Anim8or Community

General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: BOB_I_Ts on March 27, 2010, 05:22:36 pm

Title: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on March 27, 2010, 05:22:36 pm
F8ce 3d character designer plugin for anim8or v0.97d + which allow user to change multiple body parts of the model using the attribute editor

f8ce version 7

reduced polygon count
tweaked proportions
add gender 0 for male 100 for female pre-set into the parameter properties
add skull tag (making it 61 variables :o )
new tool button

Plugin zip includes f8cetester.an8 to preview some random characters made when i was testing it

Attribute tags (all lower case)

How to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of blue name tags above remember all are lower case fonts
C2)click new each time to add an attribute to active object
D)In the TYPE tab enable "point", 3 value box's should appear box from left to right are equal to x,y and z coordinate of each taged region
E) The plugin attributes go by percentages from 0.0 to 100. how ever there is no restriction limit you can even use negative percentages as well
F) At present there is a refresh issue with attributes but you can .
Fa)double click the f8ce model and click ok button to refresh
Fb)select f8ce model and enable non-unform tool then adjust the gender parameter along the x axis
Fc) delete and recreate f8ce model

Commen issues
Positive if you delete f8cea then recreate f8ce plugin the attributes stored will be remembered so if you delete model and save the file the shape is not lost
Negative : loading save file the attribute needs to be refreshed by step F above
Negative remember attributes are not supported with undo command
Negative Converting f8ce for unknown reason can cause anim8or to crash ,A solution is to export to 3ds then reimport back

debug(reason for crash found 0 uvCoords  "texcoords {}" is missing from an8 save file after convert parametric to mesh) ! so when i add texture coordinates to script it should no longer crash

Any feed back on its improvement is welcome , hope you enjoy it ;)
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: hihosilver on March 27, 2010, 06:13:02 pm
This looks great!  I'm loving the progress you're making on this.  I can see that it could be a very useful tool in the future as a basemesh.  Keep it up mate!
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: Kubajzz on March 27, 2010, 06:48:59 pm
Great progress! I can't wait to see this project finished.
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: neirao on March 28, 2010, 01:45:44 pm
very cool plugin, BOB_I_Ts!!

when finishing he is very usefull for Anim8ortrs!!

Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on March 31, 2010, 07:22:51 am
Thanks for positive comments

nose parameters preview
top  left to right oriental nose (cage) african nose = (A) egyptian nose = (B) and caucasian (C) based the nose's from clicking some random faces on the website
all rest are mixture between the 4 top
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: Josmic8or on March 31, 2010, 04:59:19 pm
Whoooa!!  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o
This script can be helpful alot!!
Can't wait for it to be completed!! :)
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 01, 2010, 09:07:27 am
updated script
parameters : nose A nose B Nose C mouth A mouth B mouth C jaw A jaw B jaw C
you can edit each parameter by double clicking face or edit each A,B and C as a group using non uniform scale
remember parameters are 0 to 100.% shared between 3 using 100% in all 3 will cause mutation
plugin is still WIP
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: wacky blend on April 11, 2010, 07:55:50 am
Great job Bob, you have a lot of time on your hands to make a script like that. 

Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 11, 2010, 01:28:02 pm
thanks guys
I was known as speed modeller im sure Raxx can back me up on that also technically i only wrote small portion of the script and asl exporter did all technical numbers for me "i did not type in a single coordinates" :o (f8ce is only 1 low poly model with morph targets)

just check trinity export script to see how much time it really takes  ;D the f8ce-dev script is based off trinity apart from it can read infinite amount of morphs instead of just 3
sorry delay in update but training a siberian husky atm but soon as its safe to leave it on its own with out it chewing every thing in sight i will try complete the model

some changes i have been thinking of

~ instead of going from morph A to B to C should i change method into a morph X morph Y morph Z of each region in attribute editor
~ i dont think there is any default-max-min restrictions in attributes !
~ can attributes and controller scripts be linked !?
~ parameter i should leave key facial features as parameters like nose type, lips type,!..skull type fat , thin,smooth angle ect
~ im going to leave out genitalia
~ do nipples class as nudity ?

~i haven't thought about attributes and making them up as im typing just now
brow up/down y
brow narrow/broad x
nose y scale
nose z scale
nose narrow/bloated x
nostril narrow/wide x
nose tip piglet/drooped y
cheek raised / lowered y
cheek narrow/wide x
upper lip thick y
upper lip forward z
mouth wide short x
lower lip thick y
lower lip forward z
chin short /bruise foresight y
chin in / out  z
chin square / round x
jaw narrow broad x
jaw forward/back z effects chin positions to !

shoulder broad / narrow x
should beefed / flat z
chest (ribb cage) y scale
spine curved stiff z
gut flat / bubbled z-x (edge loops set for six pack but !left out for modellers preference to model inset them)
hips x
rear end z
rear end y
crouch !... x region space between leg bulge z droop y
upper leg y
muscle z-x
lower leg y
muscle z-x
ankle x
foot z
upper arm x (!model in scare crow position)
muscle z-y
lower arm x
muscle z-y
hands .... this list may change as problems unseen problems maybe found

thin - fat
eye presets unsure how to approach eye editing yet ?
nose presets like we have already
lip presets fine tweek to V shape on upper lip !
smooth angle (mesh properties)

yes you are wright this may take some time haha , ill probably start topic in WIP forum so community can assist in the base models completion after all its intended for the an8 community
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: wacky blend on April 11, 2010, 05:52:41 pm
Hey Bob,

I don't know if this helps. I use make human a bit which is similar to what you are doing for this script for Anim8or.  If you take the generic mesh of one extreme and export it to your ASL exporter.  Then run the other extreme through the same way, you would have your 0 to 100%  Thin to Fat.  I don't know if that is a good short cut or not since I don't know much about the ASL exporter you spoke of and I have no idea on the script language.

