Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: BOB_I_Ts on March 16, 2010, 08:34:22 am
hi im new to 3d ;D
not but has been a while since i have
recentWIP.jpg (
first model WIP in anim8or v9.7c
non sub-d mesh is based from the reference image in background so its not completely anatomically correct
non sub-d face has become plugin f8ce project click here ---> F8ceBodyWIP.an8 ( to see current progress
Well, if that's what you came up with and you're new to 3D, then you're way ahead of the curve.
From what I can tell, you've got good edge looping going on, and that's pretty critical for properly animating a face.
The only oddity I can see that doesn't seem to go with the rest of the edge flow is those two quads to the side and slightly above the mouth.
Other than that, very good work. This is definately the way to start if you're going for organics.
Don't believe a word he says Olias! haha..
Good to see you back Bob.. Your mesh is looking alright, as Olias pointed out the loops can be improved in some areas
Look here for the general loop-routes:
Needs some tweeking but it's a good start! Good luck!
haha thanks for tips yes i think model cage is way to high poly for what i intended il scrap it and try another
Thanks for showing me that wirecage $imon its perfectly optimized im in love :D "the wire cage i mean"
I set my self a a steep goal to make face into a parametric with attribute options like bloated to dissolved to aged similar to morphs but each facial feature has its own attribute of course loads other stuff like like parting of eyes nostrils scale and offsets etc even non symmetry changes if it works.
so i need make sure polys are not wasted at same time allowing as many key features to make variations look as distinct as possible at same time keeping a8s small as well
3 theory's i have so fare is have a multiple magnet primitives (virtual pins) which linked to groups vertices from a loaded mesh command script or make multiple primitives then create some command that merge them together or have it single object with values change from the attribute editor menu
i dunno wtf u just said... but a mesh is a mesh. it really depends on a few key things.
(im still not great at this whole 3d thingamagig)
1: is polygons. if you need a certain amount of polies (say... 10k-12k) shoot for that (usually used for video games.)
2: the edge flow. its mainly used for rigging. theres a reason why faces are done this way. anim8or uses morphes, some other programs basically use rigs to make morphs. (so ive read). but its still the same set up. eyes/brows lips/chin then the rest of the face/head.
3: for a still render you can make it how ever you want. pretty much whatever works works. but i think you should "go with the flow". it works with stills and animations.
your face is pretty good except fo the eird square that every1 else is concerned by. ( i am too). if its something that you need for what your doing keep it. but if not u can easily mess with it and make it into a "normal" loop. if theres no real reason for it. then make it the norm.
it has a good shape to it. its really up to you how many polies you want it. and if you dont want to use "NURBS" (aka sub division) thats most liley use for a game engine. and they usually have set polies per frame (i think). if ur not using other software and your worried about render times, then forget about the render times. u can render while you sleep.
please expain the vurtal pins.
from what i think they are... is u set 1 vert for a group or verticies. ( say the corners of the mouth. you have 1 verticy controlling the (x number) of verts on the corner of the mouth.) so you can make a sad or happy face.
from what ive gathered from you past few posts your more an asl guy more than a modeler.
Rellik: I think you might find that BOB_I_Ts is proposing an ASL script to make face meshes ( but I could be wrong! BOB
...from what ive gathered from you past few posts your more an asl guy more than a modeler...
It would seem, relliik, that you don't know that Bob_I_Ts is a LONG-TIME Anim8or user, and a great modeler. Though, I must admit, I don't understand why his post count suddenly dropped to Newbie status.
LOL, Thats funny how you put "
not but has been a while since i have" in. Good head though, somthing does seem a bit off, cant tell what it is right at this moment.
Yep, Bob_I_Ts has been around since long before Simon and I. I don't know about Rudy ;)
Very ambitious project Bob_I_Ts! But hey, if you can do it that's amazing! The virtual pins idea sounds the most reasonable to me. I don't know too much about ASL, but I'm not sure you can merge items with it. Basically I would think that each attribute would affect certain parts of the model in different ways. For example, age would have some different effects. Between young ages, the face would take on a more defined look, while younger ages would be less defined and more childish (larger skull in comparison to rest of face, softer jaw, etc.) High ages would inset some vertices to form more wrinkles and perhaps take away some fat from the face. Thinking about it makes it sound a bit crazy to me, but awesome if possible!
As for the face, it seems a bit flat in the front, not enough curve to the skull. Good start though, I'm sure Simon's references will be of use!
Great to see you back in the groove of things though! Love it!
