Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Mills on January 26, 2010, 06:12:21 am
In the quiet weeks after christmas, I decided to have a go at a short lego animation in the style previously used in TV adverts and currently on their website. It was also a way to remember how to build a variation of the standard model. I was reasonably pleased with the result, so here it is![/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube)
Rendered with v.95 scanline renderer, four lights and some VERY soft shadows. Total render time in the region of four days, can't be sure as I did it in pieces. C&C welcome!
Thanks for looking
Nice one.
Did you make the parts yourself?
It looks very difficult to do, I wouldn't know how to go about it.
Thanks, Indian8or. Yep, all modelled myself. It was a rare and pleasant opportunity to have the 'snap to grid' turned on throughout the modelling process!
Awesome job!! Is that second vehicle actually formed by all of the same bricks or did some disappear/appear when they all came together?
Either way, great job. It looks very professional.
Thanks, hiho. The second vehicle uses exactly the same pieces, there are no cheats in terms of sly additions / removals. There are a few dodgy overlaps, though, as I didn't quite have the patience to ensure none of them collided whilst reforming! Fortunately the questionable youtube movie quality helps hide that ;D
Very nice!!! Hah!!! The questionable youtube movie quality HAH!!! Good one!!
great work Mills, I'm impressed!
Excellent work Mills, clean modelling, precise materials and clever animation direction. Really professional work, makes me miss my huge Lego collection, in storage since 1980!
that was really really cool. great job all around
bravvo!!so very worthy of applause.
i must investigate snap to did that help in the making of your
first class animation?
Thanks guys! Ensoniq5 - Time for a renaissance, perhaps?! captaindrewi - Lego comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all the bricks ultimately conform to the same very simple grid. Having 'snap to grid' turned on in the gui throughout modelling (and assembling the models in the scene) made the processes as quick and easy as working with the real thing.
I think you should s end the link to steve and ask him to put it on the video page, it gets my vote
it give me an idea to make a video to teach children building something with Lego. But then the video needs to be slower.
nice work.
Very nice!!!! Everything about was professional. The rendering was well done ad the exploded view was perfect. I loved it!
tell you the truth, this looks directly out of a LEGO commercial. literally.
Wow... amazing!
Looks very professional!
just.. wow..
This kicks butt to the maximus.
Great job!!
You should actually send it to lego, just to see what they say.
Very cool. And I agree with Headwax, you should ask steve to post this on the anim8or website
Wow, that's outstanding. Very nice work.
I love lego -- nice work! ;)