Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: 3Dgeek11 on February 21, 2010, 10:34:38 pm
Hello again, sorry for the long absence. Didn't have internet, but now I'm back, and with high-speed internet this time! =]
Okay, I was wondering if it's possible to make a model, >rig it, >animate it in sequence editor, and export it to the .3ds format, while retaining the bones and animations?
I would check this out on my own, but I don't really have any other programs to test it in, so I wanted to ask you experts here. =P
Also, I'm thinking that it is possible, because anytime I export a figure or sequence, it lets me export it to 3ds or an8. So I'm basically wanting to know so I can use an animated anim8or model in an FPS game maker.
anim8or does not support animation export for the .3ds format at this time. but I think if you export a frame in scene mode in .3ds it will export the model in its current pose of the animation.
The closest you probably can get at this rate is to use Ani2Pov ( and export it to .ms3d, open it with milkshape3d, and then export it from there.
Thanks, Raxx, I'll look into that.