Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: cooldude234 on April 03, 2010, 06:59:23 pm
The Title says it all,
Just some random pictures of whats going to be a close up on a tree,
tell me what you think ;)
It's a high memory taking model, so rendering time was longer, it was somwhere around 1:50 min for the first picture, which had shadows at 4 AA,
and for the second pic, rendering time was somwhere around 2:30 minutes and had shadows at 16 AA
Nice work, cooldude. But, I believe we should also see some branches and leafs. I like how you used the bump map, but also try to modify the mesh. It is a little to straight for a tree.
Waiting for the final tree :)
Well this one isn't a bump map, it's justan extremly high poly mesh with a texture, the far away trees have the munp map
and I know it's streight, thats because I havent done anything else other than make the bark from scratch (MY TEXTURES AND HIEHGT MAPS ;D)
Fantastic! Very high poly but turned out wonderfully. I'm wondering what process you used for the displacement map, did you use terranim8or?
Yes I did, I wasnt going to use the other programs i'd normaly use since they wouldnt make the mesh in a perfect grid like terrainm8or does.
Cooldude, you going into the landscaping business? ;) Nice looking bark... I hope it's all bark anyway...
Arik_the_Red, no I'm not going into landscaping, I'm going into into film and animation, And it is all bark ;D