Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Navek on December 12, 2009, 11:00:37 pm
Been doing some writing recently, and decided to use Anim8or to give myself a better "view" of what i've been imagining.
nice!! great idea too. liking the reflections of the last one, for some strange reason reminds me of "The labyrynth"
nice work. im just wondering about how you did the mesh (chain link fence looking things not the 3d term mesh) on the stairs and the windmill. is that transmapped or did u model it?
That would be a transmap, i tried modeling it originally but it took way too long for what i was trying to do. Heres the transmap and another pic that i used it in.
yea that looks like the easy route and it looks great on you renders. is ur book going to be an e book type deal or r u going to publish it? im kinda sorta working on one as well. i got about 80 pages or so into it then i kinda quick but i should pick it back up again. hopefully u finish yours
Good stuff, keep it going