If you dont know of Lloyd or elimar48 then i was around befor your time !
yes general idea would be plugin ,itle maybe multiple attempts before it would be useful
(virtual pins) is just term i thought up as i was posting
it would just be single plugin shape maybe just cylinder in appearance ,with an int parameter to assign to ID group of vertice/ (points selection group)but specific to the scripted model so when pin would move and rotate so would the points but also extra parameter in the pin would change more shape to specific group (asl: scale_x ~ y ~ z non-unform scales)
each ID group would technically be a sub-parametric object controlled by assigned (virtual pin)
virtual pins could also then be used for other load script models !
as you see im thinking way to fare ahead on theory's on how to make the plugin haha
remodeled useing wirecage map as guide thanks $imon
i think i could keep it under 100k nice
that looks alot better. and you did it with less poly's. keep "plugin" away at it and im sure ull get what you need for what ur doin. good luck
haha rellik420
gues this makes cage template seems complete
Next step making a puffy bloated morph and a narrow dissolved morph ! barry manilow and mike tyson are maybe two opposites that would work !?
The neck n-gon on this mesh 16 points to bridge to a body mesh
morph 1 complete
morph1.wmv (
bet you cant gues who it is ?
It looks like a black person maybe? a wider nose, bigger lips. I can't recognize them though...
Your morph looks better than your starting model to be honest.. I guess it doesn't matter as long as the edge loops are looking good.
Can't wait to see what else youre coming up with! Good luck.
Bob, this is great! Looking over your meshes helps me a lot, because I am normally prone to just "doing it off the cuff" when making things, and not eyeballing other samples. So, when I started modelling heads and trying to get them in a way the felt right, I was not sure if it "was right" for the way things are done.
It seems that I have been on the right track though, when I see what you have made here.
By the way, is it just me, or are ears a pain in the arse?
i always been point per point / it think the term they give it nowadays is edge modeler ,in mho is best method to get the mesh you want
ears yes the y shape crease in side them are a nightmare in low poly for me i prefer to cheat just texture the ear silhouette after haha
morph2.wmv (
two morphs mixing by looks of it i may not even need to use attribute as parameters variation is already between 2 morphs
i have began to model the body onto model which will be base mesh in a plugin code named f8ce
F8ceBodyWIP.an8 (
objects contained in WIP~
F8ce body :mirror x edge loop will be removed from final model
hand :just box modelled (limbs were set to n-gon 8 for bridge command)
foot :box modelled
ear :wire adjusted so user can extrude the y shape in ear
eyes :hmm
At present optimizing the 3d wire cage is most important so instead posting multiple images for you to see wires il post the project (above) instead then i will reply every time i update file .
no criticism is needed for issue with shape ..just Yet! because like i typed some ware before the way the script works mean that the model will need a dissolve ( dwarfed and boney/min 0.0%) and bloated (bulbous giant/max 100.0%) to find the base version (default/50.0%) with out actually seeing it
! it could be cross between LOTR gollum and 40k nurgle haha
Hi, BOB_I_Ts
I just had a look at your model and the wire cage. I do have a question on why you choose to break the edge loop flow around the rib cage, near the pelvis area? The only reason I can think of is, you are wanting to deform this area for muscle with your plug-in???
but keeping the edge loop flow will do the same thing. Also there is an issue around the mouth area the edge loops break. and at the bottom of the cheek bone there is an edge loop that goes no where.
I am pointing out what I see, and I have no idea how detailed ( as in edge loop flow) you want this model to be for your plug-in.
other then that the edge loops look really clean. ;) ;) ;D
As for the poly count, I believe you are right on the mark for deforming the mesh in any area you want with no problems.
Hope that helps.
hello MP3D good to see other senior anim8ors still around :D
thanks for advice i change rib wire so quad loop selects can be used there ,i see were you mean i originally split few edges to match the divisions on sphere primitive i guess doesn't really matter if socket match the divisions of the sphere
reason was i hoped when model complete it would have no holes (green edges)
file updated object list changed
foot : unchanged
eyes : unchanged "connected to cheek issue"
dissolve : nothing yet
bloat : editing box modelled hands bridged & ear edit merged
shape edit partially began based from running make human app in background
is this better MP !?
file update foot attached
This is my opinion on edgeloops. I expanded the mesh a lot so you can see the loops around the mouth...etc....
oh and I played around with your model again and used the (select edgeloop) and i was surprised to see that the whole loop, started at the mouth and went all around the skull and back. I need to use that in my work flow. I am going to study your work flow and see if I can work it into the way I model and still keep my edge loops...
