Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: karate5662 on February 13, 2010, 07:28:27 am
Anyone have any old versions of anim8or kicking around?
I found a version of 0.4 on a diskette in my basement. It brings back memories of my firs foray into the world of 3D.
Cool! I'd love to see that...
The first version I have used was 0.81, but I don't have it any more... Anim8or has done a really huge step forward since then - there was no raytracer, no morph targets, no ASL, no skinning weights... And I was so excited when I made my first stick figure ;D
even way back at version 0.4, it was still quite a well made program.
I hope Steve doesn't mind me uploading it.
To Steve:
I'm wondering if you have any copies of version 0.1 kicking around. I've always wanted to try it out.
It looks like you actually uploaded v0.9 (at least that's what the title screen says)
hmm... well that's strange. It seems like the file on the disk must have gotten mis-named.
here's an actual v0.6 that I tracked down. this is the real deal.
Haha I'm loving that version 6 .. quite a small selection of tools, no shadows etc. Anim8or really has come a long way since then..
I don't remember with which version i started.. probably somewhere around hihosilver, version .8.
i'm wondering if there's a version 0.1 floating around somewhere. I haven't had any luck locating one though...
I started around v.8 or so
And if I remember correctly, someone made a topic just like this on the old forum and someone replied with a link to a directory with every anim8or version on it.
I started searching for that directory a few months back but have had no luck thus far.
Ha wow! It's amazing what's been done since that version. No subdivision objects even!
I think I may have started a little after you Simon, maybe around 0.9 or so? Perhaps 0.8, but I don't go as far back as 0.6 that's for sure!
i think i started around 5 or 6. Raxx started before that. i think he's actully been here since 1
Woah. Man, 6 is like, no offense, a toy compared to now. So few tools, (besides those four gray ones that I've never seen), and bad renderings, no subdivision... On and on.
Does the old interface still look the same as now?
Some of the same stuff, yet some differences. Just some missing icons, some added icons.
^ ^ anim8or 0.1 (
couldnt find the arc rotate. i loaded my object with like 50 spheres and the render time was still like .3 seconds. its neat to see how far along steve has come.
Amazing! I always wanted to see this! Thank you!
Awesome! I've never seen .01 before, I started with 0.95c, I believe.
I was looking all around for the arc rotate, also. And just barely found the render menu before giving up. =P
It is nice to see how far Anim8or has gone from that time. :)
EDIT: Heh, look what I found:*/
It's amazing to see how far the site has come since Dec 1996. =P Check out some of the gallery images! (Silly me, they're on the current site, anyway)
Unfortunately, they didn't archive the site around the time 0.1 and 0.2 was released. Would've been cool to see the site from then.
wow anim8or v.01 is awesome! :P
^ ^ anim8or 0.1 (
Man, this is ridiculous.
It is nice to see how far Anim8or has gone from that time. :)
I agree! it's pretty cool.
Let's hope anim8or would get better and better
I have found this site that has all of the old versions including version 0.1. It's safe. I downloaded it myself. It's here: :P
Wow! What a blast from the past :) It's hard to believe that it's been that long. I must be getting old!!!
Wow, I started with V0.7 and had a copy of 0.4 I never could figure out.
Its fantastic to see all the earlier versions. What a noob I was back then.
I'm lov'n Rel 1219!
I was just going though the archived sites and found a "featured in lockergnome"
Did he really cover your program at one point?
Yes, Anim8or was featured in Lockergnome but that was a long time ago. A search for it on their website today doesn't find anything :(