Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: hf003 on May 08, 2010, 02:15:40 am
I am not sure if anyone ever did this before. I wanted to simulate real life motion for moving objects based on acceleration forces, initial velocities, and position. I could not find any script of this sort. So I created this script that does a fairly good job. For instance, if an animated character drops many objects, it would be easier to apply a script like this to simulate the objects falling and bouncing off the floor and walls. There are some limitations, but, I thought this script could be useful for some of us.
This script sounds interesting!!!!
I'll try it out! :) :)
cool thanks hf003 yes i agree there arnt many expression scripts floating around
Interesting script!
There used to be a topic with several simple re-usable controller scripts on the good old forum, but those are probably lost forever...
Interesting. I've spent a bit time plotting out the physics for a passive control system for anim8or bones, as anim8or has no integrated hair/cloth/soft-body/spring support. I haven't made it as far as building a script - or even investigating ASL to see if it can be done - so I'll try looking into your script and see if I can use it as a reference. Remember: "Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery."
the old script forum ( is still there ;) apologies for being semi off topic hf003
if work.. this be a gooood resourse..
Cool script!!
i too go contribuitte with other, using IF option,
to maker in sequence the box, rotate in X.. Y..and Z..
is a simple script..:)