Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Gyperboloid on May 26, 2010, 10:49:03 am

Title: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on May 26, 2010, 10:49:03 am
Hello Anim8or world !!! I'm using Anim8or for about a month now and i'm still in the object mode. But i'm actually able to render a simple scene, so...
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: Bobert on May 26, 2010, 03:27:41 pm
Wow very cool. Could you post a wire frame of the model?
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 26, 2010, 04:58:06 pm
That is awesome for a beginner. For anyone, really. Hard to believe you made that in a month.

I was still making block people a month into Anim8or. :P
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: dwsel on May 26, 2010, 08:41:37 pm
Wow very cool. Could you post a wire frame of the model?

and you should definitely try scene mode ;) custom lighting is real fun :D
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: Arik_the_Red on May 26, 2010, 09:22:34 pm
Yeah, you asked for wire frames on my sub... so how about it here?

It looks really cool! The texture has a nice effect, too.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on May 27, 2010, 10:40:28 am
Actually, it's not as good as it looks like and definitely was at all not difficult to make it. I hope that you don't think that i created it using various spheres,cubes,cylinders or other meshs, because i'm not so good yet. :P I just used a picture from Build--->Reference Image menu and with the line/path tool "drew" around it. Then--->fill---->convert to mesh----> some edits in point editor------>shell tool to extrude it and finally convert to subdivided. Great part here has the texture and lighting. And i don't meen the texture is the best that could be and especially the lighting ( i just was playing with, as i said i'm still in object mode ;D ), but it helps a lot to make the scene seem more realistic. For texture i used a simple black colour material with bumpmap ( very good feature for textures  8)) and the texture UV tool. I definitely will recreate it when i'll be more skilled, but for now just see at this "realise" of model and find all the mistakes i did.  ;D
So, these are the pics of model in " undressed mode " :D :
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 28, 2010, 12:06:57 am
It's still great. :D
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on May 28, 2010, 04:39:15 am
wow alot polys keep up the hard work 
i could never make my mind up which was best sub-zero or scorpian
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on May 28, 2010, 10:13:54 am
 ;D I think the creators of these characters made a point that the subzero was best, but i slightly like more the scorpion :D
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: dwsel on May 28, 2010, 11:06:28 am
'Mortal Kombat'? :D The coin looked really familiar from the first sight, but I couldn't remember where this familiarity comes from ;)
Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: neirao on May 28, 2010, 12:53:55 pm
Cool Gyper! :) you used path and image the correct way!
..time ago i send this post: LOGO COREL TO ANIM8OR ::)
is other way to model things like complex logos etc..

we be carrefull withs "points" in corel to maker the best model.
- delete or creat points IF NECESSARY before of export .AI  to Wings.


Title: Re: The first time...
Post by: daniel99 on May 29, 2010, 12:32:42 pm
OMG, Very goooooooooooood. I loved Mortal Combal when I was little :) The game and the movie. If you say you're a begginer (witch I  can't believe it), that means in about a year you're gonna be very advanced :) Congratulations!!!
Really like the logo.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on May 29, 2010, 02:35:49 pm
When i was young too, Mortal Kombat was very popular in my country, Russia ( i am russian, but i live in greece now :-\ ). I like the first movie and think it's piece of art, very good produser's work, but i don't like at all the second one. I don't remember if the produser and all the team were the same, but something happened. The second movie lost the spirit of the Mortal Kombat's world, which was totally present in the first. The characters in the second was good, but they were badly presented and i don't know what else, maby the budget was low :P. Ok, i'll stop now, to not to be punished from the moderators :D. About the beginner or not, i'm not only beginner in Anim8or and computer graphics ( even didn't know that you could do something like that on home computer ), but also i'm generally new in computer world, as the only computer i ever had is this wich i have now and i have it for one n half year ( Internet about a year  ), so you can say that i'm totally a noob ;D. As i said before, it's not a difficult project and actually doesn't represent my real skills. Just the logo in itself is beautiful. I have seen yours projects and omg guys, you are pro ;). I had seen many vids on youtube and they weren't actually very good, so when i heared about Anim8or and saw all this not so good examples of the Anim8or's capabilities ( not that i can do something better ;)) i was disappointed. But as soon i saw all that you had done,i realized that it was all about the user's skills. Have seen all the Anim8or challenges and just have no words to describe all these...amazing!!!! Hope that i'll  be able to take part in soon. ;)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on June 24, 2010, 03:31:01 pm
Unfortunately have no time to, so the progress is very slow :'(. It's just my exams. Once I'll finish them things gonna be better I think  ;)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 08, 2010, 08:38:48 pm
After a crash :'( we are back again with new one, now almost finished :
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: bryananthonydgm on July 11, 2010, 05:43:45 am
cool. I love mortal combat ! :) It would be cool if you could make a model of scorpion.
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 13, 2010, 03:54:46 pm
Wow, that really looks good. :)
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: Bobert on July 15, 2010, 06:24:42 pm
It looks really good so far. But I think your model is unnecessarily dense. It could cause some pretty bad slow downs depending on your computer.
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: rellik420 on July 15, 2010, 09:39:18 pm
it looks like uve subdivided the faces a few times. usually people do that to get more detail but its really not a good thing to use. your better off going to build>convert to subdivided to get your detail. bobert is right there r way too many faces and points.

