Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: cooldude234 on March 23, 2010, 11:42:57 am
Heres a picture of one of my grass renders, I used alot of differnt techniques this last few months for grass (and my deadline is this week!-the video deadline), and I need opinions on this, just tell me what you think it needs, what it looks like in this state, whatever comes to mind. Thanks! ;D
Wow, looks really nice.
Could you post a wireframe picture showing how many planes you used?
Looks nice, maybe a bit to static. Some more variation will look better.
Could you tell us the process you used, if you don't mind? It looks pretty good, as far as suggestions I agree that if you randomize the grass a bit it would look better, no grass is layed in perfect little rows like that, so maybe moving the blades around to break up the rows would improve the look.
Well I found that textureing the grass correctly makes a big differnce. Each blade of grass is acually a low polly model so shadows work for it better, and ART wouldnt have a problem with it. I used the meshtomesh script, even though I could have manually placed the grass in myself (it just would have taken hours to do, instead of seconds). Doing the method I tried even allows for a morph, meaning, wind moving the grass! (I tried it and it works!). Also, can someone tell me how to make the orientaion in the meshtomesh script random?? I cant find it's values in the file (yes I know, I'm dumb enough to not be able to find it), and here is the picture of the wire frame. Just to let you know the first picture took about a little less than a minute (dont worry, I'm gonna get my new Graphics card soon, hopfully).
it looks great. my only thing is that all the blades looks too streight and perfect. if you had the blades of grass bending and limped then it may look better.
They are bent and limp, quite abit too, it's just that I cant get the script to randomize it's orientaion so some angles make it look bad (Strightish).
Totally love the grass man! :)
Must 've took a while to render
YAY, I got the randomized grass to work!
Josmic8or: The render was a little under a minute, but of course I also kept it lowpoly too, the look was all in the density, shape, texture, and natural look. It just took a while to figure out my technique for making it.
Heres a rendered Picture of the Grass Randomized ;D :o ;D :o It looks more Natural!
Yes I know I'm posting quite a bit here, but anyways, just a close up picture with the shadows tweaked abit ;D
This is awesome! Very well done mate. I'm sure the render time is awful, but that's a sacrifice you'll have to make if you want it to look so realistic!
How Many Times Do I Have To State IT, It Took 52 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!
I Even Re-Rendered IT And Timed IT!!!!!!!
I Though people would have read it, since I stated it twice before this post, uhhhh,
Anyway, I Shortened the grass for more of a lawn feel (as if it has been mowed).
I'm loving the patches of sand coming through, very nice.
way better! really nice render.
Wow! Seriously? I guess I just couldn't believe it the first time. It must be the ART renderer then? (Or you have a very powerful computer!) Well done, I like the latest with a bit of sand showing through as well. Much more realistic, it looks very nice.
Well It mainly My processor, It's quade core 2 at 2.6GHz and 12mb cache (that 12mb is extreamly important!), In fact my video card is limiting my proccesors power, wich is why I need a new one, for the really big scenes.
I'm currently now working with trying to get a tree in this scene (mainly just tweaking now)
The short render time is probably because youre using 4 aa samples juding from the grainyness.. That adds the 'sand' texture as well. If you want a higher quality render (with other items in the scene) you might want to add a different texture to the gound if you want to do that ( can't see it now)
Nice tests though. Just a few notes to make the grass more realistic; All the strands have the same shade of green, a slight variation in it might look more realistic. Also, keep the scale of the strands small. I don't know what the scale will be with your tree so I can't judge on that yet.
Another thing; some other plants/blooming grass/dried hay.. anything to break up the grass depending on the situation will add realism.
Good luck!
That looks amazing, the first one was a bit to ordered but the randomized one looks perfect. I think some differences in hight might help(some taller grass) but other than that it looks great.
The ground is actually not sand, it's dry dirt
Oh, and AA was set down lower, I think it might have been 9, but possibly 4, I mean it wasnt like I was giong to set it to my usuall
256 (Edit, ment to say 169, dont know why I typed 256???) AA (epecially when rendering buildings), But that would take years to render with this much polly
Well It mainly My processor, It's quade core 2 at 2.6GHz and 12mb cache (that 12mb is extreamly important!), In fact my video card is limiting my proccesors power, wich is why I need a new one, for the really big scenes.
