Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: lucasfilmer on December 02, 2009, 04:27:09 pm
Can it be done??? it would really help if its possible to turn max or auto desk files into 3DS or ani. ???
The obviuos answer would be; open it in 3ds max and save it as .obj or .3ds file? I'll assume you don't have 3ds max than.. It is impossible.
You need 3d studio max.
i cant get 3d max studio i cant fnd it
i think if u go to the 3dmax website u get a free trial. so u can download that then load your 3ds files. then export them into what ever you want.
oh... okay i'll se what i can find. thanks ;D
There's also Gmax which is free. I can't be sure that it imports .max files and exports something like .obj's though. It's definitely worth looking into though.
Last time I used Gmax I recall it only exporting Gmax native files not traditional .obj, since it was never meant to be a full fledged 3dsmax.
My memory is a bit fuzzy on the subject, but I looked into this a few years back and at the time I had found a few options but they all required that 3DS Max be present on the computer. Making them more or less useless. Perhaps there are more options now?
Makes sense. Since 3ds max is the most developed of the programs, I would guess that a .max file would have many add-ons that can be used in projects not supported by other programs, including Gmax. It sounds like the best bet is 3ds max. You can get a 30-day trial of 3ds Max 2010, but otherwise it costs a bundle of money.
i found a free download on the 3DS max website (AKA Auto desk) and it is usless. im looking into Gmax right now. thanks for all the help so far. ;D :D