you should look at raxx's model at the dragon challange. you will see what i mean. depending on how u do it you can have alot of detail with conciderably less faces.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 27, 2010, 09:19:01 am
Yes,yes, i know all these about polys numbers, but the problem is that models look fake when they're sharp (low-poly). I know i am not a pro but as an example we can use a cube which is not hard to make (;D). Look at the pictures ( better than to try understand what i'm talking about with my 5star english ;D).
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 27, 2010, 09:34:32 am
And here is the same result, but with use of other technique. I just have cut the edges and moved them. Then we have to subdivide the mesh at lowest level and we'll have good result and the object will be low poly. But this technique is very difficult to use when we have complex objects and since ther is no edge slide button to do it at least easier( such the slide points is)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on August 10, 2010, 11:59:02 am
Go on...
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: cooldude234 on August 14, 2010, 05:55:34 am
*Falls over*

Ah scorpion got me, wait aren't I supposed to get up again so you can tear out my organs NOOOOOOOOOOOO

*stands up*

I love how those are turning out, LOOKS AWESOME!!
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: thebigomlet on August 16, 2010, 08:57:46 pm
o my gosh? have u seriously only been doing anim8or for a month? not only is this GREAT for a beginner, but even for an old timer!!!gr8 job!!! :o
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: Arik_the_Red on August 17, 2010, 12:55:20 am
Very nice face map.  And that mask is really cool looking, too!
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 17, 2010, 02:53:26 am
dude outstanding for a month!well im still a 13 year old lol so i don think right now i can do all that but in time.any do..........*sore sound* ahhhhhahah *cough*hhhhhhhhhhhhh stupid heart failed on for funeral lol.
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: Hugos on August 17, 2010, 07:27:36 am
After a crash :'( we are back again with new one, now almost finished :

This looks fantastic, this and the dragon! Very good work!
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on August 24, 2010, 03:50:54 pm
Some updates... Have no time at all and will have even less for next 2-3 weeks ( exams again  :P :'( :'( )
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on August 24, 2010, 04:54:16 pm
Wow, it's looking great. :D
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on September 02, 2010, 05:22:24 pm
Some update. One exam's gone ;D, four left :P :'(

Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 02, 2010, 07:26:21 pm
I can't believe that you're still a [sort of] beginner. :o
That is one nice model. :)
Keep it up!
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on September 06, 2010, 02:23:12 pm
Two exams are gonne, two left :P :P :D :
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 06, 2010, 03:14:12 pm
Looking even better now. Although his arms look a bit too long.

Keep it up!
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: Maximilianibus on September 25, 2010, 12:08:37 pm
WTF ARE YOU? a god??? ;D
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 25, 2010, 01:34:38 pm
^Spambot two posts above.

And I can't wait to see more, Gyper. ;)
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: davdud101 on September 29, 2010, 03:38:32 pm
wait 3dgeek those last 2 were spam? hey Gyper those models are so sweet, hope you can make like an animation with them or somethin
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on September 29, 2010, 03:58:38 pm
wait 3dgeek those last 2 were spam?

