Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 12:21:05 am
I know there is an actuall term for this (just cant remember at this moment), anyways, is there any way of using ART to projects a image on to a surface? If so tell me, thanks ;D
In the material editor click texture button then you can load cube maps or a single texture into to the "Env. map" channel.
You can also add reflections with attribute editor all the attributes are listed in the anim8or manual.
Or are you talking about Textures? In that case use the Diffuse slot to add your image.
Well I was talking about a light that projects a texture on to surfaces of objects in a scene. An example, well an Projector, what else?
Thanks for stating the actuall term. That kind of sucks that anim8or doesnt, and I cant afford 3dsmax or maya, so I guess I will have to work around it for now.
You can easily fake it, especially if it's a still image. Just incorporate it into your texture! You can use light effects to make it looks like a projector light as well, it's really pretty simple.
i think it would be easily faked. i remember some1 mentioning billboards a while back. and im pretty sure that was just animated textures. but i think you can do that with morphs. and if u cant just make seperate objects. but if u have the frame rate linked up u should b able to do it easy.
hmm, didnt think about using morphs, might take alot of work but very much possible.
sample gel attached to spotlight in carrara.
Yep, carrara is yet again too expensive, that and I cant buy online, unless if it is from ebay (I get my brother to use his account then)
cooldude, if you haven't noticed by their advertisements in the past, has a free version of carrara you can download. They do require you to register and post one comment I believe, but after that it's a free download that Carrara provided some time ago for a short time.
If you really need a projection, it sounds like Carrara would most likely work.
Also I believe Blender can do gels, and its free like anim8or.