Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on March 02, 2010, 09:16:10 pm

Title: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 02, 2010, 09:16:10 pm
Alright, folks.... yes, on the precursory look, this fellow appears dubiously close to a certain other little train engine... But, he's being designed with something "ulterior" in mind, and there are key things that will set him and his world apart from old Thomas.

As this develops, IF it gets far, more will be explained...

But, for starters, a very brief introduction.  Meet Sammy Saddle-Tanker, of the Fordor Archipelago.
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: cooldude234 on March 02, 2010, 09:26:17 pm
It looks good, but a little creepy.
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 03, 2010, 01:27:03 am
Creepy? good...  maybe. Care to expound upon "creepy"?
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 03, 2010, 03:27:10 pm
a little form-making of Sammy's body... rough but fun... will be fully finished in the next day or two, am sure.

One big thing that will set this stuff apart is that things will be with American style rail a bit more, where as Thomas and such is British.
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Ringwall on March 03, 2010, 07:45:36 pm
Care to expound upon "creepy"?
Imagine crossing the tracks and seeing that face rushing towards you. D:
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: TheRetroZombie on March 03, 2010, 10:16:13 pm
Thomas the Train! I remember those little toy trains with the faces. Nice work d: 
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Josmic8or on March 10, 2010, 04:14:45 pm
Dude!! totally love your cartoony train.It would be sooooo coooool if it were animated . ;D ;D ;D
Good luck completing it! :)
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Ratticis on March 11, 2010, 10:56:20 pm
I think it's the huge eyes, but it looks like it wants to eat my soul!
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: headwax on March 12, 2010, 12:00:36 am
good stuff arik  cheers
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: johnar on March 13, 2010, 08:33:47 am
lol  Man, thats cool. :D

 Hopefully your ulteriior motive will be a short film
Does Sammy hav a family.  ;).
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 19, 2010, 11:00:54 am
Sammy is actually intended to be a spoof of Thomas, sort of... with some humor that is not so right for the Thomas world... I don't mean "nasty" humor, but a bit on the dark, or sarcastic side. Even as I try to describe the humor intended, I lose my meaning, so not sure how to say. There will be a family of sorts, and a setting much as such storylines have in other ways (like Thomas, and other children's fantasy/story worlds), nothing so diverse as Thomas and friends... though I think a couple of engines, a tugboat, and such, are in order if it comes through. Yes, the real intent is to make a short film based on a little goofy story line I had thought up, involving a character similar to Sir Topham Hatt, and his not-so-nice moments.... Anyone with an idea of the old cartoon stereotype of a certain "man in black suit and top hat" and his uses for railroad tracks.... ;)

Sammy is on the backburner at the moment, though... I intend to pick it up again when I find time, after I have revisited one of my original reasons for getting into anim8or - a very involved, semi-comical/semi-serious science fiction storyline that I wanted to push, which would work as a comic book, or movie of sorts, or video game... And will start presenting the material here when in some semi-ready to show off condition. It's called "Corporal Cosmic and the Terran Space Force"... based heavily on the 1940s-50s style of science fiction comics and movies, but with a very strange and, I think, extremely viable and original twist.

In fact, it could be a fun project for a team to work on. I don't have any idea as to whether it would be a moneymaker, though I am indeed looking into the ways to take it that direction, but I know that market is really full of things.

I'll share more, and the door is open to anyone wanting to get in on it, when I have something worth presenting, and not just half-baked crap-models. 
Title: Re: Sammy Saddle-Tanker
Post by: BOB_I_Ts on March 19, 2010, 11:45:45 am
great sammy face i can imagine you could do something like peter k song include and murge other classics like postman pat ,tommy the tugboat with thomas characters interacting ^ ^