Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on March 28, 2010, 12:45:50 am
I can't recall if this was ever asked, but has anyone ever put an animated gif or any other sort of "video" effect into anim8or scene-rendering?
I'm trying to think of a way to make a video screen or TV set show a broadcast... a short video clip in some way.
My first thought was to place an animated GIF onto a texture, to show on a face of the modelled TV screen in a scene. But no, doesn't come out...
Ideas, anyone?
I believe it works with Terranim8or, but I'm not sure.
No, animated gif's or avis or movie files do not work, but as davdud said, Terranim8or will do the job for you. I believe you actually need the video file or animated gif split up into individual frames (as .jpg files), as an image sequence. Terranim8or will load it up for you and make as many objects as there are frames with the different textures. It will then show/hide as necessary.
If you cannot find animated materials in the most recent version of Terranim8or, then it's in an older version. I remember there was a feature that was not carried over into the most recent version, and that could be it.
I remember I had to download 2 files to make Terranim8or do animated stuff. Kreator told me if I recall right. Unfortunately I never downloaded them, they're still stuck in my OLD Firefox bookmark backups somewhere, so I'd never find it.
I'm not sure about that, though, so don't take my word for it.
I made this short test render once, a couple of years ago, using the technic kreator discribed:
Try putting some green into a model then use Wax 2.0 to put in a video in it.
I always did picture by picture for my animated textures in anim8or
Seems a bit extensivem but I guess pic-by-pic in a scene would work.
I wish Anim8or had support for animated textures. :( Then exploding planets would be easy: download an explosion gif and slap it on a billboard, then find a similar one to put on the planet.
Well, @BlackHole, you could do chroma keying in a vid editing program.
A friend of mine made video on video without the chroma key. He used a picture in picture effect on 2 videos using something called "Zweistein" which is freeware. I don't know the limitations but I know he made an audience staring at a blank wall in the main video then he place a frame on the blank wall for the other video.
any chance of seeing this video your friend made? Still mulling over options as I work the models.
Hello, :),
There is options, as above, but, imho, the best, and most flexible, would be greenscreening. (chromokeying), as mentioned.
If wax 2 supports chromokeying, and does it efficiently, then thats really cool, coz its free.
I hav Sony Movie studio, ($70 from, which does an excellent job, but i still use an older version of that, called Sonic foundry Vegas video 4. (Solid, excellent video editing software).
Hav used Terranin8or for animated backgrounds. Works well for that, but if you want to have something like, a t.v. in the corner of a room showing a movie, it may not be that simple, as the images are 'pre-placed' into your scene, meaning rearranging all the positions, and possibly resizing all the images as well.
Terranim8or is an excellent addition to anim8or, but for the type of thing you're talking about, you'll get a lot more freedom with chromokeying. ;)
Actually, I was hoping you'd speak up, jpohnar, because I knew you had done some things along this line with your "EART" video and possibly others.
Is greenscreening like what they do with TV programs where someone films a scene with a bright green backdrop, and then overlays that onto another scene that fills the green area?
Green screen or blue screens are used to chroma or color key. I just means that all the green or all the blue will be replaced with something else.
You can simple render out your character on a green/blue background and place it use color keying on the moon...the possiblities are endless
Wax 2.0 has this function and is free. You can also do it in more advanced programs, as After Effect and Final Cut Pro. But there not free....
Here is some more information about it:
Thanks, floyd... I knew the technique, just not the term. btw... I eyeballed your youtube stuff. Very very cool!
As to this chromakey work... Do you see it as being possible to do the TV effect, and have an appearance of a glass-screen over the video feed imagery? or am I pushing the effect at this point?
any chance of seeing this video your friend made? Still mulling over options as I work the models.
You don't have to watch the full video the effect is around 2 minutes into the video.
Thanks, floyd... I knew the technique, just not the term. btw... I eyeballed your youtube stuff. Very very cool!
As to this chromakey work... Do you see it as being possible to do the TV effect, and have an appearance of a glass-screen over the video feed imagery? or am I pushing the effect at this point?
It's possible. It depends on what footage you use to replace the green. If you use footage which is filmed from a tv screen ie it will have a pretty cool effect. If you use flawless 1080p hi-res footage, it will probably look fake. Because of the difference in quality.
thanks btw ;)
Well, @BlackHole, you could do chroma keying in a vid editing program.
Windows Movie Maker doesn't have any chromakey, and the stuff you can download from the Windows Movie Makers site (and from Microsoft) doesn't really do good chromakey (very sharp edges, no variable transparency, and there must be several frames of both parts at the beginning and end, one element at a time). Maybe someone could make a VirtualDub plugin for chromakey, or Anim8or could just support animated GIFs.
As to this chromakey work... Do you see it as being possible to do the TV effect, and have an appearance of a glass-screen over the video feed imagery? or am I pushing the effect at this point?
Not sure about wax 2, but defineately possible if the software has a decent chromokeyer, and a decent 'scale-type tool. (can't think of the name of itat the moment, but allows you to scale/crop the video.)
If it does both these things, then the possibilities are really cool.
I made a really cool magnifying effect, using a green-screen, track, a blue-screen track, a red-screen track, some real footage, for background, and a few other anim8or renderings on green background as well. The effect was a giant magnifying glass, and when it moved up the dudes body, the view through the glass is magnifyed. I'll make another one. Been meaning to go further with that.
Anyway, for a tv in the background, or foreground even, ;), chromokeying will absoloutely do the job, no worries.
Depending on your footage to be put on the telly, if it was good enuff quality you could play around with adding a 0.1-0.2 transparencey 'screen onto the tv. Just enuff to give a slight reflection.
It really is worth looking into. Opens up horizons. If you're planning on making movies, with sound, you'll want to be able to edit stuff, so you're going to need a video editing software anyway. If you look to buy 1, or get it for a birthday/xmas prezzy or something, ;), then defineately get 1 with chromokeying. You won't regret it. :)
Try somewhere like , or googling around for 'sony movie studio', or if you're lucky, 'sonic foundry vegas video 4.' Thats an oldie, but a real goodie, and you might be able to pick up somebodys old copy for cheap.
How am i going, twisting your arm here.... ;D
I have used virtualdub and avisynth to do chromakey composites. Here's a link from (
I have followed the suggestions in this thread and gotten good results.