Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: DragonSlayer on May 03, 2010, 10:11:39 am
People keep saying "An occular pass will make that look better" and then the answer is "yeah, that helped." It seems that whatever it is, it helps. So my question is, what is an occular pass, and how do you do it? Thank you.
check out the v.97 preview.
I think you may be referring to an occlusion pass, which is a means to make shading on objects look more "real:" (
yea. you have to use version .97d and use the ambient occlusion setting and combind that render with a regular render.
yea. you have to use version .97d and use the ambient occlusion setting and combind that render with a regular render.
You can also use the AmbientOcclusion in Anim8or with normal shadows, it will just take a bit of adjusting to the material / global lighting settings to get it to look right.
Basically, refers to suble shading/shadows in corners that recieve less light than open spaces. Light bounces off surfaces to light up items in a shadow, that is why things that are in a shadow in real life are not completely invisible/black. Places where 'bounced' light can reach will be lighter than places where it can't reach (think seems or small indents) . Ambient Occlusion in Anim8or is a way to simulate this 'Global Illumination' that happens in real life.
For details on how to use it, look on this page:
Thank you, I think this will help with a project I'm doing. It's called Shredzilla, it's a parody, and when it's done I'll post it. There were some corners that were dark, and I done the occlusion pass, and it looks better so thank you!
Remember: an AO pass make the render look a lot better, but it increases the render time a lot too.
To make a AO render look smooth you will at least render it with 64 AA and it will take about 5-10 minutes a frame, depending on how complex you scene is and the resolution of you render.
So if you want to use on an animation it will cost you a lot of render time (ie: 1 minute of animation at 25 fps is 1500 frames, taking 10 minutes each to render...will cost you 250 hours extra to render = 10 full days!!)
hmmm... well, I am planning it for You-Tube, so I won't want a large render size, but thank you for the warning, I may have to decide if I'll leave it on or not. Thanks again.