Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: lynn22 on November 08, 2009, 06:35:19 pm

Title: The Museum
Post by: lynn22 on November 08, 2009, 06:35:19 pm
After working all Summer on my 18th Century town I have now gone back to finishing my museum project which will be on my Xmas(card) CD.

The story : a boy takes a walk in the park, it starts to rain so he goes to the nearby museum for shelter.
Only it's not just an ordinary museum as he will find out for all kinds of "things" happen with the items on display. This is a good excuse for lots of animation work ;)

You can see a video clip of the boy entering the museum (
Enjoy :)

Previous images are here :
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: Indian8or on November 08, 2009, 11:56:49 pm
Nice work Lynn.  Good to see some animation from you after famous "choppin".

I have one question about the tree line in the park.  Are they meshes or just picture plates.  I gather from your earlier posts that you use Vue renderer for the vegetation it provides.

It is a nice work.  keep it up.

P.S:  I am working on an ambitious cenematic (in 3d max) and I need a tree line that would look realistic.
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: lynn22 on November 09, 2009, 06:16:38 am
Thank you Indian8or !

This animation is done entirely in Anim8or, modeling, texturing and rendering.
Vue is good for scene still images or camera animated walk-thoughs or fly pasts but it has no possibility for animating objects with bones.

The background is just a picture somewhat altered in Photoshop to match the foreground models. I made a dark one for the rain scene and a sunny one for at the end of the animation when the boy comes back outside.

For readers who wonder how, just add your image in Scene mode >Settings > Environment > select Image

Title: The Museum
Post by: FeentNaf73 on November 11, 2009, 11:43:24 am
can you please give us some guesses on what other swords would be in the Museum Collection please ?
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: johnar on November 14, 2009, 08:08:54 am
 Hi Lynn22, :)
 Got a couple of comments about the anim8ion.

 The door has a strange 'disconnected' moment as it is closing.
 I'm wondering if this could be the orientation and\or position key(s) that is/are responsible.
 Have you doubled the last keys, (position and orientation), and made the first keys of the closing movement 'corner' keys. ?
 If so, and you still have the same 'odd' movement, then it could possibly be the positioning of the doors' axis?

Does the boy seem just a tad too short compared to the door? (maybe not).
 Anyway, i really like the scene. The background treeline looks really good  and the rain looks gr8.
 How did you do that?
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: lynn22 on November 15, 2009, 03:18:23 pm
Hi Johnar and thank you for your comments, much appreciated.

As I said some time ago, unlike us, the people who will watch the animation do not sit with their nose to their screen while dissecting every frame as if it were a corpse on a lab slab. Instead, they sit back, relax, let "the film roll" and hopefully enjoy it and if they blink while this door closes they will miss it altogether ;D

The special effects are all made with ParticleIllusion, which is not free but well worth the money.
Another example is this still from an open fire animation, a sequence lasting quite some time while the fire tells its story.
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: sloGGan on November 15, 2009, 05:45:58 pm
How you make rain?
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: johnar on November 15, 2009, 07:01:25 pm
 Ok. Cool.  :)

 Sorry, i haven't seen much else of this project.
 I agree with what you say. ;)

Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: TheRetroZombie on December 04, 2009, 07:01:19 pm
nice animation. it looked like he was kinda limping there but great short.
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: onespirit5777 on December 09, 2009, 06:12:08 pm
You do really great work - Lots of time in room set up. I have one I'm working on, but had to take a little break from. I use anim8or to model in but use a different rendering program. I spend hours just on lighting.
Title: Re: The Museum
Post by: lynn22 on December 10, 2009, 04:56:46 am
Thank you onespirit5777, much appreciated.

For me, setting up lights never takes long as I tend to use 1 (sun)light for outside or 1 (ceiling)light for inside , i.e. I only use the number of light sources that you would have in real life. I only use an extra light for effect like in the fireplace pic to have the fire light show on the floor.

You have to take a break now and then else it will become too much and the project will never be finished  ;D

I finished the animation yesterday and it's 6 minutes long, I'll be burning CDs to send out today ;)