Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on November 17, 2009, 02:03:02 am
A part of a project in the works... Been awhile and have so little time to look at forums, etc...
Basic model design was mine... and details, treadwork, and texturing courtesy of EricAug...
While the model work is mostly in anim8or, our final animation will likely be in Carrara.
Note, the turret's texturing is pretty much "as shown," but the chassis and general lower areas are still being worked out, so the left/right mirroring is only temporary.
All I can say other than that is, EricAug, you are a true 3D wizard!
Awesome stuff Arik, seriously intimidating! What does it fire...Volkswagens?
wow.. nice style...
Nice work, it looks like a game model a bit.
I like the texturing style.. not much to crit at the moment, apart from some uv stretching on the side of the tank.
Looks like warhammer style.. I like it!
Thanks guys... Yup, this tank fires small commuter cars for bullets :P
Per the lyrics of the song, "My tank has a great big gun, firing bullets that weigh a ton!"
Simon, you're right on track (or tread?).... the tank had a fair amount of Warhammer influence. Eric and I actually pored over a lot of Warhammer tank models and things from the game "Metal Slug" as primary idea-sources.
As for the texturing and all, the turret is pretty much as you see it... but the body is facing some rework, as Eric wanted to relocate the turret to its current location in the image, and if it looked good, then give the final texturing make-over.
The next tank for this project will have a whole different look... stay tuned.
The occupants are in for a wild ride from the recoil of that big gun!
Ever see a Morser Karl in action?
Ever see a Morser Karl in action?
Ahem... The mass and footing behind a Morser Karl is MUCH more than your dinky tank!
That aside, it's a cool model!
hmmm... did you double-check the size of the hatch at the rear of the turret? Morser Karl maybe be more, but I have doubts as to being too much more... :P
Love it!
Cool model, and nice effect for the spotlights, how did you do that??
The work with the dark and misty spotlights was done using a program called Carrara. It is a pretty awesome effect, yup! Our final animation and all will be done in that program.