thanks for ref ok i tried to tweak wire some so detailed regions are compatible with out changing the seam so can reattache the face
orang faces are out limits of each quad ring so user can add edge loops
nose edge loop doesnt fully loop but seems to separate from bridge of the nose which seems ok as quad ring loop can be add around it
an8 updated
to me model seems ready for me to start the hard part , what do you guys think !
test run in trinity export script looks promissing that will be no problems trinity.a8s (
an8 file updated
object list
dissolve thin form will be defaul 0 % cage mesh
bloat no change this model will be used as ref for finding attributes "i hope to use point3 attribute so less attributes need to be put in editor"
praportions typo proportions oops test show scaling should be no problem yay
I look forward to seeing how this fella moves! Very nice, "realistic" figure (patting my fat belly)
Looking good bob, only the edgeloops on his chest aren't really good.
The edgeloops should follow the chestmuscles or the shoulder to the arm.
more like this:
made change in chest
Looking good. :) I have a bit of trouble with people, and yours is probably better than mine. ;) But I kind of took care of that problem. Needed to learn the anatomy better. I did, though. Haven't done much 3D modeling since then, though. :P
Keep it looking good. =]
na anatomical study of dudes would bore me perhaps on the female plugin i might haha
the original plan for plugin was giving user control over some of the attributes changing variation also in knowing that anim8or has sub-d as option only requires a low poly mesh which can then be easily fine tweaked by modellers and easily to understood for newer users and animators
Im 3d old school i use method point per point so i tend not to follow any modelling method styles because point per point is all of them i also haven't modelled stuff in while so i fail to notice this edge loop method i do remember markyjurky once tryin to explain them to me once i kinda understand them now as animation related to muscle flexing etc yes ! anyway il stop rambling
i have some questions
1) do you think the wirecage is complete ? ( i have to restart attributes objects from scratch each and every time wire cage change.. not forgetting uvwrap :'( )
2) im using 1440,900 res desktop mode should i rescale the model smaller so it fit into active view port im unsure how model is viewed in other res
3) should model be set to spawn standing on origin or centre of origin from mouse pointer
4) should i model in mouth interior ?
5) does any one see figer rigging problems that may happen in current model ?
in advance thank you very much for feed back
al special thanks to all those assisted me sofare
i have updated F8ceBodyWIP.an8 ( with current wirecage in object:dissolve
bloat no longer share same cage but will stay in an8 to use as ref finding the 0.% to 100.% attributes ,as see the attribute list is quite long eek
object: "Par_insert name" will be pre-sets which may not be fully compatible with the attributes
na anatomical study of dudes would bore me perhaps on the female plugin i might haha
Of course. :P I just really realized how simple the female anatomy is, and it's not that hard to model. Just gotta do it right. ;)
About the questions: I have no idea, haha. I'll let someone else answer those. ;)
To answer you question, imo:
I think the mesh is pretty complete...his legs look a bit to long though and it doesn't have eyeballs...which means you can't aim his eyes at something.
I would also model the inside of the mouth. If you want to use this model for lipsyncing or use his mouth at all, it needs a mouth-sack ;)
Spawning the model on top of the origin or at the point of the mouse click would be the most logical solutions.
About the resolution...I don't think you have to worry about that, you can easly scale the model.
There might be some problems with the shoulder and chest, since the edgeloops aren't perfect. But they won't be big problems.
object : dissolve im attempting to reform shape of model so it will be min of each value in the plugin so its shape im still trying working out ,my gues is itle look like a dwarlved skeleton and the object:bloat was attempt to find max value,i gues itle take few trys to find the most usable shape ,but as attributes has no limits user can go below and above the max min range
Mouth sack added i just made it simple gum shield and tongue
Eyes i saw johnars method on keeping eyes seperate object on figures ,so i think only eye socket should only be needed then user can add eye balls them self
I just realised if i set the spawn to centre of chest the proportion attributes will use less points decrease amount code in script :)
If no one seen it the first f8ce plugin was posted in asl forum before this topic began
f8ce.a8s ( version v0.4
second image show old plugin
coming soon
You're doing great. =]
btw, what's the purpose of all this? I haven't really figured that out. :P
i actualy dont know either 3Dgeek11 i know there are loads apps for doing this type of thing so i gues why not put those options in anim8or
current progress body regions are done il just need to tweek them so they blend better like image below show
large humanoid character in background is all set to 100 in attributes and random in the others ,all humanoid characters in image above are the same plugin variations with body attributes added
image below is plugin objects loaded into the scene mode all changes to shape in screen capture are the version 6 plugin
Cool progress!!! Amazing script!
Bob is possible make option for "FAT character"??
yes it can be made semi obese if you set gut x and z over 100
plugin uploaded here ( :)
It looks ausome, but I preffer to make the models my self you see. I might try it later, to see how well you did with it.
