Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Josmic8or on June 01, 2010, 05:01:54 am

Title: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 01, 2010, 05:01:54 am
So I guess you all have probably noticed me posting about some short that I'm planning to make.Well this is it-
A jaguar spares the life of a mouse.Little did he now that that very mouse will save his life from poachers.(Kinda similiar to the lion and the mouse fable)


( will be the big strong agile jaguar.He may look hard hearted on the outside,but when he spares the mouse's life this shows what a softy kitty he is.
( mouse always seems to get into trouble like being chased by a bulldog,crashing into a beenest or landing on a jaguar.But besides all that he's quite brave and believes one good turn deserves another.
( bulldog probably has cat relatives because he really hates mice!
( two poachers love to catch jaguars.Too bad their scared of mice! :P
( a bird that always flys into things.ANYTHING!
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 01, 2010, 05:27:36 am
Here's the poster
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 01, 2010, 11:47:35 am
Hey... these guys look pretty good all around... but I think I like the dog the best! The jag's pretty cool, too, but where's his tail?
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: MeepII on June 02, 2010, 10:36:09 am
I love the jaguar!

The paws seem a little strange though- have a go at making them bigger or smaller.

You know better than I do.
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: rellik420 on June 02, 2010, 01:27:57 pm
wow man ur really getting good at this. that bulldog is looking pretty badass too. im looking foreword to seeing ur animation.
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: neirao on June 02, 2010, 02:46:27 pm
nice characters, very cool!!
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: rellik420 on June 03, 2010, 02:30:13 am
you need to work on your models a bit more. even 3 hours more work on each one of them will benefit u really well. they are really good but not quite great. but ic the potential in you to make your style fantastic. im not trying to knock your work at all. i know youve blown through like 3 animations in the past like 2 months and your progress is well on its way. but i think you should slow down just a tad on this one and make the quality much better.
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 03, 2010, 02:35:22 am
Thanks all! :) :)
Looking forward to finishing this animation soon!
Arik:Yep!Didn't finish the tail yet :'( But I'm working on it!
MeepIIYou're right! :)The reference image I used had the paws bigger.Having problems
making them bigger so I guess I'll have to leave it

I made a tree
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: MeepII on June 03, 2010, 01:16:25 pm
Nice tree!

You wouldn't believe how many times I've failed to make something like that. =P
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 04, 2010, 10:17:32 pm
a dragonfly,a turtle and a mushroom
(Wow!I guess I'll have to make some modeling tutorials soon)
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: dwsel on June 05, 2010, 08:23:54 am
Te last ones look very cool ;)
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: davdud101 on June 05, 2010, 10:45:09 am
Woah!! wow, josmic8or, that's some pretty sweet stuff! Keep it up!
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: hihosilver on June 10, 2010, 12:14:38 am
Great stuff and good progress.  I like how you're keeping the models nice and simple, that will definitely help your project stay fresh and move along quickly!
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 11, 2010, 11:41:31 am
Oohhh I like the turtle! He has real personality :D
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (SCENE 01)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 15, 2010, 07:29:38 am
Hey everyone!!Still working on the project!
By the way I had used BOB IT's f8ce script to make the bodies for the poachers so I think he should have the credit. :) :)

HIHOSILVER:You're right!Keeping models simple is the way to go!And the more simpler the models the more better their morph targets for their facial expressions look!

Below are some progress so far
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: rellik420 on June 15, 2010, 08:08:16 am
great progress keep it up.
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: johnar on June 16, 2010, 07:09:41 am
Hey there Josmic8or, :) .
 Haven't had a chance to watch yor fly clip yet, but am going to my brothers place 2moro, and he has proper internet so will catch it then and add comment in that post.
 As far as this one here goes....... :D Yeehah. :D. I just love it.  Can view 'some' of the pics and the 1st 3 characters are awesome.
 Because of the way you are working, i hav a feeling that you may just finish this, and  that in itself is an excellent achievement.
 I'm working on something at the mo, which will be between 4 - 6 minutes long. I hav a deadline of early september, and am about half way through, thinking i still hav more than enuff time to finish.
 Theres something strangely good about knowing you hav that little amount of 'xtra' or 'Spare' time.
 I find its allowing me to relax a little, and spend some lazy-time, just going over what i've done on the clip so far, and tweaking things here and there.
 I guess what i'm getting at is, if i could say so, is don't rush to get the final rendered movie posted.
 When you're working with something thats six minutes long, (as you are), i can gaurantee that you'll see some things that you should have done or fixed 'after' you've posted the 'final' movie. ;)
 Use your current motivation to knock out those hard yards ahead, but don't forget to take a little 'quiet time' now and then, just to watch what you hav so far over and over a few times. (and over and over and over and  Things pop up that you may decide to improve on, and at the end of the day, it all helps to make a more detailed and enjoyable vid, for you, and other people. :)
 hohum, raving again.
 I may not get here that often, so i guess i can tend to rave on when i do.
 any way, gr8 stuff. :)
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Mreenav D on June 17, 2010, 02:12:55 pm
gr8 models there.i love the cartoony effect of the u have an approx idea on when itll be finished?
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on June 21, 2010, 07:20:00 am
JOHNAR:Glad u like it!And indeed i'm finishing this project soon because I already completed the first minute for the project in just one week!
MREENAV D:Well as u can see I'm going one week for a minute :D

Here are some more behind the scenes and a clip
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: siragin on June 21, 2010, 01:12:04 pm
its looking nice. can't wai to see it.
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: Josmic8or on August 26, 2010, 05:24:00 am
I've finished this project since a month ago!
YEP!I finished a 5 min short in just just 5 weeks!And the animation's pretty good!I'm currently having problems uploading it so I'll post a few shots from the short  :) :)
Title: Re: [WIP]The Jaguar & The Mouse (A 6min short)
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on August 26, 2010, 04:15:32 pm
Haha, that looks really good, Josmic! :D
I think it'll be awesome whenever we get to see it. :)