Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: ADSohr on November 07, 2009, 09:10:48 pm

Title: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 07, 2009, 09:10:48 pm
Hello everyone!

 This is my first post, and first animation project. I've been using Anim8or for about 8 months, and it is an amazing program! Thanks Steve!

 Basically the whole of this project's goal was to gain expierience in modeling and animation, as well as accuracy. The room is as realistic as I could get it, to represent to my actual room. The head is based on my own head.

Thanks to anyone who has made a tutorial!
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: rellik420 on November 08, 2009, 04:16:14 am
you got a nice room there. good job on the texturing as well as modeling. can we get a wireframe on the head? people alwasy say organic is the hardest and i can see why.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 08, 2009, 06:47:34 pm
thank you, most of my time went into texturing, measuring, and terrible modeling.  :P

theres a wireframe for subdivided and shaded lines for mesh

i do have one question.

the lighting in my room has been a pain, i got all the lighting ok when i was using scanline ::) but once i swiched to ART, everything got dark. now just making my lights brighter does not help but rather makes a big bright splotch on the floor. i've been messing with it for several days, have any suggestions?
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: hihosilver on November 09, 2009, 10:04:32 pm
Perhaps turning up the "ambient" values in the materials will help a bit.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 09, 2009, 11:04:02 pm
all-right, thanks for the tip, i'll experiment with the lighting, ambient levels, and light color till it looks right.

meanwhile, heres a couple of renders showing some of the details.

the whole room is animatable and i do have a flythrough animation set up.

just an anecdote of how bad of modeling i was doing earlier, i made a set of wire shelves that had 21,000 faces, but now i've reduced it to 3,100!

update 8:30 10/11/09

i worked long and hard and finally got all the lighting settings right. i saved, and then attempted to make it a bit better by closing the blinds(using a morph), and beveling the edges of the walls a bit, but now the lighting is all skewered, everything became dark.

anyone know why this happened? all of the settings are the same as the first one, only difference is the bevel and morph. unfortunately i noticed it after i had saved the changes i made but before the render came out bad

update 9:45 10/11/09

all is not lost!  ;D

i made a new file from a recent autosave, and just transfered the major settings over from the old file, so i have not lost much data, but it would still be nice to know what went wrong.

i backed it up to a thumbdrive as well  ;)

update 8:30 11/11/09

i rendered a large image with the latest lighting settings.

i know the floor texture is wrong and that the fan is not lit, but i don't know why, the lights are right there.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 11, 2009, 11:05:58 am
sorry for the double post, ran out of space for attachments.

here is an update on the person

added a body, colors, clothes.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on November 11, 2009, 12:58:12 pm
Great work for a first project! can't help with the lighting problem though, you could try using different types of light or render a movie with the light source moving. Might help you find out what's going wrong.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 11, 2009, 02:24:58 pm
thanks, it's been a learning expierience.

about the lighting issue, i've gotten around the aparent "ghost" in the middle of the room.

and for lighting the fan, i think i'll just add a spotlight shining up, just to give it some color

i'm most likely going to attempt to render the whole movie on friday, but i can barely render one frame, anim8or keeps locking up.

hopefully it will turn out all right
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: $imon on November 11, 2009, 02:34:50 pm
Nice and clean modeling on the room! I like the texturing too, quite realistic.

The human model really could use improvement.. but that is very hard to model so for 8 months into anim8or it really is good!

Great work, waiting for the animation!
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on November 11, 2009, 02:55:23 pm
thanks $imon

the textures are photo realistic, it took me days of taking pictures, editing pictures with GIMP(which i used to think was gimp, as in lame  :D not so much anymore), taking more pictures, etc.

the wood texture on the entertainment center was the hardest to make

what are some suggestions you have for making the person better?

and thanks for the compliments guys


i've been rendering the movie for the past few days averaging about 15 frames a day, i'm guessing it will take at least 18 more days to finish the rest of the remaining 560 frames


lost the file, and have no clue why, it was there one minute gone the next.

so i had to rebuild it from a prior save.

made a few changes, nothing big, but it does look different so i need to re-render the whole thing  :P

Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on January 04, 2010, 03:40:44 pm
i've made made many minor changes to lighting, hopefully it looks a bit more like my real room.

i also figured out the problem i had earlier with the blacked out walls. the normals were reversed on the black parts.

hopefully i'll be finished soon
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on February 05, 2010, 09:57:29 pm

i've been working on this project for about a year now, and to be honest i'm absolutely terrible at lighting. also i cannot render because i have a laptop and it is always moving, i don't have enough time to get in the render before i have to pack up and leave.

could i get someone to help please? mainly what i need is help improving the lighting and getting it rendered. i know it's quite a bit to ask. :-[
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: aemynzc on February 10, 2010, 05:21:24 am
that is an awesomely done room :)

i wish i could be bothered making something like that :P
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 12:15:56 am
This may be off topic, but is that PC game  sim city sociteties?
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on March 22, 2010, 09:05:39 am
that is off-topic, and yes, there is a PC game called Sim City Societies
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 09:56:42 am
I have that game, just was wondering though cause it looked like it. I like simcity 4 much better than societies. Thanks for answering  ;D
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on March 22, 2010, 10:51:34 am
Were you asking if this came from SC: Societies?
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 10:55:52 am
huh?, I was asking if that was simcity societies in the picture. Its a good picture by the way.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on March 22, 2010, 04:53:36 pm
No, this is not from Sim City.

This is my room, built from scratch in anim8or.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 07:00:31 pm
No, That's not what I'm saying.
In this picture you made,
On the desk there is a PC Game,
What is that game?
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on March 22, 2010, 09:24:31 pm
Oh, now I see what you are asking.

Yes, on the desk there are several games, one of which is SC: Societies, and if you look closely you can see that there are several CD cases on the rack beside it, one of them being Sim City 3000. The two other large boxed games are; Falcon 4.0: Allied Force, and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2.

I like minute details, which is why it has taken me so long to make this. I've put in some very small details that are really part of my life: SC3K(Sim City 3000) was one of the first PC games I ever had, and I learned alot about management and finances, things that can roll over ito the rest of life; in my room are all of the aircraft models i've made, each one has the same amount of detail in real life that I put into this representation of my room; The laptop; the boxes of LEGOs(not shown in this picture); and even the disney movie Bolt, which has been a major inspiration for my 3D and animation work, is shown in my room.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: cooldude234 on March 22, 2010, 10:05:55 pm
Mabe if you render a larger picture you can show more of the detail you have there. It looks ausome as is, I wanna see more!  ;D
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on March 22, 2010, 11:02:48 pm
I tried to make a few renders of the smaller details but Anim8or didn't feel like co-operating, so here are some that I already had.

Oh, and that image that you saw is not the latest and greatest, i'll re-upload a better render while i'm at it.

If anyone has any suggestions for improvement it would be great. I already know about the AA in the pictures, but these were just quick test renders.

1: The final rendering.  
2: The laptop seen on the desk (sorry for the low res)
3: Can you find Bolt? [hint: It is next to the TV]
4: A tank model that is in the animation, but not shown in any of these images.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 02, 2010, 07:20:45 pm
I think I will try to finish rendering this beast now. It has been too long in the making to just let this sit here. But it will take me a very long time. I hope to see my room finished within the year.  :P
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 02, 2010, 07:29:18 pm
Whoa, those renders look terrific, ADSohr. :D

I never noticed this thread until now.

Nice stuff.
Okay then, can't wait to see the final renders. :)
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 15, 2010, 08:46:42 am
Only 200 frames to go, I'm hoping it will be done over the weekend. I've been rendering for a week.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: Gyperboloid on July 15, 2010, 12:28:31 pm
When you are saying "have been rendering for a week" you mean, you have not turned off your computer for whole week? :P
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 15, 2010, 09:56:00 pm
Pretty much.  :D
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: bryananthonydgm on July 25, 2010, 10:49:30 am
Nice model. I admire that. I also like the texturing on your work. You also have a nice room there, but work more on the lighting :)
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 26, 2010, 08:51:43 am
Finally finished rendering! :P 

23 days at 300x400 AA144. ART render.

