Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: davdud101 on February 04, 2010, 08:00:25 pm

Title: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 04, 2010, 08:00:25 pm
I call dibs on Director, and I'll model some stuff.
Brian, a young 10 year old boy and the main character.
Lilly, a small hundred year old fairy.
King (working name) Pike, the king of the (working name) Snowlands.
Consultant, an old underfed man working for the king.

   Brian is looking at a snow globe when his mom turns off the light in his room. He falls asleep with the snow globe in his hand. He awakens at midnight to find he is in a snow land. He walks around a little while, and meets a snow fairy named Lilly. Lilly brings him to the castle where he meets the king. Brian requests a way home, but the consultant comes in and tells the king that the Snowlands have ran out of Norbs, ‘the magic hairballs’. While trying to find the magic thief, Brian is also doing work for the king as payment for letting him go home in the future. Brian awakens in the middle of the night in the castle, seeing a glowing light coming from a few rooms down the hall. When he investigates, he finds that the Consultant has stolen all of the Norbs from near towns and cities and is using them for some evil scheme. Brian turns the Consultant in. He is decided guilty over theft in a court scene, and the kings has the Norbs bring Brian home. Brian awakens, at home, with the snow globe in his hand. THE END.
A guy, James Sidney on the side of IGRA is in a small space craft sent to infiltrate the Dimension base, but is blasted out of the sky. He lands on Oaran (Or-ahn) where he cataloges many plants and animals. He meets a strange, crazy robot named N.E.D. (Netrix E-working-  DioRoid). James fixes Ned, whom in turn fixes James' ship overnight, and James flys back to IGRA. The let back on this story is that I don't know where Dimension comes into the storyline. A few of VERY MANY models for this one are attached.


rellik420-Planning Production

Concept artists:


texture cretors/compilers:


lyp sycners:
(none, possibly Davdud101)

scene compositors:

voice actors-Character:
Davdud101-Varioius Animals

Modelling/Rigging List:
Fat bird/rigged-attached

Music composing:
Sign up in this thread.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 04, 2010, 08:14:14 pm
ill try and make a few models. just let me know what u need
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 04, 2010, 08:19:23 pm
thanx, rellik, no prob. I'll put u on the modellers list...
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 05, 2010, 11:48:49 am
i think you need a few more details. and you need to post what youve come up with right away. ive already started modeling and started writing a story. my main concern right now is what kind of story is it? is it a sad sob drama? a goofy comedy? what general style do you want the art? how long do you expect the animation to be? will there be alot a little or no dialogue?

pretty much any kind of details would help.

and on a personal note i hope alot of people sign up for this. ive seen many projects like this start or attempt to start. but i dont think ive ever seen anything come close to completion.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 05, 2010, 05:21:37 pm
I'm considering joining your project, however I think there should be at least one creepy / bad aspect of it (rather than it all being just "happy")

eg. first thing that springs to mind is a crack in the "frozen wonderland" leading to a more grotesque / horrific underground / dark area.

My imagination is running!
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 05, 2010, 05:40:39 pm
yea i thought of the same thing while i was writing a script. i stopped writing because i dont know which direction dav wants to go. that and i dont know how long he wants it to be. but the jist of what i was writing goes somethin like this.

kid is in his room staring at a snowglobe with a castle inside. he falls asleep with it in his hand. he wakes up in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm. he wonders around till he collapses and before he blacks out a "snowfairy" appears. he wakes up in her hut. they babble on about whats going on and how to get back and whatnot.

this is where i go hung up. it can go in a number of directions here. he could end up at the castle and has to defeat some monster type guy to get home. or the fairy can simply take him to the castle and find a way back home from there. like talk to the king or something.

my whole thing revolves around the snowglobe castle. but theres a number of ways to go about it. i dont want to just make up a story if someone already has one.

im just trying to get an idea of what to start modeling. i started modeling the snowfairy, but i think i can only do the head. im not so good with bodies.

