Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: sgwan on February 10, 2010, 01:12:20 am
this is about the best thing I have modeled, the body I did with out using any referance images, did it all by memory. I can draw, so I know how a human body should look, same goes with the sword, the head I used some random images from the net, it doesn't look perfect, but its the closest to real I have ever gotten a head to look ;D
thats a really good looking model. but u really cant tell if its male or female. the best way to make it more femanine is breasts. the other is u can change the hair style a bit more. ive only modeled one female and she was bald. so it was really hard 2 tell the sex.
one other quick thing is the dagger or sword. i think its positioned wrong. try making the hilt/handle close to the body, and the sheith/cover pointed away from the body.
that is a good model. i think its just missing some key subtleties.
cool, thanks!
yeah its supost to be a younger girl, thats why. So wasn't sure how to go about that, and since I have no idea how to model hair, I gave her a pony tale wich is hard to see from those pics.
but any way, thanks for the feed back!
Does it have any bones? You should really animate that. Its really good.
That's amazing, better than anything I can model!
thanks man, took many hours :P
here is anohter quick render of her, I tried to "femailize" her a little more and am atemting hair... probably going about it wrong, IDK how to model hair, but it kinda looks more girl-ish
A great hair tutorial by an old Anim8or (has now moved on and become a pro): (
here is a redone model of the realistic girl I had posted on here about 2 weeks ago. Ive been at the counter for days modeling her and still she is not finished, but I thought I would post some pics to see what you guys think
(the hair sucks :'( , but its all I can do for now)
sgwan: I merged your two topics. There's no need to have 2 topics going of the same model. Simply update the older thread and it will come to the top again.
As for the model, it's looking improved, definitely more detailed. I have to admit that currently she seems a bit anorexic and many of her bones show... sharply.
I would work on perhaps fleshing her out a bit more, unless you're going for that look.
Also, could we see a wireframe? Perhaps we could help with mesh errors that are showing up.
Good start!
i think it looks good. hiho is right about the anorexia part, but atleast u detailed everything in the right spots. your definetly on the right track though. ull get better and better with every model u do so i say put as much detail as u can on it and eventually ull know what works for every part of the body. good job keep it up.
keep up the work :)
Wow, the modelling is really good! Just a few things:
1. in girl head.jpg, it appears as if her collarbone juts out from the shoulder.
2.There's a lot of wierd looking imprints on her face (Next to her nose.)
1) yeah I made her to skinny, I was trying to put a lot of detail in, but ended up making look like that, hehe
2) the imprints are mesh defects from mesh to subdevide,
still working out the kinks, but taking a brake for now, glad you all like it and I'll see about putting up a wire mesh shot