It was deleted, so now it looks like I'm talking about me. :P
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on October 25, 2011, 08:05:23 pm
Wow  :o more than a year and I did ...nothin' !!!  :-\
 I wanted all this time to start some practice by adding day by day some models, not too ( or at all  :) ) complicated but "correct" though. Well, still nothing to submit, but I'll try to start adding ...anything !

P.S.: Eh, :-[ difficult days ... for a long time now. And more difficult are on the way  :'(
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: onespirit5777 on October 25, 2011, 09:40:33 pm
Hands down, you are good
Title: Re: The first time... ( Gyperboloid's Lab )
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on November 03, 2011, 10:36:52 am
Every one of those latest models look great. :D
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on August 13, 2017, 08:53:39 pm
Wow, nostalgie  :-X
I'll restart this thing all over again. And I mean the Lab in general, not the models I originaly posted like...ages ago  :o ( though I think that I'll recreate them somewhen in the future...maybe ). As I said years ago, in my last post here, I'll keep things simple but correct though. Some projects in progress, but mostly some finished models, while most of them I think for some time I'll keep posting  untextured, no scenes, no lighting set up . After some time I'll start add mostly finished projects, still renders. Finaly, hope I'll do some animations.
At the same time I want to start in the General Anim8or Forum something like a modeling thread, dedicated to modeling in Anim8or specifically. Everything about modeling in Anim8or, like from how to drag an edge properly to some more complex things, usage of all tools available, some hidden tricks and possibilities. It will intend to help mostly begginer users ( as me myself, despite the fact I downloaded Anim8or for the first time 7 ( !!! ) years ago ). But also advanced users maybe will find new approach to already known to them aspects and in general it will be interesting to see how others anim8ing  8). I think a " How whould you do it " topic name will fit in.
Now, as for the current thread, to give a kickoff, I'll post a WIP of an appartment which I started modelling not long ago ( like 2 months ago, spent about a week ) and which was the reason to return to Anim8or again. Though I haven't touched it for 2 months ( and wont do so for another one for sure, due to be busy ), I hope I will have some progress and maybe will finish it before the end of the year ( lot of things to do, as the original idea was to create a whole exact copy of an existing room, while to also add some stuff that does'nt exist to see how it will fit in.)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: kreator on August 14, 2017, 03:58:15 am
I would Opt for a Box to start Then Cut out anything that you want Doors, windows etc rather than making separate walls. The construction would be quicker 
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on August 14, 2017, 09:25:39 am
Yeap, Kreator, this question popped up during modeling, and I actually had it along my other questions for ever. That's why I think creating a thread about modeling whould be a supa-dupa idea, since everybody can say a word or two about it, especialy when there are some advnced old timers  here on the forum. As for the house/room building particulary, I had a question how do everybody modeling such things since there are some ultra photorealistic renders of interiors out there. Does that thing "work", the "faking"? I mean I have seen some stills, images and lot of the time artists provide the wireframe pictures of the scenes and while on the renders you see an almostlikeinreallife view, in the wireframe you realise that there are a bunch of simple planes and almost low poly objects, that with a good use of textures , lighting and of course a bunch of specific plugins give that superb final result.
You see, there's kind of a paradox with me, maybe a wrong view on that theme. As goes for CG 3D it's kind of a whole " fake thing"  in general  .  But the funny thing is that I think that there should be as less as possible faking inside it. I mean things like fake modeling, sticking objects in other and stuff instide of " like in real life " modeling e.t.c. But since there are thousands of good renders out there and everybody use that faking less or more, my point of view is wrong and I have to review it :)
Now about the particular project, yes it was like hard time to model it, just in terms of time of course. Since I wanted to create a copy of an existing place, I used Anim8or CAD measures with an accurasy of 1 cm ( 1 Anim8or unit = 1 cm in real world ). And it was pain to click every time almost every single edge to see its length, the position of the points e.t.c. But I'll see through all that buiding theme of course later to figure out how things work better.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on August 14, 2017, 10:28:20 am
For me, the modeling technique chosen depends on what the model will be used for.  Creating low-poly models is important for gaming but less so for other uses, gone are the days where poly count was all-important due to limited computing resources*.  Most of my models are used in animations and are often combined with live action, so I tend to build them like movie sets.  If this was the purpose of your room it would make sense to build each wall as a separate object so you could hide or remove individual walls to allow the camera to be positioned with greater freedom.  If its primary purpose is an an architectural study then various techniques could be employed, so long as the end result was clean and accurate.  The same measure can be used to determine the level of detail, such as whether some intricate detail should be modeled or if you can get away with bump mapping or some other shortcut.  In other words, let the 'purpose' of the work drive the method of its development.