Keep it up, Bob. :D
no problem cooldude234 i like to model all my stuff to ;) but helpfully its modifiable enough for animation hobbiests to use as well !
i been attempting to optimize model even more from
f8ce v6 :
points : 2206
edge : 4396
face :2190
gener8 :
points : 2140
edge : 4264
face :2124
should i attempt to optimise the head some more ! wander if i could get it below 2000 faces hmm
points : 2022
edge : 4032
face :2012
is this an omen eek
Fixed proportions and decided its not worth doing the other plugin ... so
i merged gender as parameter another cool thing is when user use non-uniform tool the attribute values also refresh :)
Looking absolutely awesome, Bob. :D
The people are very anatomically correct. :)
thanks 3Dgeek11 i updated the v7 script to asl forum ,next step will be uvwrap and texture and itle be complete
Cool. :)
One little thing I find wrong, the feet seem a tad too big. :P Can you adjust that when "making" you character with the script?
isure Im currently thinking about them whether to add ratio scale parameter or point 3 attribute for both hand will add them next update
another change is i think i should invert direction of arms and leg length scale attributes that way they can be shrunk and stretched with out breaking mesh
good news is v8 plugin will not crash when convert to subdivided bug fixed :D
if any one wandering how developer model looks here is screen with statistic info ,i save as new file each time edit to be safe
after plugin complete i will upload the dev script i could probably remove edges off the 61 objects as only cage edges are exported reducing the an8 size
That looks terrific. :D
Okay, can't wait for the next update then. :)
Me tooooo!
i made a start on uv im hoping that itle import back with out changing the coords or il have to redo 61
currently half uv done with lithunwrap i plan to remove as mush distortion as possible
uv complete i had issue keeping uv symmetry so i decided instead of taking short cut using basic box mapping i went for full taxidermist type of mapping so il have to go through it again yay :'(
Images i did half then merge face other half ,build > mirror then bridge back other half so i could keep opposite side uv symmetry
i will add 1024x bmp template to v8 zip other image is the template on the model in anim8or object mode render
Beautiful work mate! Just did a bunch of UV mapping yesterday, finally got to do some texturing today. Tedious process I must say :/
Looks like you've done a great job though! Will the UV map be altered with the model, or will the textures just stretch slightly?
yes uv is almost like jigsaw re-welding the points back with out seeing the depth having to double check to make sure you weld the correct ones together haha alot patients
im going to keep the map static but i could script the uv cords to morph as well but may cause larger file after i put uv reading into export script the f8ce.a8s jumped to just over a meg in size because export work on any model it go per point instead of generating compressed algorithm
i imagine if anim8or had command script similar to edit>loop cut but instead of edges unweld/detached points script then advance uv editing could be done in anim8or
here is what i mean after detached points script used to cut seams user create a morph target then ever have another command to unwrap model in 3d with in 0 - 100. grid x,y world space but leave z plane coords then user can re merge points knowing which ones share same depths using left view port then enabling uv tool to generate decal map wella map done delete the morph target leaving model with brand new uv
version 8 plugin uploaded & the complete an8 project also can be dled from dev files enjoy
i have began to use reference to get best shape possible from the wire cage which i managed to bet below 2000 with out loss of key shape features
face is based on mathematical PHI golden ratio aka Marquardt's mask
i was tempted to use da vinci golden ratio body drawing but it only seem to only match tailored lengths not body diameters so i used real flesh reference ;D from website
It's coming along great, Bob. I can't wait to see it once you're completely done with it. (Whenever that'll be, :P )
Keep it up! :)
haha itle end v1.0 ... but im unsure what to do for final update !im kinda rusty on texturing ill use Terabits tattoo ( 3d painter haha the bobbrush's 1 ~ 16 used in 1.86 were done by me cool that he included them in the installer
image show new improved UV almost finished
That looks great, Bob! :D
And thanks for mentioning that UV program.. It looks cool. :)
Keep updating!
Body shaping done next the face.
realtime editing on Plugin had same issue with parameter directive :'( variables reset back to 0 after switch int counter ,so i grouped body lengths to scale tool then non-uniform scale gender z axis muscle x and weight y but user can still alter lengths separate in plugin menu
Image show variation top left side is default has go down through them values increase
parameter limits were set between -100 to 100 should i increase the limit ?
wasnt space for foot and hand so i chose Torso parameter over other because it scales rib cage region allowing broad or amp to shape !
This now leave only the face using point attributes menu i guess maybe adding hand feet as floats on v1.0 .