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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: daniel99 on May 26, 2010, 08:12:33 pm

Title: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on May 26, 2010, 08:12:33 pm
I started a new project, witch includes some vehicles. Here's the 1st.
Even if is now finished yet, I've decided to show some test renders.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: dwsel on May 26, 2010, 08:38:42 pm
Looks great :) The only thing I may point out is that IMHO reflections on windows and car body could be turned down to 70-80% of current value, and model would gain more realistic look.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: Arik_the_Red on May 26, 2010, 09:29:07 pm
Nice model... dwsel might be onto something about that reflection. Also, trying to see what that black texture is... a bit gritty.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on May 27, 2010, 04:23:49 am
Thnaks :) btw, Dwsel, the reflections are at 56% :)
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: hihosilver on May 27, 2010, 05:11:47 pm
My only major criticism is that the bump on the black parts of the car is too strong, I would turn it down a lot and make it much more subtle.
Otherwise it's looking great though! You always do a fantastic job with your renders.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on May 27, 2010, 05:21:52 pm
Well, it seems you guys are right about too much bump-map on the black. I didn't like the surface to be to plain, and I exagerated without notice :).

Btw, can enyone tell me what kind of jeep it is.:) Just to maje sure I'm on the right way :P
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: kreator on May 27, 2010, 05:55:20 pm
yeah, Landrover or RangeRover
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 28, 2010, 12:05:16 am
Not finished yet?? That looks awesome. Keep updating! :)
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on May 28, 2010, 04:50:10 am
exlant texture work on ! Landrover sorry im not technical with car names

unsure on advice on machine models as i mainly done organics but if you enable snap to grid and (bevel tool) the selected edges around windows snap to grid will allow you to place edges so they return back to original position you can sharper curves on sub-d surfaces
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: neirao on May 28, 2010, 12:41:38 pm
Amazing model!! mainly without the texture! the AO, setup..
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: Josmic8or on May 29, 2010, 02:42:40 am
Amazing model!! mainly without the texture! the AO, setup..
YEAH!I totally agree with Neirao! :)

This project sure sounds interesting!
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on May 29, 2010, 12:18:49 pm
Thanks, friends. It seems you a familiar with car types.

3DGeek, Yes I will keep updating, I promise. Unfortunaterly, now I have to make some ID for a tv show, but in next days I will finish modeling it, and post also some compositing renders of my new car :)
Yes, BOB, I'll kep that in mind. I've just made the windows for the render tests, I didn't want to be that empty holes there. I'll also place the corect position of polygons in order to show up corectly in the final model.
Neirao, yeah, I like using AO, but even with a strong computer, sometimes I have to give up using it, specialy if I have a immediate deadline, because of the time of render.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: $imon on May 30, 2010, 02:43:44 am
Hey daniel.. great to see another model!
Just a question- how visible will the model be in your final animation/image? If you want to have close-ups of the car I really feel it needs quite a bit more attention ;) All edges are very rounded and not defined enough.
The rims make me doubt youll want to use it in close-up though.

Good luck on the project :D
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on May 30, 2010, 07:01:26 am
Yea, $imon. I also said it is not finished yet, as you can read above, but I won't use it for close-ups, even when finished. For close-up scenes, in the final composition, will be used some real imagery of the car and some camera projection technique, composited along with the driver and the rest.

And, btw, I remembered. Is not a good ideea to use very sharp edges, exept the model is an sharp blade. Studying an image of it, you'll observe that edges are slightly rounded, or they seem to be.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: dwsel on May 30, 2010, 07:16:43 am
I like using AO, but even with a strong computer, sometimes I have to give up using it, specialy if I have a immediate deadline, because of the time of render.

Why not to fake AO with multiple spotlights? - point 4)
Greatly reducing number of samples to 2-3 per light can speed up the things a lot.
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: daniel99 on June 02, 2010, 09:58:45 pm
Thanks, dwsel. but it seems like using this multiple lights technique seems to take even mor time rendering :(
Title: Re: I have a new JeeP !!!~
Post by: bryananthonydgm on July 25, 2010, 11:06:08 am
Not bad, getting started with its exterior. Now the tough starts here, polishing it and modelling the interior. Lol.
I would like to see more of your car soon.