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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rellik420 on December 02, 2009, 01:49:52 pm

Post by: rellik420 on December 02, 2009, 01:49:52 pm
ive always wanted to make a badass car. so im going to attempt to make the famous mach 5. i never got into speed racer but its still a classic. i dont know if i will make the textures cartoony or not yet. but i got a low poly base for the car. then i started working on the steering wheel. i think i have it done. i might come back to it, im not sure yet. heres my 1st render. ill prolly post another 1 with diff angles and materials.

Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 02, 2009, 03:19:58 pm
this took 4ever to render. probably because of the transperancy. its a pretty low poly model.

its only the basic shape. ill make it look better some other time. im going to work on the interior and the wheels now.
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: lynn22 on December 02, 2009, 05:35:06 pm
When you next render your car remove the checker ground grid, that will speed it up a lot.

Nice car ;)
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 03, 2009, 04:14:23 pm
i had my aa set up high because i did a ao render. so im sure i can cut down the render time.

i have a question about the 3rd image. y would the shadows be like that on the "rim" of the steering wheel? and by rim i mean where u put your hands to turn.

there is just 1 infinite light.

it doesnt look right. ive really never messed with lighting before. but some1 here might be able to give me a heads up on y it would turn out like that.
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: hihosilver on December 03, 2009, 06:56:22 pm
My guess is that half of the faces normals are inverted.  In other words, the ones that have shadows on the side that's illogical, probably have flipped normals.  You'll be able to tell if you select those faces and the front of them appear blue.  To flip them, select them all and go "edit>flip normals"
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 05, 2009, 06:38:39 pm
im working on the interior. theres going to be alot of objects i think. but i think the way to do this is model things not to the finishng point. but good enough to fit everything in place. and once i have a good fit i can rework some of the objects. and i dont think ill use that base frame for the car i made. i think i will do that piece by piece as well. anyway here is where im at now. btw the hand break is there but it looks like a shadow. i dont think im going to use all black cause it doesnt show up that well. ill go for a lighter black.

edit: yea a lighter black looks better. this might b too light but it defenitly made a difference.
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 08, 2009, 07:02:00 pm
i made a little headway. i have some wireframes here too.
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on December 09, 2009, 11:25:04 am
Looks like it's coming along nicely! one crit is that the car body at the moment looks a bit too low poly compared to the rest.

And one question, what are the settings on that red material? i'm really attracted to that glossy / shiny look!
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: B++ on December 09, 2009, 12:29:24 pm
Ya, me too. Are they toon shading? um, just guessing though!!!???
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 09, 2009, 01:04:54 pm
ambient and diffuse are set to default. .3 and .7 and the res is 0.

i think im going to scrap the car model. i did that 1st. i kind of restarted it and im doing the interior then ill work from the outside.

at 1st i was going to get a base low polly model and work from there. but im going to do a higher poly model and kind of go inside out. i think i will do everything in sections like ill do the doors. then i will do the front of the car then the back. thanks for the comments.

btw i like the look of the materials too. i think the only texture ill make is the M on the front of the car. other than that everything ive seen on pics ive downloaded from the net are all solid colors.
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: B++ on December 13, 2009, 03:38:24 pm
I feel as if modeling a car is the most challanging task in 3d world. I also modeled some car with and without interior. But in Maya:P. if u want u can see here;
I had to compress the pictures to upload and save space. so picture quality are not good.
isoprog: is me:D

Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 13, 2009, 09:55:50 pm
good job on your car.

and this is way bigger task than i thought it would be. like i just tried to make a tire... thats a task in itself. i think i could do it differently. and if i cant fix it i probably will have to. anyways heres my tire.

edit: heres the wireframe
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: B++ on December 13, 2009, 10:29:13 pm
What else bigger task could be than this.
Very nice work.

Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 13, 2009, 10:41:59 pm
thanks i still need to fix it. i rounded it out better and not i have to mergw some points since i mirrored it. but heres another render i did subdivided and with ambient occlusion.

Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: hihosilver on December 14, 2009, 02:04:37 am
One of the best ways to create tires, is to create basically a tileable pattern in 3d.  Basically make the simple tread pattern that can repeat itself.  Then, copy/paste it however many times you want.  After that, use a bend modifier and bend it 360 degrees.  You can then merge the endpoints together since they should be perfectly on top of one another.  It will then be perfectly round!
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: B++ on December 14, 2009, 08:14:11 am
Thanks for the tip.
looks nicer and perfect. I like it very much.


Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: rellik420 on December 14, 2009, 09:49:33 am
ooooh. haha what i did was the exact same thing but i only bend it 90° then i copy/pasted the archs. yea thanks for that hiho
Title: Re: GO SPEED RACER!!!
Post by: fefe01 on February 09, 2018, 02:27:08 pm
Did i miss the final render of this car? I can't find it in this topic!