Make Human can export to OBJ and I don't believe it has a low poly setting.  I currently use version 0.9.1 RC1 because the newer version was missing features I liked.

Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: captaindrewi on April 11, 2010, 07:39:47 pm
i realise  this is a work in progress
but if i try and subdivide the resultant face mesh, anim8or crashes
is that universal?
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: hihosilver on April 11, 2010, 10:00:34 pm
note 2 for unknown reason anim8or crash when converting to subdivided
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: Josmic8or on April 12, 2010, 02:50:12 pm
It's currently a work in progress but one trick I used to get it subdivided is exporting it as 3d studio then importing it back in anim8or and then u can subdivide it.
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: captaindrewi on April 13, 2010, 02:08:42 pm
sorry i failed to read the subdivision bit at the top of the thread Hiho.
thanks for that tip Josniv8or but sadly the 3ds trick doesnt work for me.
it maybe a vista glitch
no worries.
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: captaindrewi on April 14, 2010, 06:57:36 am
worked a treat KREATOR ,nice to explore the scripts possibilities.
it's a wonderful project Bob-I-T .
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 14, 2010, 03:30:48 pm
Good idea wacky blend i just dled the v1.0 alpha 4 to use as ref
model will not be as anatomically advance or as high poly[/youtube]]youtube:makehuman (http://www.[youtube) as f8ce is only simple plugin

Great tip kreator export to another format and import works  :) ,Is the convert parametric into subdivided crash is a common bug ?
because saving as mesh in an8 close anim8or then try convert also cause crash

il start on the body tonight
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 27, 2010, 03:23:22 am
f8ce alpha 5  ,current plugin allow edit of 10 (point) attributes aka 30 variables  

i did try a parameter switch in asl were selections were assigned to int number to work with non-uniform scale for real time editing but when switching between selections the parameter just reset back to 0 % so i had to use attributes

i had doubts that i mite not work but seems despite refresh issue ,it works  :) not great i know but im sure like anything few fine tweaks will make it perfect

Following attribute tags are:
cheek   "note i mistakenly edited cheek and ears together :P"

Download include example an8 of variation
test101: just seeing how normal i can make it look with current attributes
mrEaster: looks similar to stone face off easter island
mrSpooky: goblin type fella

Attribute changes do not take effect untill you double click the plugin model and click the ok button.
each plugin tag works from 0 to 100% but Attribute you can go beyond and below these %

Convert to subdivided bug salutation:
After convert to mesh export model into another format other than an8 then reimport .
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: captaindrewi on April 28, 2010, 09:02:30 pm
alpha5...i am just getting blank spaces where the attributes should be.
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: hihosilver on April 28, 2010, 11:27:28 pm
Same thing for me mate.  I'm not sure I quite understand how to use it at this point?
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 29, 2010, 06:56:45 am
alpha 5 has 30 adjustible values  so the parameter menu cannot be used  :'(
there is a refresh issue to updating parameters with plugin in real time

mini tut how to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of these names from following
brow eyeoffset eyescale nose nostril cheek upperlip lowerlip jaw chin (all lower case)
C2)Click new each time you wish to edit the tagged region
D)In the TYPE tab enable point (illustrated by green circle in image) ,from left to wright each blank box equals the x(red in image),y(blue in image) and z(yellow in image) of each shape change
E) The attributes go by percentages -100 = -100% 0.000 = no  change 100 = 100% just for example set nose attrbute to 100% in all 3 box's and click the ok button (note there there is no limits on the percentage you can use 1e+012 haha)
F) Now double click the f8ce shape to bring up the blank parameter menu window and then click ok button , you should now notice model will change shape
G) You must repeat F each time to refresh the shape
H) Positive if you delete f8cea then recreate f8ce plugin the attributes stored will be remembered so if you delete model and save the file the shape is not lost :)
I) Negative remember attributes are not supported with undo command  :-[

This weekend i will try make model more pleasing to eye ,so try to only see alpha5 as a test run fingers crossed
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: captaindrewi on April 29, 2010, 09:31:09 am
thanks,i see :)  ..had a quick try with random  values just thrown in on brow,nose, upper and lower lip then subdivided twice.
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on April 30, 2010, 11:14:05 am
nice render captaindrewi ,im confident next release is going to be alot more usable and organic
33 attributes in sofare another + ! 30 togo  ::)
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 01, 2010, 04:22:59 pm
Will this now make "makehuman" obsolete certainly a lower poly count!

I think so.
Good work, Bob! (can I call you that? :P )
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on May 02, 2010, 03:18:19 am
haha to compare it to such an advance app is an honer ,i known there plenty parts that could be improved
maybe next release it will be more anatomical for the elite an8 users and il try harder that i now have better understanding of this quad ring thing

I sure hope Steve adds an option to the ALS like $shape.NewAttribute ( "$name") so we can update attributes in script in real time then i could have made a real time editing widget with selection int counter combined to the scale_x,y,z in parameters
Title: Re: F8ce primitive
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on May 08, 2010, 04:19:54 am
v7 uploaded check first post