Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on November 03, 2009, 06:59:38 pm
I was just wondering whether or not there was a way to export textures to blender along with a 3ds model.
I find it impossible at the moment to texture in blender and am trying to create a simple game using anim8or models in the game engine.
Does anyone know of an easy way to do so? I've tried re-applying the textures in blender to no avail, all I get is a blank model... any help please?
Atached is a render (yes the roof texturing is CRAZY)
And the model with related files in a .zip file.
Sorry if this is written with bad grammar or anything like that, for some reason I had to repost it after writing it once before so... my brain is a little tired.
I don't know how blender works but when I build my houses in Anim8or for export in 3ds and use in Vue I start by putting the textures in the appropriate Vue directory and pull them from there to texture in Anim8or.
When I then import the 3ds model Vue knows where the textures are and applies them correctly.
Maybe the same might work in blender ;)
Good idea, i'll give it a try, and if that doesn't work, I guess i'll just have to learn how to texture in the blend :P
When you export a model from anim8or in the .3ds format to blender only the material reference will be exported not the actual texture. So you would have to reassign the texture files to the correct node in blender once you import it. Hopefully you gave the material settings in anim8or good names.
ah... lol thanks for the help.
just in case it helps, each side uses a different texture applied to those faces.
Also before you export the model from anim8or you might want to change the ambient colors on all the materials. That way when you import to blender you won't just see a grey mesh and you can see which texture goes to which material setting.
Thanks for the help guys, been playing around myself and came up with a method...
Just in case I ever forget i've created this tutorial to help myself, only explains how to texture a single plane but it helps me :)
Could somebody try it out just to make sure i've explained it correctly?
Uploaded to mediafire, not the best quality because it was made quickly:
My mistake, that method works for rendering... In game mode for some reason it repeats four times...
You have to add a UV map to your model. You need an external program like Lithunwrap to do that. well actually Blender does it, but I know that Lithunwrap is easy to use, and I think that Blender is a bit more complicated.
But you can't start texturing in Anim8or without a UV map.
ive alwasy used uvmapper. and its kind of a pain to do (when you dont know what your doing) but basically you have options on how to view your wireframe. and from my research (even though i dont have much 1st hand experience) you need to split yout model up into peices. like head body arm hands legs feet. etc. i dont think it would b that hard to do ( just copy and past and delete all but arms legs etc.) ask neo how he does it cause im curiouse as well.
you have box sphere planar and a bunch of other stuff you have to look at. im not sure "what works best" but i think its up to you and your model. if you can see it better 1 way than another then do it whatever way looks better to you.
once your in the program (i think it works this way with all of them) you need to export your model in that program with your uv cords. or just your your cords on your model. it might take a few times but i think you will get it.
sorry for the confusion cause im as confused as u r. but i hope this helped