Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: texel on January 17, 2010, 09:07:37 am
Ani2Pov v0.90 is available:
# Warning: This new version recquires the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable.
# Several bugs have been fixed for animated sequences export.
# Ani2Pov can now export Anim8or files to Ogre3D (.mesh and basic .material in XML format) and Irrlicht 3D (.irrmesh). Animations are not supported yet.
# Please read the manual.
# I can't do a lot of tests. Please report any bugs.
Ani2Pov can import files from:
# Collada ( *.dae )
# 3D Studio Max 3DS ( *.3ds )
# 3D Studio Max ASE ( *.ase )
# Wavefront Object ( *.obj )
# Stanford Polygon Library ( *.ply )
# AutoCAD DXF ( *.dxf )
# LightWave ( *.lwo )
# Stereolithography ( *.stl )
# AC3D ( *.ac )
# Valve Model ( *.smd,*.vta )
# Quake I ( *.mdl )
# Quake II ( *.md2 )
# Quake III ( *.md3 )
# Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( *.mdc )
# Doom 3 ( *.md5 )
# DirectX X ( *.x ).
# Quick3D ( *.q3d ).
# Irrlicht Mesh ( *.irrmesh ).
# Irrlicht Scene ( *.irr ).
# Neutral File Format ( *.nff )
# Sense8 WorldToolKit ( *.nff )
# Object File Format ( *.off )
# PovRAY Raw ( *.raw )
# Terragen Terrain ( *.ter )
# 3D GameStudio ( *.mdl )
# 3D GameStudio Terrain ( *.hmp )
Ani2Pov also converts .an8 files from Anim8or to:
# PovRay
# MilkShape3d (.ms3d and .txt)(with animations)
# SMD (Half-Life)(with animations)
# Collada (.dae)
# ASE (.ase)
# AC3D (.ac)
# VideoScape files (.obj)
# Ogre 3D (.mesh and basic .material in XML format)
# Irrlicht 3D (.irrmesh)
The link:
Cool, cool. Sorry to say but the only format I really intend to work with is the collada one, can't really test anything else unless I find a reason to.
I do not have a strong motivation to work on Collada.
Collada loaders in 3DS Max, Maya, Lightwave, ... have a lot of problems and i have never seen a good Collada viewer without bugs. Even the samples from the offical Collada web site have bugs.
Nevertheless i will try to add more features in the Collada exporter.
Ani2Pov v0.91 is available. It fixes some problems with weights of figures having several meshes.
Any bug report are welcome.
The next version will MAYBE be able to export animations of sequences to Collada
Awesome. If you do get that animation export stuff done for Collada, I'll be willing to actually start testing that feature in a game engine to see how it goes.
Great tool!
But: what's a xml file? I exported as ogre 3d
...what's a xml file?...
Extensible Markup Language:
How should I use it?
If you don't need to use it, then you shouldn't use it. But if you're making something with the Ogre 3D engine, then you should look up the documentation at or ask in their forums. It's obviously a programming-related question. I'm guessing you compile the xml file using the libraries in the engine.
Ogre 3D has its own file format for meshes, materials and skeletons.
This is a binary file format.
Because it's easier for exporters to export in ASCII (text file that you can "understand" with wordpad), and because the binary file format of ogre 3D can change at every new version (for optimizations). The creators of Ogre 3D have created an xml file format which will "never" change and which can be converted to the binary file format using a comand-line tool:
I'm making some project with ogre... I know what the .mesh format is but I didn't know about the XML format.
Can't you include the XML to mesh converter and frequently (auto-)update it?
an8freaky, i could directly export meshes to the binary file format, but it could take some time to learn how the file format works (and not easy to debug).
It's not a priority because the command line tool is available and it can convert xml to binary.
I am more interested in exporting the .skeleton for the time being (in xml).
I don't know if i can include the ogre mesh converter tool in Ani2Pov. I don't know if the source code is available and i don't know if its license allow me to do that.
You could also use ogre plugins to load other file format such as collada.
A plugin could also be done to directly load .an8 file in ogre (i have started to write one for Irrlicht. you can find it in the LibAn8 page).
Yeah I would really love a ogre anim8or import system!!! ;D