1 more thing. if you want this to be a little more private so we dont ruin it for any1 who wants to see it. there are simple alternatives. + i think over time a forum posting would get 2 jumbled and unorganized.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 05:52:02 pm
OKay, i got one. basing off of where rellik left off, there's a bad guy who is the kings consultant, and the kid and the fairy go to the castle, and the consultant doens't want outsiders in, so they go defeated him and get home.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 05, 2010, 06:47:07 pm
works for me. now we need a discription of the enemy so we can start modeling it.  it can be a completly made up creature or it could be like a wolf or a troll or something.


i read that wrong my bad. i dont think that would work that well. it could be the kings consultant but the "dont let outsiders in" wont work. u gotta look at the cause and effect of things. if you think about it the kid just goes in where hes not wanted in the 1st place then just beats up or kills some1.

i think it would be better if they go to the king for help. but he cant help because thier "magic powers" are running low. and no1 can figure out why. but the kid and fairy figure out that it is the kings consultant sneaking around and stealing magic or something. so once the kid and fairy capture or defeat the consultant. they save the kingdom and he gets to go home.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 08:01:57 pm
Man, rellik, may I say you have the best ideas? I'm gonna incorporate this in a furture update on the first post...
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 05, 2010, 08:54:16 pm
Ah, sorry to say this but if these ideas are set already in your minds I can't be part of the project. Lets just say I prefer a more origional story. No offence to either of you.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 09:59:18 pm
What do you mean...?
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 05, 2010, 10:11:59 pm
he means its just like the wizard of oz. but i dont really care if the story is generic or not i just want to actually have a finished product.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 10:34:47 pm
OK then, lets get tarted on modelling, if the script is done. I'm building a cartoony owl for whatever purpose.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: TheRetroZombie on February 07, 2010, 07:43:26 pm
Can I be voice actor?
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 07, 2010, 08:50:00 pm
sure. We welcome all.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 08, 2010, 03:33:05 pm
Yours is better than mine, kreator. Let's use your edit instead.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: Josmic8or on February 09, 2010, 03:39:09 am
I wanna help u model.

Tell me what models do you need?
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 09, 2010, 03:18:02 pm
@kreator: I see why we'd want it lower poly, yet, I don't know how to lower them manually. I guess it's up to you. I will do flapping and stuff though.

@Josmic8or: Kool, I'll add you to the list.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 09, 2010, 03:21:26 pm
you should really come up with a storyboard. it helps so so much. you will get a general idea of every scene. my storyboards are usually very simple. like ill use colored stick figures and pretty much write actions and key points like camera angles and specific things i want to use in each instance. i dont think "winging it" is the best way to go about a project like this. it should have as much planning as possible.


also i think you should have a full list of models before hand. once some1 says im doing that model u assign it to them (so that 2 or 3 people r working on the same thing) then mark it off as its completed.

heres a list im going to throw together off the top of my head based on the story we have so far.

Bed Toys Dresser. (for kids room)

Throne Tables/Chairs Random Castle Equipment. (for kings throneroom)

Kid SnowFairy King Consultant (so far our main characters)

SnowGlobe Castle Fiary's "house"

thats about all i can come up with now. like i said once we develope the story and have a story board and know what will be in every scene, we can elaborate on specifics.

Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 09, 2010, 03:46:15 pm
K, that sounds good, rellik. Just that my scanner doesn't work, and drawing them on a PC would be more time consuming. I'll try my best in the planning area.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: ADSohr on February 09, 2010, 04:14:53 pm
i can take the throneroom once the D-D-Dragon challenge is over
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 09, 2010, 04:35:02 pm
Just FYI by my comment I meant that the story ideas previously stated seem extremely cliched and overdone in my opinion. But that may just be my preference to gothic rather than traditional fairytales :P
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 09, 2010, 04:41:40 pm
Yeah, but it's a story that's easy to work with, and easy to work around, which explain the cliche/overdone...edness.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: Josmic8or on February 11, 2010, 03:58:44 pm
As soon as the ddd dragon challenge is over i'll start modeling
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 11, 2010, 05:08:08 pm
kool, I'll get working on the plan ASAP.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: Josmic8or on February 13, 2010, 05:47:45 am
I've modeled two things so far-
A Snowflake

