Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: TheBlackHole on December 27, 2009, 12:48:56 pm

Title: HELP!!!!!!!
Post by: TheBlackHole on December 27, 2009, 12:48:56 pm
I'm trying to anim8 an explosion with morph targets. I don't know how to use morph targets and every tutorial I tried didn't actually tell me how to use them! >:( Please help! How do you use morph targets?! ??? :'(
Title: Re: HELP!!!!!!!
Post by: odp04y on December 27, 2009, 02:11:44 pm
To create new morph targets go to build=>morph targets=> new and enter a name for the morph target then make it by moving about the vertexes of your model.

To create a scene using the morphs import the object in scene mode then open the animation graph when the object is selected. You can then apply your morphs by doubleclicking the graph to add keys which you can then drag up to any value you want.
Title: Re: HELP!!!!!!!
Post by: hihosilver on December 27, 2009, 06:41:59 pm
Try downloading and using Terranim8or (
It's a very useful tool that will help create effects like fire and explosions in anim8or, and I think you would find it very useful here, as it would simplify your job a lot!
Title: Re: HELP!!!!!!!
Post by: johnar on January 02, 2010, 04:31:09 am
 This old video shows a very basic way of adding and using morph targets.

 As hihosilver has said, terranim8or is a good option.

  But if you are wanting to use anim8ors morph targets, for an explosion, i'm sure its possible.

 Your initial object would probly be the 'exploded' version, with all the little bits spread out. That would make it easier to add the target, which would be all the little bits moved into the 'unexploded shape'

 Then, when in scene mode, you would start with your object having a morph value of 1. (all joined 2gether)
 To make it explode, you would add a morph value of 0, which would open it up to the spread of your initial object. Then, by going into negative values, the little bits would spread further apart.

 I used that principle in 'Eart', when he blows up the inert star to create a solar system.

 Not that convincing, but the theory is there. :)
Title: Re: HELP!!!!!!!
Post by: TheBlackHole on April 11, 2010, 05:39:10 pm
It's been finished for a loooooong time now. I had tried the Terranim8or method, and it was too easy (but good!) and I wanted to challenge myself with a morph target explosion. I ended up going with Terranim8or for my project. I was making a planetary explosion.