximum scale of mesh copy */
$scalerand=1; /* 0=use maxscale, 1=random scale between
minscale and maxscale */
$yoffsetfraction=0.75; /* fraction of source object to "sink" into surface */
$usenormals=1; /* 1=use point normals to orient,0=orient along y axis */
$useorigmin=1; /* 1=use original minimum y point to place object */
/* 0=use minimum y point after all transformations */
$useverts=0; /* 1=place copies at the vertices, 0=do not use vertices */
$usefaces=1; /* 1=place (#sides + 1) copies on each face
0=do not use faces */
$usesourcemat=1; /* 1=use original source materials and texture coords for copies
0=use target materials for copies */
randseed(13456); /* change to get new sequence of random numbers */
Most of the writers Kuba, NickE add comments on how to use it within the script file.