Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: clip-clobber on November 08, 2009, 03:17:24 pm
I apologise if these two anim8or animations fall foul of the posting-guide-lines re commercial posts, but I have got to give it a try ...
Hi folks,
Was the concept behind this project just fataly flawed, or have I gone about promoting it in the wrong way? One problem is that nearly all the sites do not allow commercial posts. Any feedback would be gratefully received.
The project the animations are trying to promote is at [Moderator edit: commercial link removed]
Hello clip-clobber,
I really like the animations, especially the first one. Did you create it all yourself?
As for your project... is actually one of the sites that do not allow commercial posts. Showing a commercial animation created in Anim8or is ok, but advertising a commercial site directly is too much.
... Commercial posts are not allowed unless they are something that Anim8or was used in the production of, and then only if the main point is to show the work.
Hi Kubajzz,
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, it is all my own work. The individual tracks for each of the characters on the soundtrack were created with Easy Music Composer, and then distorted using WavePad. Then the various tracks were combined via MixPad. The soundtrack was then combined with the anim8or .avi files using Windows Movie Maker. The same principle was applied to the teleprinter in the Freudian 4x4. The Major-Lactic animation came about as a result of attempting the Walk Cycle tutorial and deciding to do a March Cycle. It would be great to get some people registering at the site. At the moment it is a big fat zero. :(
hi Clip-clobber.. nice animations.. (a lot of work there..)
I think you need work in modeling your characters and apply a god textures.
I'm work in my web company and i see many portfolios of people ho like work in 3D.. (Any web designer have a Little 3ds in her portfolio). and i see a good future in your work...
" It would be great to get some people registering at the site. At the moment it is a big fat zero." you need (Really) make a better design.. if you like, i a new guy in my little business (Practicer) ho can make a good design for your site for free, only you need is Php and Mysql.
that is free, no span..
look in <- that is my company.
But you need work in yours model.. animation are Ok..
Hi Neodelito,
Thanks for your feedback. My approach from first contact with anim8or was to work my way through the entire process of completing a film, because I wanted the overview on the whole process that doing that would supply. So, yes, the figures and textures are very basic. As everything about it is basic, I think there is a consistency there that helps it hang together. I might be deluding myself though. I think that whether I try to get to grips with more advanced techniques depends on what it is I try to do next in animation. I may well seek your guidance, thanks.
As regards your offer of help with the website, I will send you a message as I do not want to conflict with the forum guidelines.