I have to do some postrender work, then I'll put it up here.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on July 26, 2010, 10:32:39 pm
Ah finally! That must have been a long wait for you haha. Cant wait to see it!!
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: CoriDavis on July 27, 2010, 10:45:22 am
yeah, you're amazing at this. My room is a mess, it wouldn't be very pleasent to animate, lol.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 27, 2010, 10:50:51 am
Yeah, my room is a mess too, I had to clean it before I could start.  :P
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 28, 2010, 10:24:19 pm
Grr... I made mistake, The laptop is too far back and clips through the desk. Already working on fixing it in post production. I removed everything in the room except the desk and laptop and things needed for proper lighting. I am rerendering, with alpha channel, all of the frames with the laptop in them. Then take the three images(original messed up render, desk render, and alpha channel) and use the alpha channel to remove the border from the fixed desk render, then overlay the fixed desk over the original. I takes me about 2 minutes per frame over 300+ frames... :P Time to practice perserverence.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on July 28, 2010, 11:48:38 pm
Oooh thats gotta hurt :P if I were you i'd render the thing in opengl mode (if you can) and check for errors in that first to save your self a lot of time.

All this waiting is making me want to see it even more! lol
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: dwsel on July 29, 2010, 04:27:28 pm
Alpha compositing 300 frames by hand?  :o
In your position I'd use compositing software.
These free ones are IMHO worth to have a look at:
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 29, 2010, 05:01:25 pm
Thanks for the suggestion. Save me quite a bit of time I hope.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 29, 2010, 05:19:55 pm
Can you show me basically how to do what I am trying to do  in virtual dub? It takes me a little while to get used to programs and I would like to finish this up.  :-[
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: dwsel on July 29, 2010, 05:40:06 pm
As I understood you have rendered this as a single frames. You can use VirtualDub to split or join your animation into parts starting with matching frame numbers, like for example base_frames25-80.avi, mask_frames25-80.avi, laptop_frames25-80.avi (avoid hard or better any compression). Then use wax 2.0 - import these 3 animations put the 'base' on the first layer, 'mask/matte' on the second with multiply blending mode (considering it's black shape of laptop on completly white background - if not use invert filter in VirtualDub first before importing) and the 'laptop' (laptop shape on the black background) on third layer with additive blending mode on top. Render the whole thing - if animations are matching with the size and time you shouldn't get halos around the moving shapes.

I know and I can give help how to work with these two programs. Other names I posted seems to be valuable too, but I haven't had time to investigate them further.

If you have any more questions - write here or PM me. I'll reply ASAP when I'll be available.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 29, 2010, 05:48:42 pm
Ok, thanks for the quick reply.

One last question about the compiling these together: In my renders all I want is to edit the area of the laptop, but my render is of the entire desk, so if i were to simply overlay them it would cover up the shelves, games, and other random stuff that is on the desk. Is there any way to not cover those things up?
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: dwsel on July 29, 2010, 06:05:52 pm
You can render the shape of the stuff on desk (black on white background, rendering shadows of shapes would help as well), multiply resulting sequence with desk object sequence - render to separate file, and multiply with desk matte sequence - render to separate animation. Then proceed as I described above using resulting desk and matte and it should be fine.

So far with this method I got this. And yes... Objects are hidden behind the desk ;) With additional matte you should work it out.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 30, 2010, 02:46:19 pm
I'm just going to be REALLY lazy  :P

I cut out the rest of the desk, including the little bit on the left side where the deskframe covers it. So now I should be able to just paste over the original and be done, no extra editing I hope. The only problem I can see is when the laptop opens it will show as soon as it passes the desk. I'll post this latest fix render, it's alpha, and the original as soon as it they are all finished rendering(only a few hours for the fix), so you can see what I'm talking about.

One thing I noticed is the light got dimmed in that process, any fixes for that? or should I just edit it out in GIMP before I merge them into AVI?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it would be useful to use the alpha channel to make the background of the fix render transparent, then overlay the fix over the original. I just do not know how to do this in the new programs. I'll read the manuals.