I'm currently now working with trying to get a tree in this scene (mainly just tweaking now)
Anim8or still doesn't support multiple the fact that it's a quad core doesn't really mind. A 2,6ghz single core will probably render just as fast as a 2,6 ghz quad core.
how many polies in 1 blade of grass? and how many total in the scene?
I still think it looks cool, even if floyd DID delete my post for a silly bit I had on it.
I still think it looks cool, even if floyd DID delete my post for a silly bit I had on it.
huh? what post? :-\
rellik420 Ummm, I'll check.
Well it crashed when I went to check. I'll try again.
Well each blade has a poly of 13, and
the total amount of grass has a poly of 735282.
Floyd86: Anim8or still doesn't support multiple the fact that it's a quad core doesn't really mind. A 2,6ghz single core will probably render just as fast as a 2,6 ghz quad core.
It doent really matter that it's the quad core more so the fact that it has 12mb of cache
I still think it looks cool, even if floyd DID delete my post for a silly bit I had on it.
huh? what post? :-\
awww... that must mean someone else took it out... I'd complimented the fine work, and asked "By the way... how long did it take to render? (heeheehee) "
Anyway. It definitely rates high on my "best lawn online" meter ;D
LOL, best lawn meter, hope your neighbor dosn't mind I took it from them.
Anyways I raise up the AA to about 16(Default I think), and it took about 2min this time, note the tree is unfinished and looks bad, but I might book a date to the park with my camera, go taking pictures of some trees and use them to make my tree.
Note: I was cursing like a sailor person, due to I need I new graphics card, and it renders frames nicley, but the preview is a pain in the (beep), so it crashed on me billions of times and took for ever to position the camera, and I need a valley done by monday!?!?!?!?! I got one heck of a weekend to pull this one off ;D
Could you tell us the process you used, if you don't mind?
ooops totally forgot about that, sorry.
Well as for the process, all I did was make a blade of grass, copied it a few times ran the mesh2mesh script and wa~la. All it really took was the tweaking of things thats all.
I have now aquired the power of the GRASS GOD!
nice, it looks realistic
The last render looks really great! Very realistic!
I've tried ding to the same technique on a tree. It still needs some tweaking.
Nice grass :)
love the new tree .will you add leaves to it? 1 suggestion is that the lowermost thick branch looks like it has been glued onto the tree.I think it would look better if you could make it come out more ways those were some nice grass renders.Keep it up.:)
I know what you mean by the "glued" look, I was mostly trying to ues the script with the branches of the tree, it worked, i jsut cant remember my settings I had it last, so I have to re-tweak it, but no problem. I have been experimenting on trees for a couple months (roughly) now, and I do love the comments (at least I know someone likes my work). Thanks ;D I Might have a new update soon, I'm seeing if I cant get an animation done that involves using grass and trees.
Cheers to you!
oh great grass god, which version of the meshtomesh script do you use i've been trying to get meshtomesh6wnfitt to work in anim8orv.097d with no luck. i planted my grass by hand for my first animation and would like that acres of grass feel to the next one.
fantastic tree and grass render, did you get the valley finished?
very realistic render!!
did you get the valley finished
Unfortunatly, no. I still have that crappy graphics card, and it cause anim8or to crash many times, so I went with a hill so you couldnt see too far, but even that cause anim8or to crash. so I ended up taking out some grass and lower the res for the video.
I'm pretty sure I took the mesh2mesh_5_wnfi_final, then edited it.
I'm glad you liked it. I have been working on ways of making it look denser, with out the lag from my computer.
But in the end, I guess it will come down to a couple mother boards and a whole lot of sli supported cards to go with it ;) (and of course the empty wallet)
Now that's what I call
Cool Grass render,
to maker FUR/GRASS i use texture "alpha channel" and "Script: Copy "Source" mesh to "Target" mesh " by Nickie
script (mesh2mesh_5_final.txt ):;topic=906.0;attach=1059
I found that using a textured plane as grass made it look more fuzzy, which is excellent if you're looking to do fur, but unfortunately that's not what I was looking for when it came to grass, and in order to get a good fur result from using many many polygons, it would take millions and millions of millions of polygons to achieve the desired result, which in the end would just be too slow.