Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: johnar on February 28, 2010, 08:10:31 pm
Sorry to disappoint if you were hoping for a Rolex watch.
Rolex is the name of the short vid which i am currently working on.
It needs a car, so i've made this.
Not finished yet. Will 'test animate' when done.
The headlights morph open and closed, as do the doors. The wheels turn using bones. It'll do some other things too, like 'body lift during acceleration'. :D
There will be some more props to come, which i'll post in this thread.
Hope you like the car so far. :)
I like the style of the car! It looks good! ;D
Nice and simple, but solid. My criticism would be on the texture though. It's a bit odd for a car in my opinion. I'd go with something more solid if I were you.
Oh I forgot to state, yea I was expecting a rolex watch too ;D ;D
yea, I agree with hihiosilver. My suggestions for the car texture designs is red and shiney. Also give it some streaks too. :b
Yeah, red cars go faster. :D
Whooa!I like the red one better!
Hi again,
Thanks for comments.
I've done a short animation test for the car.
Haven't done anything about a scene, just wanted to see how the car looked.
I intend on getting some better sound effects, etc. Think i'll record my brothers V8, and also get rid of the 'squeaky door' ! (yuk)
This is first prop for 'Rolex' the movie. :)
Now i need 2 main charcters, and the scene. (set)
Also need a truck. ;)
Will post updates as they are near ready.
Hope you enjoy the car. Its a bit noisey. ;)
that was great. the best part was when the headlights popped up.
i have a question though. was the glossyness of the car done in your material settings? or did you have to add atributes or anything.
Thanks Rellik,
The glossy is done with an environment map. ;)
I love the style of the car, but I will have to say I like the crazy green-black texture better. I think red cars are overkilled anyway... and the gloss might be a bit too much, and something about it makes me think of a plastic toy rather than a car as a result.
Also, the doors and headlamp shutters appear as if melded into the body until opening. Seems to be less so in appearance in the original black/green version.
Great hydraulic lift though, but maybe slow it a bit for an illusion of "restrained power"?
I love your work in general... just got a whim of maybe being overly critical (not my norm... maybe the double mocha breve hit me oddly...)
Would be really cool to see the video with the original texture design.