Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: davdud101 on March 12, 2010, 05:13:28 pm
ok, I saved this file (attached) as a .txt, then opened it in MWWP (also attached). What does all this stuff mean? I don't read code or ASL (except for in GameMaker), unfortunately.
they`re not asl scripts..... just .an8 project files with a couple of bars if you rename the .txt one to .an8 then its exactly the same as the other one.
o. But if these are .an8's, what's all the letters and numbers and stuff? Just wondering, if anyone knows...
All the letters and numbers are simply your .an8 project. All your models, morph targets, figures, sequences, scenes, everything is stored in the file.
Oh. I see. thanx.