* Low poly, or perhaps more accurately 'minimum effective polys', is very much the preferred method for organic modeling that will be subdivided or morphed.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: kreator on August 14, 2017, 11:28:34 am

Since I wanted to create a copy of an existing place, I used Anim8or CAD measures with an accurasy of 1 cm ( 1 Anim8or unit = 1 cm in real world ). And it was pain to click every time almost every single edge to see its length, the position of the points e.t.c.

I have been trying that with some buildings I want to make in Cardboard for a 4mm scale loco layout . I have just selected the Grid to represent 4mm to a foot seems to work ok at the moment.

I create the building in top view then render at 3508 x 2480 that gives me a 300dpi  image on A4 paper which when measured is the correct dimensions for the scale. Eventually I will add instructions on how to build the Object in Acrobat along with the images
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: BlueDalek on August 15, 2017, 11:11:58 am
Lots of detail...pretty coOL.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 08, 2017, 03:34:58 pm
A tiiiiiny update.
 Originally I started with the building ( floor, walls, ceiling ) and doors. I'll set later proper textures, materials. Now I have almost filled the walls with the sockets, swithches, some heat units. The air conditioner left. Some lights. Finally I'll start making the furniture. Did some already, for tests. Looks fine.
Shouldn't actually posting anything before I complete at least the first ( first-second ) stage, but just haven't worked on it lately and may have not some time in the next weeks too.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Trevor on November 09, 2017, 10:34:49 am
When I seen your thumbnails I thought you were using diffuse inter-reflection, sadly when I opened up your images they look like they have been done in the scanline renderer with lights simulating the doorway.

You should try using the settings I posted (back-up your project first) and see how it looks.
The numbers might need tweaking but I think it should work fairly well with that doorway.

Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: fefe01 on November 12, 2017, 12:10:20 pm
I really like the lighting technique! How did you set the light? Is it infinite or spot? Whereabout in the room did you put it? It looks like it is not from above.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 15, 2017, 10:39:24 am
Trevor : I'm sorry I disappointed you  :) , but those are not fine renders. Instead of posting a screenshot ( PrintScreen ) of an OpenGl working window, I just rendered a scene with a single local light. I used ART ( !!! ), since scanline doesn't give good images ( don't use it at all, and since ART was introdused, alonge with the OpenGL renderer should be removed from the list of renderers ? ) As I said before, actualy , maybe I should not post any images before I'll finish some parts of the whole project, but I still posted them.  :D
As about your settings, I'll try them, but later, since there's no point changing a lot of materials just to test an unfinished thing.

fefe01 : As I mentioned, nothing special, just a test and no special "technique" used at all . Rendered with ART, with a single local light ( casts shadows, ray traced ) above the center of the carpet. Default material settings. Environment: "basic" white solid background. No Attributes, nothing.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: fefe01 on November 16, 2017, 11:52:50 am
I found it helpfull though. :p I have never made a scene in a room using these techniques. thanks for sharing! :)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 18, 2017, 06:37:02 pm
You know what ?!! I know what : I can't modeling !!!  :P Once I'll clear it all a little bit, I'm gonna start that modeling topic at last !!!  :-X

As about the project : finished the first ( one n' a half ??? ) stage. Everything planned from the start, now is finished.
- The building ( floor, walls, roof, doors )
- Basic appliances ( light switches, suko sockets, heat units, air conditioner and some other, near the doors )
- Lights (ceiling lamps)
- Windows ( with curtains )
Did some furniture, just to see if it looks as I planned . I like it so far. Though, now that's the next stage : to fill it ( appartment ) with all the stuff ( furniture, decorative items e.t.c. )

