Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: BOB_I_Ts on March 28, 2010, 07:06:32 pm
the assistant script is complete i was trying to think of new name for it and trinity seems to fit this plugin perfectly
export_trinity.a8s (
recommender for advanced anim8or users
what does it do ?
Trinity V 1 exports object between 2 other morphs using the same 3d wirecage and convert the object into parameteric object, "part of f8ce.a8s plugin was originally made using this script"[/youtube]]Youtube preview of trinity (http://www.[youtube)
How to export and get the trinity parameteric object to work
unlike morph targets the export script base the parameters on 3 seperate models that share same vertice structure (wirecage)
cage = wirecage
morph1 = 2nd mesh which share same wirecage as above
morph2 = 3rd mesh which share same wirecage as above
1 create a primary object wirecage mesh rename it to cage
2 copy paste two new objects and reshape them by naming them morph1 and morph2
here is a simple example : exampletrin.an8 (
Note remember to locate objects to centre of origin befor export
Note script does note export uv texture data
here is second example showing changes of weight and hight proportions on a character
trinity.a8s ( 587K in size
non-unform scale y = height
non-unform scale x = weight