Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: GeniusAtWork on February 27, 2008, 09:35:17 pm
Hi ive just been looking at animation gallerys etc, and i am justwondering how you would make a simple room. I am just going to make a cube cut out a door and shell it then zoom inside but im just wondering if there is a specific way of doing it or an easyer or more effective way?
Chers. :D
As with most ANYTHING in life, there is more than one approach to any given problem. The more experience one has with various approaches to different problems, the more likely it is for one to determine the "easiest" approach to a new problem.
In short, experiment. If you don't obtain the results you're after, try something else.
By the way, the method you suggest is one valid approach. Try it and see.
Shelling is a good idea. But I had some weired experience with shelling. Anyway, as Rudy said, "Experiment"... That's the keyword.
Here is a tutorial of modelling a basic room in Anim8or. Have a look. (
;) K. thanks for the help.
That tutorial is nice, but I don't feel that making all the individual panels is necessary at all. Your method of shelling is fine. Of course, if you don't plan on having any camera outside the room, you don't have to shell at all. You can simply create a cube, delete a face, select all the faces then go "edit>flip normals" or press "shift + n" If you need things like windows and doors you can use the method they do in the tut, and just extrude the faces outwards as far as you want, then delete the middle face (unless you want it of course). That'd be my method.
Think about it...
What is a room?
A room is (at a basic level) 4 walls, a ceiling and a floor. 6 thin cuboids and you have yourself a room... no need for fancy stuff.
Though, as I said before, you want to flip the normals for the room. Otherwise, when looking from the inside of the room you'll be looking at the back of the faces and get very strange render results. So you just select all the faces of the cube mesh and press "shift + n" to flip the normals.
thanks for the info i needed help too...