I found a good tutorial for wax that will help.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: dwsel on July 30, 2010, 05:54:25 pm
One thing I noticed is the light got dimmed in that process, any fixes for that? or should I just edit it out in GIMP before I merge them into AVI?

Make sure that your matte is mostly pure black and pure white (for solid objects in your scene), gray shades may cause darkening or lightening. You may also try different blending modes. In Wax I had a problems with opacity settings other than 100% for other than normal blending modes (I don't know if it was intended). Of course it should be fixable in postpro too...

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it would be useful to use the alpha channel to make the background of the fix render transparent, then overlay the fix over the original. I just do not know how to do this in the new programs. I'll read the manuals.

I'm not sure about if it's available in Wax, especially without plugins or other workarounds. It should be possible if your overlaying movie is in 32 bit mode (24 bit for RGB and 8 for Alpha), but I'm not sure how to create one, at least I haven't tried that yet. Overlaying static or moving image would be easier because PNG with alpha or GIF would do the job.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 30, 2010, 06:52:31 pm
Make sure that your matte is mostly pure black and pure white (for solid objects in your scene), gray shades may cause darkening or lightening. You may also try different blending modes. In Wax I had a problems with opacity settings other than 100% for other than normal blending modes (I don't know if it was intended). Of course it should be fixable in postpro too...
Ok, I just quickly removed the lights in GIMP really quick, but I'll keep that in mind when I try out Wax more in other projects.

I'm not sure about if it's available in Wax, especially without plugins or other workarounds. It should be possible if your overlaying movie is in 32 bit mode (24 bit for RGB and 8 for Alpha), but I'm not sure how to create one, at least I haven't tried that yet. Overlaying static or moving image would be easier because PNG with alpha or GIF would do the job.
Hmm... Now I see that there are two different possible aproaches to this; having a background with holes cut out and the foreground moves behind it, or the foreground has transparent areas and floats over the background.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on July 31, 2010, 02:55:51 pm
I've figured out the process you described and I've followed it, but there are just too many places where it messes things up. I'm thinking that the only way I'm going to get everything to look exactly right is to just completely re-render the whole scene again. I could just render the parts where the laptop shows and delete all non-neccessary objects from the scene(entertainment center, bed, shelves), which would cut down the render time alot.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on August 12, 2010, 11:47:11 am
The whole things is now finished. I'll try to put it on You-tube tonight.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: CoriDavis on August 12, 2010, 12:15:10 pm
Yay! I can't wait to see it!
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on August 12, 2010, 03:17:01 pm
Here it is!

Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: CoriDavis on August 12, 2010, 03:30:19 pm
wow! that was cool! but I didn't see you
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on August 12, 2010, 03:47:04 pm
I never got around to making me. Theres a bunch of pictures of the model I made somewhere in this thread, but they really don't look like me.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: CoriDavis on August 12, 2010, 04:07:08 pm
oh, ok I see. when i'm done with my project I was really excited to make a model of myself, mainly for a movie I was planning to make.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: NeonFalcon on August 17, 2010, 03:05:20 am
i saw the movie........i fell down.......and DIED AND THEN REBORNED...........oh man i couldnt believe it was anim8or.......
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: Hugos on August 17, 2010, 07:19:44 am
Here it is!

Hello ADSohr,

Wow! What a great work! Really very impressive, may I ask you how long it takes to creat a clip like that?

Regards, Hugos.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on August 17, 2010, 08:17:29 am
It took me about a year to make this. I'm estimating that I spent at about 2000 hours of time in the modeling, texturing, animation, and lighting.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: CoriDavis on August 17, 2010, 11:51:00 am
omg! a whole year? I almost have everything I need for my project and i've only been working on it for a few weeks. I guess mine's a bit simpler
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: ADSohr on August 17, 2010, 11:57:08 am
I'm a perfectionist.  :D
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: NickBFTD on August 17, 2010, 01:28:12 pm
Looks great, a year ? sounds just like me.
Title: Re: me in my room
Post by: davdud101 on August 18, 2010, 06:15:15 pm
ADSohr, one thing... PIXAR QUALITY!!! That was very good! I'm impressed!