Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: 3Dgeek11 on April 28, 2010, 04:55:32 pm
Hmm, I started a topic for my Star Fox fan game a while back, it died, obviously. ::) And I just realized I've never really shown any of my best work here, so now I'll start a topic for the
characters/humanoidish people I model. :)
The last one's face needs a bit of work, though.
Tell me what you think! :D
P.S. Actually, I think I'll change it just to my random models. ;)
P.P.S. All models and textures are made by me, btw.
The first one was one of my lesser efforts, Peppy needed a girlfriend so I whipped one up for him. :P
P.S. Any idea how to animate the water in the last one? I'd like to do an animation, and I really don't know how to animate water.. Never looked into it before. Any good tutorials would be a help. :)
P.P.S. BTW, everything I've posted in here is based on the Nintendo series Star Fox as I mentioned very briefly in my first post. I'm just posting some of that, and some of my other stuff, too.
More soon, hopefully. :)
They look really good! I've only played 64, adventures, and assault, but they look like the real characters. Peppy's too old to have a girlfriend though... right? (actually more senior citizens are having relationships these days). I animated water using a series of morph targets, here are some screen shots of what I did. Each morph looks like morph01 (the third picture) but the next set of points are in the place of the previous on the y-zxis.
Oh My Frog! Geek, you DO make things! ~big cheesey grin~
Funny, because of my comment about you being the forum's biggest fan.... I had posted that AFTER doing a search to see if you had ever shared any of your work ;)
Anyway, them's sum fine furry foks you gotz there... I'z sorely impressed and be lookin' to see what mo' ya gotz for us all to watch :)
man that brings back memories. i loved starfox for super nintendo. good job on your models. good job on the textures too.
your missing the falcon guy. (and he was the coolest one)
DragonSlayer, I think I get what you mean, but it's a bit hard to understand. But I think I can do it, thanks. :)
Also, I've only played the SNES, 64, and the 2 GameCube ones. In other words, I've only not played the last one. Adventures was the best, behind Assault. :P
Arik: Thanks! :D I posted a screenshot in another topic to show someone something, and realized I had never shown much of my work here. So I did! And more will come, soon. ;}
Rellik: Thanks! And Falco isn't here because I didn't know the anatomy well enough when I made him, so he looks crazy compared to these. =P I never got around to fixing him. Same problem with Slippy and Wolf. But they'll be fixed soon. :)
Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I'll show some more models here later today, hopefully.
Basically my water is the morph flag tutorial, but bigger, and with an extra morph target to make it look like there is a current.
zOkay. :P I'll check out the tut again and see if I can get it to work. :)
More renders in a moment or so. =]
More stuff. ;D
The last one will be changed in the next couple of days. I had forgotten about something that needed to go there. :D
P.S. Just look at the titles for what they are. ;)
Yet some more
P.S. I put Falco up, even though he doesn't look as good as the others. But he still is okay. :P Also: The hands aren't mine. That was before I knew how to make hands. ;D lol I really need to fix some of the older models.
P.P.S. The last one is a kind of premature render if you know what I mean. It will look a bit better later on. That's Star Fox's mothership. Where they live, eat, sleep, etc. :P
My only quelm with your vehicles is that they were built more angular in the games. The rounded edges are too round. Good work though.
Thanks. But I know they were more angular, and it's hard to get it to be more angular.. I may re-do some of those things above, but most of it is finished stuff that won't be touched again until I make my game. :P
The Great Fox was made from a sphere, and I moved the points around till I had what I wanted. I'm really not that happy with it, but I see no other way.. Except for building it point by point, but then, I'm not that good at that, and don't have good enough reference, but I dunno.
More soon, hopefully. :)
wow i remember this game last level through the closing doors to explode base at end it was one only games on the nes i knew that could rival sonic in gamplay speed
exlant models textures look pro to
Thanks! :D Glad you like them. If you guys were to look at the wireframe of them you'd be shocked. :P A bit unorganized points/edges, sadly. But I'm getting better.
More soon. =]
Hey that's awesome models and textures u made there 3Dgeek11! :)
Kinda feel sad it's not from your own imagination. :(
I'd like to see u make some of your own original models. :) :)
Thank you! :D I do make some stuff that I imagine myself, so I'll show some of that soon enough. Until then, this little topic will be happy it got another comment! :)