Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: ajmrowland on January 31, 2010, 10:31:16 pm
Hi, I'm new here! ;D
Anyway, down to business. I'm using a 64-bit Windows 7 OS, have downloaded the Vista Intel driver for MY Intel Series 4 Mobile, Have the Installer, have done basically everything you guys told Kyle in another thread, and everything he told me (in another forum) to do, but still the program won't work.
Any more tips?
What kind of error comes up, what version of Windows 7 do you have? (home, ultimate, etc). Also any other PC specs would be nice.
Have you tried all the compatibility settings?
No error, message, Home Premium, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, Gateway model, Intel Graphics Express Series 4(like I said), and I've tried Vista, and XP compatibility modes, and have turned on/off the Disable Desktop Composition and Disable Visual Themes compatibility functions for the Anim8or program.
I have the same problem - Can't run under
Windows 7 but have seen nothing on the posts to help.
Steve - Does it run under Windows 7? If not, I'll quit trying. If it does then please tell me how?
Does it run under Windows 7? If not, I'll quit trying. If it does then please tell me how?
It obviously does, since I got it to work.
anyway, wish I could help more, not sure why it wont work for you, as you (ajmrowland) seem to have similiar specs to me.
ajmrowland, unfortunately I think your problem is a little more severe. I'm thinking it's because of your 64-bit operating system that it's not opening correctly. Anim8or is a 32-bit program, and it seems that some programs just don't run well under certain versions of different Windows 64-bit operating systems. All I can really suggest is to try to update your bios, update your intel drivers to the newest windows 7 drivers, and use the intel inf utility and update your intel chipset drivers. This might eventually allow you to at least come up with an error saying it can't run.
Your alternative is to dual boot with another windows operating system or to replace your current OS entirely. I'd just dual-boot with a 32-bit operating system to more or less guarantee that it'd work.
SirBluDanes, I already attempted to address your problem in another topic, so if you don't wish for my help then good luck to you.
Raxx, I'm on 64 bit myself, so I don't think that's his problem either.
I'm aware of that, and so am I. However, it could be his individual OS that's the culprit, or this version, or the mix of components.
Kyle, which version of 7 do you have? Home? Office?
So we can knock off OS and Processing Hardware.
For now, try this:
Open the Program Compatibility troubleshooter by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under Programs, click Run programs made for previous versions of Windows.
And go through all the options. They're not really any different from the compatibility tab. I'm not on Win 7 right now but you should be able to select Anim8or in the list that comes up. If you can't get it to work, then go through the options that let you report it to Microsoft.
You can also fill this out: Maybe they'll try working on compatibility, who knows.
Also look for any and all windows updates available.
I doubt they'll really do anything, but I'll try.
Anim8or works on Windows 7. Intel's drivers for their graphics chips are very buggy. If you would explain exactly what happend when you try to run it it might help. Simply saying "It doesn't work" doesn't give me anything to look into.
It's just not doing anything when I click. Not even an error message. Nothing more than the Windows Running a Program message that comes up everytime it doesn't recognize something. My intel graphics chipset is in the same 4 Series range as Kyle's. It's just not doing anything. And I try every properties change that might have an influence on it. Basically everything I described on this thread.
Still no-go. This is just not fair. >:(
This is what happens when I depend on other ppl. nothing gets done.
I have the same problem. I use intel graphics. I can't even get roblox's shadows to work do to Intel horrible drivers
The community is trying to help, but we can't see your system and are effectively operating blind. My advice would be to delete your Anim8or instance and do a fresh download, copying the program to your desktop. Right-click the Anim8or icon, go to properties, and choose the Compatibility tab. Select the options to run in Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and in the Settings section tick only the 'Disable desktop composition' checkbox. Click Apply or OK and try running Anim8or. I'm running W7 Home Premium 64 bit and with the above settings Anim8or has been completely stable. If it still won't run for you at least you've eliminated the OS as the culprit, in which case the previous advice given re drivers is really all you can do.
I found a free MS application called Widows Virtual PC and the link is Maybe this will help. Leroy.
Intel Graphics Express Series is crapola with no good OpenGL support. I havent downloaded anim8or yet to confirm this ( i also use this flimsy integrated graphics hell. )
Intel Graphics Express Series is crapola with no good OpenGL support. I havent downloaded anim8or yet to confirm this ( i also use this flimsy integrated graphics hell. )
Oddly enough anim8or is working fine on my system though... ( so far )
Been so long since i've even used anim8or it seems complicated LOL
ugh, guess im going to have to do the eggplant tutorial to remember it all
It looks like its possible to replace a graphics card on a laptop. Heres the instructions: . Disclaimer: I don't know if this works on all laptops