& a toy truck for Brian's bedroom

Here's the attachments
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 13, 2010, 01:00:20 pm
nice truck. I'm just going to add an axle and a thing to hold the axle for realism.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: ADSohr on February 13, 2010, 02:42:10 pm
just an idea considering the snowflake. i'm guessing that since this short is apparently in the winter, the snowflakes shown in wide shots won't need to be too detailed. what you could do is have simple cubes falling, make them bigger or smaller for distance. it's a cheap trick but no-one would notice.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 13, 2010, 03:20:08 pm
Yeah, that's what i was thinking. It'll be, say, infront of his window, we'll use it.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: hihosilver on February 13, 2010, 04:37:20 pm
Or, even simpler, for the snowflake make a flat plane and create a transparency map to put on it.  There's less to render and it looks better.
A great tool to use for snowfall is Terranim8or.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 13, 2010, 05:46:35 pm
but...don't transmaps take longer to render? I know that big groups of transmaps can take longer to render.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: hihosilver on February 13, 2010, 11:18:18 pm
If the textures are small (you can make them very small, as snowflakes aren't very visible from further away) then they shouldn't take much more time.  Of course, you don't want them to cast shadows either or it would eat up a lot of render time (though it would with a solid snowflake as well.)
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 14, 2010, 07:01:10 pm
I see...They have to be just the size to render fast, yet just the size to not come off as cheap looking.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: ADSohr on February 15, 2010, 11:51:57 am
that's a sound idea hihosilver

to give the effect of distance you can have several different planes moving at different rates so the the ones up close move faster and those farther away move slower, tricking the eye into seeing distance
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 16, 2010, 02:44:13 pm
well i think the really cool dragon challenge kinda put this project to a halt. but ive been working on it a little. i think i have the 1st 2 scenes completed. i dont mean to bully my way through here and take over some1s project but when it comes to work ethic i dont mind clawing my way to the top. just let me know if u want me to go into a different direction.

heres the 1st 2 scenes. short and simple but i think the visuals will tell this story more than anything.

Scene 1:

Boy is in his room. He is looking at a snowglobe that has a castle in it from a high shelf. He strugles to reach the snow globe, stretching to finally grab the snowglobe. He then stares at the globe intently as he jumps into bed and falls asleep with the snowglobe in hand.

*1st person view of sleepy eyes closing.

End Scene

Scene 2:

*1st person view of eyes awakening.

The boy finds himself surrounded by snow. Nothing else is around. The boy looks around shivering in a paniced state. He then starts walking through the snowstorm in his midst.

After a long trek the boy finally callapses. A shadow appears over him. The boy looks up exaustedly and sees a Snow Fairy. The snow fairy gives the boy a compasionate smile.

*1st person view of eyes closing.

End Scene

This is how i do my story boards. 3 reasons.
1) i cant draw all that well.
2) even though its very crude you still see the whole picture.
3) its really quick to do and gets the point across.

**note about the last one. for scene 1 it doesnt have to be used. i was either thinking about looking out the windows and seeing it snowing or something. but its really not needed. the kid can just go asleep and wake up in the middle of nowhere. anyway here they r.

Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: ADSohr on February 16, 2010, 02:48:40 pm
not bad relik.

another idea for the transition, once the kid falls asleep, you could go out the window and turn the camera so that the same castle shows up.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 16, 2010, 02:55:25 pm
hopefully this works i have 6 storyboards for scene 2 so i tried 2 get them all into the same pic.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 16, 2010, 03:44:21 pm
Wow! I realize this is paint, and these are stick figures, but it's exactly what I had in mind! I'll get working on character conccept art.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 16, 2010, 04:26:24 pm
i was screwing around with some music. if it comes to it ill help with music and sound effects. i uploaded it to youtube sicne i dont know where else to put it. anyway heres what i came up with.

Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 17, 2010, 01:47:36 pm
I like it! Hopefully, the need arises. I'll put you on a composing list.
I'm thinking of switching the story to something more... adult-like. For another story that I started 2 days ago, I have a lot of concept art. It's just that doing a space-themed story is
1)less cliched
2)more to model, less to skin.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 20, 2010, 10:30:01 pm
just got back from a trip to fort jackson. i went to see my brother graduate his basic training for the army. so ive been away for a few days.

what i see wrong with u switching the story is... we have 2 start from scratch. i didnt get that far into the fairy model so i can switch it up a little bit. what i thought i was signing up for was a month long 5-10 minute short film.

here is the problem. it took a week 2 "almost" come up with a story. if any1 started modeling we have 2 scrap and start over (which i dont mind).  you really have 2 b quick with the story. you can write a rough draft in a half an hour easy. just full of brainstorms. then u can develope it over the next few days.

if u want i can help develope ur new story just to get things rolling faster. i think if we actually have something people will just help to see it get finished. and if there is only 4 or 5 of us we can work with that as well.

***i think this is why no colobs get finished. there is no foundation and im sure it gets old quick.***
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 21, 2010, 04:30:01 pm
Okay, okay... you got me rellik. We'll stay with this. I just think it's so over used that if we use it a agian there'll be some copyright infringement involved...
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 21, 2010, 08:45:38 pm
actually there will b no copywrite infingment at all. we are not copying anything at all for 1. and for 2 if we would want to use real characters from anything at all all we have to do is have a disclaimer saying that all charcters and personalities are fiction.

ever watch south park or robot chicken? thats all they do is make fun of real life people or real fiction copywrited charcaters.

but u can go ahead and change ur story. u just need 2 do it fast. so we can get started on it. and you need to give people directions. like what needs to be modeled. asap so we can start working on it. i think starting is the hardest part, bubt once we get some kind of work flow going we will be ok.

you said u had concept art. show it.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 22, 2010, 10:22:37 am
I did the first of the three parts, just to show what it should look like. We'll remaster this one, then make the next two.

Con Art:
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 22, 2010, 09:45:18 pm
im not sure what ur looking for. i tried 2 make the guards helmet. it was really quick all i did was extrude a sphere. depending on how much detail u want i could rework it and make it look badass. heres what i came up with.

edit: heres one a bit textured.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 23, 2010, 03:16:51 pm
Woah, rellik! That's amazing! Could you post the model?
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 23, 2010, 09:12:41 pm
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 24, 2010, 03:23:27 pm
Hey, what's with the texture? Still, even more so, I love the model. Only problems being:
1.The SpaceGuard is an angled ship that pivots on it's axis
2. I've made a test model, don't know if we'll use mine if you make one.
But can I use this helmet for the main character?
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 24, 2010, 06:25:25 pm
I'm really liking the cell shaded look of that helmet! awesome material skills
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 24, 2010, 06:52:58 pm
Yeah, it's celled without a real outline! Looks really nice!
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on February 24, 2010, 07:00:53 pm
if u want to i was going to make it look better though.

all the material is 0 rough and brilliance
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on February 24, 2010, 07:34:29 pm
Oh, that's why I can't actually see it. Thanx 4 telling me.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: DragonSlayer on April 28, 2010, 10:44:49 am
Has anyone done the fairy, cause I could if you want.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on April 29, 2010, 08:26:22 pm
Go ahead. I think this project is dead though.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: DragonSlayer on April 29, 2010, 08:31:23 pm
Too bad... If I have time I might do it and post it, who knows, it might start it up again.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on April 30, 2010, 02:28:05 pm
maybe, let's hope so.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: rellik420 on May 01, 2010, 03:55:24 am
yea i kinda gave up on it. it had no structure what so ever. it was davs idea in the 1st place but u completly changed the story and i was working on a bunch of stuff from the original story but i eventually just gave up on it. hopefully u guys will get something out of it though. good luck and have fun
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on May 01, 2010, 10:25:19 am
Well try. Hopefully this goes.
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: Josmic8or on May 01, 2010, 01:29:40 pm
I really hope the first project will come back alive
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: cooldude234 on May 01, 2010, 10:43:35 pm
LOL I just watched davedudes short on youtube. Freaking hilarious to watch, I like.
Also how old are you (you dont sound too old).
Also funny, my old (or more so dead) uncle had the last name wright  :D
Title: Re: Short Collab!!!
Post by: davdud101 on May 07, 2010, 10:48:04 pm
I'm... between 12 and 14. Thanx for the comps... Most say the they're funny.