Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: gattispilot on February 17, 2010, 09:39:51 am

Title: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 17, 2010, 09:39:51 am
I know if I selected a face from the front it is yellow and back blue.  But I have faces that are different shades of yellow.  Almost a green color.  I would think it would be a mixture of yellow and blue. 

On this I had to selected front and back to get some of the faces to show up.
Not sure how to fix it.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: $imon on February 17, 2010, 10:54:38 am
Hm I kindof remember a bug of this sort in an older version of anim8or. What version of the program are you using?

It might be a mesh error as well, a fix would be to delete the points and model the area again.

(btw, at the top corner of the darkyellow face, i see a small mesh error, with a line going through the corner, you might want to fix that)
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: hihosilver on February 17, 2010, 11:16:14 am
Honestly I'm pretty sure it's just the shading in Anim8or.  I don't think there's any issue or glitch.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 17, 2010, 11:27:47 am
.95 dec 2006 is the version.  I have found if I cut the shade changes  I think that is what's up with the corner piece.  I have tried to delete the faces and lines and redraw the line but I get the same result
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: $imon on February 17, 2010, 12:42:23 pm
Hiho: I think it is a glitch, i f you see other selected faces facing the same way, they still have a lighter color.

I am pretty sure it is because of the version you're using gattispilot, try downloading the latest beta version and open it in that.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: Raxx on February 17, 2010, 02:42:20 pm
Actually, I am quite sure it's a shading matter ;) It doesn't look greenish to me, just dark yellow.

Looks like you imported a 3ds file. Make sure the mesh is completely ungrouped (ungroup it a few times), then select all the points and go to edit->merge points. Set the merge distance to .005, and hit OK. See if that fixes it. If it's still off-color, delete the face, you may have two stacked on each other.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: $imon on February 17, 2010, 03:11:33 pm
No! I am SURE it is just because youre running pacman while working with anim8or, thats of course asking for trouble!!


Jokes aside, it could be a double or seperate face indeed. Maybe if you post the file we can see.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: davdud101 on February 17, 2010, 04:33:58 pm
It is shading. Definetly. no prob here at all/
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on February 17, 2010, 08:41:15 pm
Change the view to fully shaded, or do a quick render, and check the result.  If it's related to a double face the error should still be visible, if it's just the way Anim8or shades its faces in Object view then no issue will be visible.  I'm with Raxx and Hiho on this one, I can see nothing in the supplied image that shouts "problem" to me, other than the aforementioned corner cuts performed in an attempt to fix the issue.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 17, 2010, 10:26:09 pm
Here are a couple of images wireframe  smooth render images.  As you can see some of the orange color is faded to almost white.  In the render you can see a dark area under the left arm.

the material setting on the orange are A.300 Di .700Sp1 Emis.1 rough 200 bril 1.  I am using a bitmap image for the orange color
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: Raxx on February 17, 2010, 10:51:19 pm
This looks like you've just got some creases that can be fixed by double clicking the mesh and setting the smooth angle to around 60-80 degrees or more, based on what you desire it to look like. Of course this is based on the assumption that you attempted to merge the points first.

As for the orange color faded to white...are you talking about the materials? Give it 0 for spec if you don't want the white specularity effect. Also, an emission of 1 can affect your results, based on what color emission it is (white?) and the strength, along with the ambient color/strength you give it...and basically all other aspects of the materials :P Not to mention you should take into consideration that by default the workspace has a front and back light.

If messing around with the smooth angle, merging points, or changing your materials doesn't fix it, you might want to consider sharing your mesh with us so that we can take a direct look at it. Of course, it doesn't help that your mesh is horribly triangulated as well...
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 17, 2010, 11:04:09 pm
Thanks that made it much better
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 18, 2010, 08:25:51 am
Ok  How do I fix the "mesh being horribly triangulated ".  I am using this for Orbiter.  So I need to cut the mesh to add a textures of those badges on the sleeves. 

Maybe remove the lines from the shoulder to the elbow and redraw?

Title: Re: face colors
Post by: $imon on February 18, 2010, 09:38:54 am
I guess I was wrong, it was just a shading issue. There actually was a bug like that though some time ago!

I'm glad you got the mesh fixed.

To get rid of triangles you can select two triangles and merge the faces (shift-m) so youre left with one square.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: Raxx on February 18, 2010, 10:25:04 am
There's also the untriangulate script located in the ASL scripts database:

For use in-game it doesn't matter really if it's already triangulated, since when it's put in the game it gets triangulated anyway. However for in the workspace (anim8or), it makes it easier to work with the mesh and easier for us to look at and not assume it's some weird conversion problem. Also, some areas of your model seem like it could use a bit of optimization, but that shouldn't prevent you from getting it into the game.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 18, 2010, 10:47:48 am
What's a good way to optimize?  The script I use to export into a .msh for Orbiter will not use multiple materials.  So I have to cut the face and apply the texture.  That is the problem is when I cut the arm to apply the new badge texture.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: ADSohr on February 18, 2010, 11:06:21 am
hey, gattispilot

i've also worked on meshes for orbiter, when you use the 3ds2msh plugin for orbiter it does automatically triangulate the quads for you. it makes life simpler  :)
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 18, 2010, 08:44:41 pm
ok here is a part of the arm I am trying to do.  On the render view The badges are crisp but the arm isn't.  But I am trying to get rid of the dark area below the square patch.

Title: Re: face colors
Post by: Raxx on February 18, 2010, 09:07:09 pm
Your main problem is that your patches are separate meshes from your arm. Select the patches and the arm and then go to join->solids. Then select all the points of the arm and go to edit->merge points with a merge distance of 0.001

I looked at the arm and even optimized it a bit, but here's a tip: instead of cutting and slicing the mesh every which way, learn how to uvmap and texture...also remember that you need to try this stuff out in the game every so often to see how it would look. In-game some of these creases won't exist since usually game engines implement a smooth angle of 180 degrees with exceptions to specified smoothing groups/creases. The same goes for the materials in regards to how the game will handle them differently.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: gattispilot on February 18, 2010, 09:58:34 pm
Thanks.  The reason it is cut is the script I use does not allow multiple materials so each mesh must have its own material.  I am using the anim8or to .msh script.  I think the dark area is a fold or crease that need to smooth out.
Title: Re: face colors
Post by: Raxx on February 18, 2010, 10:11:14 pm
Thanks.  The reason it is cut is the script I use does not allow multiple materials so each mesh must have its own material.  I am using the anim8or to .msh script.  I think the dark area is a fold or crease that need to smooth out.

All the more reason to learn how to unwrap and texture a model! This way you only need one material for the entire mesh and you can place all your details on one texture.