All the modeling is kind of messy, although I'm trying to keep it as simple as I can, but without a general lack of accuracy ( modeling accuracy is not my goal, since, even if it would be, I would not be able to handle it anyway ;D ).
But one thing I realised for sure ( well, not that I didn't know that ), is that I CAN'T MODELING !!! ( didn't I say that already ? )
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: fefe01 on November 19, 2017, 01:28:13 pm
Hey Gyperboloid, even though you are not very good at modeling, I noticed that you are so talented in lighting and rendering stuffs. Keep it up!! :)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 20, 2017, 09:00:04 pm
fefe01 : I guess you haven't seen $imon's work   ;D

So, I will pause a little bit. Did just some tweakings, added chairs, vases ( man, everybody knows that dielectric class is awesome ) , some boxes. Did some traditional curtains, but man, it's a pain ... I'll continue with the panel curtains. Looks fine.
It's like the final stage left. I don't feel at all to try to mess around a lot with textures. Just fine if everything looks satisfactorily.
There are, still, some strong limitations ( with my noobiness at top ), as it goes with the lighting, rendering. For example can't put a light into the lamp, so it could light through it. So had to remove it ( the lamp ). It creates ugly ( unrealistic ) shadows also ( even if the light is  scaled, so the lamp gets located inside the light ). The first image is with the lamp ( no lights near the lamp ). Not the worst of the results I had , though.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: fefe01 on November 21, 2017, 01:14:48 pm
Gyperboloid! I had a thorough look at some of $imon 's works in the WIP and finished works forum. I was astounded at how much skill he has! It inspired me a lot! Thank you for the suggestion! :)
About this lighting thing, i also had the same problem during a metro station project(unfortunately, I don't have the picture)! It also depends on the renderer. With scanline, the light can shine through a mesh whereas ART doesn't allow that. So, with scanline, you can put the lamp right in the bulb mesh. With ART, I suggest that you don't delete the light bulb because the image looks unrealistic when there is light without any bulbs or candles. Try positioning the light outside the bulb just below it! 3D is an illusion; it is scarcely recognizable. :)
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on November 30, 2017, 06:08:24 pm
A light under the bulb works only when the bulb is under an untransparent lamp cover, so the shadow created on the ceiling is actually what you see in reality. But you still get the shadow even when the bulb is under a semi transparent material, which is not the way the light behaves in reality. So, actually no work around available yet. The only way is if Steve can add some code.  ;) I can't resist to mention it ( though, I 'll post a detailed message or two, in the forum when it'll be the right time to do so ) : read in the forum, in some old topics, Steve said that he actually ( I thought it's impossible at all, due to the rendering algorithms choosen at begginings ) to work on the photon mapping rendering method (!!!) with all the goods (caustics e.t.c ) but it would just take him like 3 - 6 months. 3 - 6 months ... it's actually like nothing ( Steve disagrees  :D ) !!! I don't mind to wait 3-6 years !!! ( Steve although would  ;D )

Project update : almost finished the whole pre-final stage thing.
Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Trevor on December 02, 2017, 05:45:50 pm

Are you using Glossyreflector for walls? (Just noticing the noise on the wall and how the blue above the couch is imparting colour onto the wall)

heh, yeah, though Id like to know the difference between his current implementation and photon mapping.

Title: Re: Gyperboloid's Lab
Post by: Gyperboloid on December 02, 2017, 07:34:52 pm
Nope, Trevor, no glossyreflector on the walls. Basic Anim8or material. The blue light comes from 6 local lights ( 3 on each half ) above couch, behind the vases,for decoretive purposes. The noise is generated from the shadow size ( =10 )  of the 3 local lights (yellow color ) near the window ( one infront of the panel curtains, to produce the shadow on everything inside the room and two behind the curtains to create the shadows on the wall, above the couch and ceilling, to give that kind of a sunny day light. Although I used 64 AA sampling, it's still too rough, so much more samples needed. ( so more time too, >>15 min of mine )